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ONLF Suspect Detained For Recent Grenade Attack On Police In Bossaso

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Bosaso: Nin loo qabtey qarax

2 Nov 2, 2009 - 1:24:01 PM


Qof Bam gacmeed ku tuurey xarun Boolis oo ku taala magaalada Bosaso ayaa waxaa caawa gacanta ku dhigey ciidamada Booliska.


Saldhigaan oo lagu magacaabo Minjir oo ku yaala xaafadda Biyo-kulule ayaa wararku shegayaan in qofkaan la qabtey iyo mid kale oo baxsadey tuureen Bamkaan sababey in taliyaha saldhiga dhaawac fudud kasoo gaaro.


Lama oga dadka ka dambeeya qaraxaan xili ciidamada amniga adkeeyeen amaanka goobaha muhiimka ah ee magaalada Booliska.


Sarakisha Boliska oo la hadley Garowe Online ayaa sheegaya in dhacdoyinkan ay la xiriirinayaan markii ciidamada amniga ay dhowaan qabteen Afar qof ee lala xiriirinayo ururka ONLF.


Dhinaca kale warar aan la xaqiijin ayaa Garowe Online u sheegay in qofka la qabtey uu kasoo jeeda dadka ka yimid gobolada Somalida Ethiopia kuwasoo ganacsi iyo degaan balaaran ku leh magaalada Bosaso.


Saldhiga lagu tuurey Bamka ayaa ku yaala xaafad ay maamuladii hore ee Puntland ka rimin jirey aysan ku guuleysan furidda saldhiga taasoo maamulka cusub hirgaliyey.



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Dhinaca kale warar aan la xaqiijin ayaa Garowe Online u sheegay in qofka la qabtey uu kasoo jeeda dadka ka yimid gobolada Somalida Ethiopia kuwasoo ganacsi iyo degaan balaaran ku leh magaalada Bosaso.

"Warar aan la xaqiijin" is the calling card of liars and propagandists.


they are trying to justify the torture and murder of the young man they locked up.


by searching for justification after the fact.

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^You're too paranoid kid.


The section you quoted doesn't justify 'the torture and murder of the young man they locked up' or anything else in that matter. They are just stating the identity of the person in custody with unconfirmed report. It's the Garooweonline of all the PL media.

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^ is that so ?


Sarakisha Boliska oo la hadley Garowe Online ayaa sheegaya in dhacdoyinkan ay la xiriirinayaan markii ciidamada amniga ay dhowaan qabteen Afar qof ee lala xiriirinayo ururka ONLF.

did you read this part of the article ?


son, you either have a comprehension problem or you are just acting dumb

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Isimada, Aqoonyahanada, dhalinyarada- beelaha Rer Bicidyahan ee ku nool caalamka oo idil oo soo saaray baaq cambaareyn ah oo k wajahan maamulka Puntland.


Ku: Shacabka reer Somali Galbeed/Ogadeeniya


Ka: Isimada, Aqoonyahanada, dhalinyarada- beelaha Rer bicidyahan ee ku nool caalamka oo idil.


Ka dib markii ay cadaatay, oo aan aragnay dhibaatada loo gaysnayo maalin kasta Shacabka Soomaaligalbeed ama ********iya, islamarkaana xabsiyada dhexdooda lagu dilay allaha u naxariistee C/laahi Xasan Cali iyo dhalintii kale ee la socotayna aan la’aqoon halka ay maanta nolol iyo Geeri ay ku suganyihiin, islamarkaana masuuliyiinta ugu sareysa maamulka puntland ay ka qirteen meel fagaare ah, ayna ugu hanjabeen, iyadoo la wada ogsoonyahay, in maanta maamulka puntland dhaqaalaha ugu badan ee soo gala ay uga yimaadeen Deegaanka Soomaligalbeed ama ********iya.


Waxaana wali shacabka soomaaligalbeed ama ********iya ka dhexguuxaya ama ay xasuusanyihiin dhibaatadii maamulkii puntland uu u gaystay 04/22/2008, halyeeyadii u dagaalamayey xoriyadooda, diintooda, maalkooda, sharaftooda, loogu gacan galiyey Ethopia si barer ah, waa Maxamed Axmed Caafi (Dhiirre) iyo Cabdi Nuur Maxamed Sooyaan oo ahaa dad Soomaaliyeed,una dhashay gobolka Soomaligalbeed, aan ogaanay in ragaasi si fool xun gacanta ethopia loogu galiyey, iyadoo ay noqotay waddada loo soo maray masuuliyiinta hore ee puntland Xilligaas oo hogaaminayey Gen. Cade muuse.


Markii aan qiimaynay, sida ay u dhacday dhacdadii foosha xumayd ee Rag u dhashay dalka Soomali Galbeed loogu Gacan galiyey Maamulka Dalka Ethopia iyo qaarna xabsiyada lagu laayey, qaarna la’la’yahay,


Markii aanu eegnay waxa shareecada islaamku ay ka qabto in Qof Muslim ah loo gacan galiyo Gacan Gaalo oo dagaal kala dhexeeyo, lagana gacansado jirkiisa, iyadoo laga raadinayo Mansab iyo Mamuusid Gaalo lagu raali galinayo, markii aanu eegnay shacabka ay ka dhaxayso wada dhalashada, soomalinimada, Diinta, afka somaliga, ganacsiga in la doonayo in laga dhex huriyo colaado sokeeye, markii aan eegnay wax maalin kasta ka dhacaya gayiga puntland ayna geysanayaan madaxda puntland, shacabkuna aysan wax jirnixida samaynayn.


Waxaan ka soo saarnay Qodobadaan hoos ku xusan


1. Waxaan Cambaaraynaynaa oo aan ka xunahay in maanta xabsiyada Deegaanada puntland lagu dhex laayo, mawaadiniin u dhalatay Gobolka Soomaaligalbeed ama ********iya.


2. Waxaan kaloo Cambaaraynaynaa, oo ka xunahay in Mawaadiniin soomaaliyeed ee u halgamaya dalkooda, dadkooda, diintooda, sharaftooda, in loo gacan galiyo dowlada saliibiyiinta ah, war miyeydaan eegeyn, Soomalinimadii, Muslinimadii, walaaltinimadii, wadda dhalashadii ay wadaageen Deegaanka puntland iyo kan soomaligalbeed?


3. Waxaan Tacsi u diraynaa dhamaan shacabka reer Soomaligalbeed, gaar ahaan, waxaan si gaar ah tacsi ugu diraynaa eheladoodii iyo qaraabadoodiiba, xaasaskii iyo caruurtoodii, halgamayaashii ku dhex shahiiday xabsiyada puntland ee sida xaqdarrada ah loogu dilay.


4. Waxaan maamulka Puntland ku canbaaraynaynaa ugana digaynaa inay shacabka walaalaha ah ee ay ka dhaxayso, walaaltinimadu, darisnimada, ganacsiga, wadda dhalashada, muslinimada, ee walaalaha aysan ka dhex abuurin colaad sokeeye, waxaana ogaataan in maanta aad ka dhex abuurteen colaad aan waligayd dhamaanayn.


5. Waxaan Ugu baaqayaa walaalaha muslimiinta ah, ee u halgamaya inay dalkooda ku dhaqaan diinta islaamka, islamarkaana ka xoreynaya kuwa u shaqayna cadowga diinta, inay u gurmadaan sidii maamulka puntland ay ula wareegi lahaayeen.


6. Waxaan Masuuliyiinta ****-******ka ah ee puntland ugu baaqaynaa inay xilka iska casilaan, oo ay ka horwareegaan umada nabada jecel ee reer puntland, madaama ay ku fashilmeen masuuliyadii loo igmaday, ayna iibsi ku bilaabeen shacabkooda.


7. Maamulka Puntland waxaa ugu baaqaynaa inay si degdeg ah u siidaayaan Nabadoon C/casis Maxamud Yusuf (Afgaduud), oo markii uu xaqa sheegay lagu xiray.


8. Waxaan ugu baaqaynaa shacabka Gobolka ********iya ama Soomaaligalbeed, inay israacaan oo ay u guntadaan inay walaalahooda u jiray xoraynta dalka inay lagarab istaagaan Naftooda, maalkooda, dhiigooda, sababtoo ah maanta waa maalin u baahan in aan lakala harin, markii cadowgii batay.


9. Waxaan ugu baaqaynaa dhalinyarada reer bicidyahan inay u istaagaan sidii ay ula dagaalami lahaayeen, Xabashida iyo raga la halmaala, ayna uga mid noqon lahaayeen, Raga u taagan xoraynta dalkooda.



Waxaan umada soomaaliyeed la socodsiinaynaa in beelaha reerbicidyahan ay aad uga xunyihiin falkii foosha xumaa ee puntland ay ugu gacan galisay ethopia qaar ka tirsan dhalinyaradii laga qabtay dekada bosaso, qaarna lagu laayey xabsiyada puntland.


Wabilaahi Towfiiq.


Afhayeenka Beelaha Reer bicidyahan

Eng. Maxamed Axmed Abdalla


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I don't understand why President Faroole is not attacking the media campaign that is against him. Right now the enemies of Puntland have attached themselves to these stories and are running with it. I've seen Garoweonline attack and find excuses for so many other new articles that were against them, but it seems this whole ONLF and prisoner death stuff has gone unaddressed. The attacks in bosasso are quite small right now but if the government continues to keep quiet the anger may start to grow. It seems that the government is not taking this propoganda serious. Propoganda from those that use to support the ICU and those from NW Somalia. President Faroole has attacked other media outlets before who were nothing compared to the storm that is growing right now. He needs to really address this situation and investigate this death or dispute it. The Puntland website is not in use, Garoweonline hasn't reported much, I am not sure what is going on in the government but there's no time to waste. People will start believing the lies that our enemies are reporting.

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Kamel herder: Took you twice to get the right section to quote. Still not clear where does it speak of torture or murder justification of suspects in police custody. It says the police linked the suspects with the four alleged ONLF army members. What torture and murder you see in the article? You must believe GOL is part of a government conspiracy?


Let the criminal legal system take its course.

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I am saying that I haven't found any Puntland websites that have reported the deaths. I only see certain sites who are anti-Puntland doing so. And that President Faroole needs to understand that he needs to address the rumours that are being spread before they get out of hand. Stories like this whether true or false can snowball and public anger can turn to violence. The president needs to to attack the media with media, which he has shown he can do. So he must first address the alleged jail death immediately.

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Originally posted by ThankfulSP:

I don't understand why President Faroole is not attacking the media campaign that is against him. Right now the enemies of Puntland have attached themselves to these stories and are running with it. I've seen Garoweonline attack and find excuses for so many other new articles that were against them, but it seems this whole ONLF and prisoner death stuff has gone unaddressed. The attacks in bosasso are quite small right now but if the government continues to keep quiet the anger may start to grow. It seems that the government is not taking this propoganda serious. Propoganda from those that use to support the ICU and those from NW Somalia. President Faroole has attacked other media outlets before who were nothing compared to the storm that is growing right now. He needs to really address this situation and investigate this death or dispute it. The Puntland website is not in use, Garoweonline hasn't reported much, I am not sure what is going on in the government but there's no time to waste. People will start believing the lies that our enemies are reporting.


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Originally posted by ThankfulSP:

I am saying that I haven't found any Puntland websites that have reported the deaths. I only see certain sites who are anti-Puntland doing so. And that President Faroole needs to understand that he needs to address the rumours that are being spread before they get out of hand. Stories like this whether true or false can snowball and public anger can turn to violence. The president needs to to attack the media with media, which he has shown he can do. So he must first address the alleged jail death immediately.

You seem a little confused here. Are you claiming the jail death story is not true?

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Thankful, you must know Somali's are a very small community and it is not difficult to know what happened. Why Faroole and his media are not refuting the story is because it is true.

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Originally posted by ThankfulSP:

And that President Faroole needs to understand that he needs to address the rumours that are being spread before they get out of hand.

The same thing he addressed the four boys ,, denying the whole thing then admitting it later ??

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I am not saying the jail death is true or false. I just haven't heard anything from the websites I consider reliable. If it is true, President Faroole must announce that he has ordered a investigation and that if their is any criminal wrong doing those involved will be punished.


President Faroole cannot remain silent while media outlets are spreading these stories, he must address them a.s.a.p. He's taken different actions in the past and I don't understand why garoweonline and the puntland website isn't being used as it has been in the past.


The same thing he addressed the four boys ,, denying the whole thing then admitting it later ??

Is that the truth our your own spin? The rumours and news first said the men were arrested and sent to Ethiopia remember how that was the first story? Now the same people and media are saying, no he was never sent but was killed in Bosasso. So of course denying they were sent to ethiopia is the truth.

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