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Qardho: Two Clans On Stand-By For War

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Puntland oo ciidamo u dirtay gobolka Karkaar oo laga cabsi qabo iska-horimaad beeleed.



Qardho, Dec 04 - Xaalad kacsanaan ah oo aad u xooggan ayaa laga soo sheegayaa magaalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar, taasi oo siweyn looga dareemaya gudaha iyo daafaha magaalada Qardho saacadihii ugu danbeeyey.


Xaaladdaan oo ah mid colaadeed ayaa ka danbaysay kadib markii dhawrkii todobaad ee ugu danbeeyey gudaha magaalada Qordho ay ka dhaceen falal dil ah oo badankooda lala beegsaday saraakiil ka tirsan dawladda Puntland, dilalkaasi oo la sheegay in ay salka ku hayeen aanooyin qabiil.


Dilkii ugu danbeeyey waxaa uu dhacay saakay aroornimidii hore, waxaana lagu dilay askari ka tirsan ciidanka ammaanka ee dawladda Puntland bartamaha magaalada Qordho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar taasi oo xaaladda cirka ku sii shareertay.


Dilalkaan oo dhammaantood ku biyo shubtay aanooyin qabiil muddana soo jiitamayey, kana dhaxeeya labo beelood oo wada deggan magaalada Qardho iyo deegaannada kale ee hoos-yimaada ayaa haatan isku baddelay waji kale oo qarka u saaran in uu dhaco dagaal ka fool ka fool ah.


Labada beelood ee ay ka kala dhax-dheceen dilalkii magaalada Qardho ayaa la sheegay in ay bilaabeen hub iyo uruursi melleyshiyaad, taasi oo ka socda isla gudaha magaalada Qardho waxaana xaaladdu qarka u saaran tahay isku dhac dhaxmara labadaasi beelood.


Dawladda Puntland oo ka duulaysa sidii uusan u dhaceen iska-horimaad hubaysan ayaa halkaasi u dirtay ciidamo aad u tiro badan oo iskugu jira bileys, daraawiish iyo ciidamada gaarka ah ee u tababaran illaalinta hay’adaha ee PSU, kuwaasi oo ka kala tagay magaalooyinka Garoowe iyo Boossaaso waxaana haatan la tilmaamayaa qaarkood in ay gaareen magaalada Qardho isla markaana ay bilaabeen kala dhaxgalka beelahaasi.


Dhanka kale mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dawladda Puntland oo iskugu jira golayaasha dawladda, issimo, nabadoono, culumo aw-diin iyo waxgarad aad u tiro badan ayaa isna la sheegayaa in ay ku siijeedaan magaalada Qardho si ay xiisadda u qaboojiyaan.


Horay halkaasi waxaa ugu sugnaa mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dawladda iyo waxgarad kale oo uu ka mid yahay m/weynihii hore ee Puntland Gen. Cadde Muuse, kuwaasi oo in muddo ah ku hawllanaa dajinta xasaradda ka dhax aloosan labadaasi beelood, hase ahaatee kuma aysan guulaysan xaaladda in ay afka ka guntaan.


Dhawr jeer oo hore ayaa falal dil iyo dhaawicid iskugu jira ay ka dhaceen gudaha magaalada Qardho, kuwaasi oo sababay halkaasi in ay gaaraan mas’uuliyiinta sar sare ee dawladda Puntland, hase ahaatee waa markii ugu horraysay oo uu soo baxo shaki ku saabsan dhicitaanka dagaal ka fool ka fool ah.


C/fitaax Cumar Geeddi,

Idaacadda Daljir.

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I was speaking about this issue recently regarding the two clan families beef which is escalating to an all-out battle.


The issue is related to an 8 year old girl who is apparantely been killed and the culprit was not handed over by the specific clan family elders.


This resulted in a few revenge killings of the offending clan in qardho. Now both clans are on stand-by as issues are escalating.


This clan beef between reer waciye-qardho clan families. The issues in Bossaso are inter-related also. The reer waciye families are using hand-grenades in Bossaso to cause instability.


If this issue is not solved as I suggested a couple of days ago, it's going to result into a confrontation.


President Farole needs to step up and do a similar reconciliation conference as he did a couple of weeks ago between two other bari clan families.


A model such as that would be suitable and exchanging criminals from both clans for the sake of peace.


Tudo's for now.

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Hmm interesting development but I don’t think faroole can handle this galkacyo not safe bossaso not safe haday qardho ku soo biirto I don’t know what faroole will do

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Cowke, please stop presenting your opinions as facts.


The gernade attacks are not from Puntlanders, why would they be bombing cinema's that have ethiopians in them? Why would they purposely attack soldiers at a check point. Those attacks are done by the savage murders Al-Shabaab, this is the group that has said they will not stop the their attacks until all foreigners are out of the country. So, these targeted attacks are not being done by Puntlanders!!! And don't tell me someone guy on Paltalk told you about something that was going to happened and it ended up happening. Did you ever think (if this guy even existed) that he might be trying to blame someone else???


I can't say for certain but from what I am hearing, this has to do with a checkpoint from a while back where someone was killed, and their is tension. Right now they arrested like 21 guys from both sides and the murders just fled to area's of Somalia most likely Hargeisa. No war is going to take place, these people are brothers.

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Dilkan wuxuu ku bilowdey kadib markii lagu diley Col. Haykal Cali Hiirad (from Waciye)lagu diley Qardho. Dadka reer Waciye oo wax ka dega magaalada Qardho ayaa waxaa dhacdey iney aargoosi bilaabaan magaalada Gudaheeda ay dad ku dileen. Arintan Allaha kala qaboojiye dhex martey labada beelood oo walaalaha ah.

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ThankfulSp, thank you for input bro however the stories of shabab is to scare puntlanders. Grown Men know better!!!

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^^^Stop chatting rubish you are as fake as your posts. Insha Allah the people of Qhardo & the rest of Puntland won't fall to the idiotic delusions of thier enemies regardless of the situation.

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Originally posted by Cowke:

Koora, sax that is the way i understand it also.

WAAW WAAW. Somalidu waxay tiraahda hadaad beensheegayso wax u eg ayaa la sheega. sxb Waa run in Col Haykal Cali Hiirad Qardho lagu dilay asago kala celinaaya laba beelood oo walala ah oo qardho wada dega laakiin waa been in Beesha haykal iyo beel kale oo qardha degtaa ay is hayaan.


Waxa is haya waa hal beelood oo wada dega qardho. ie Cade muse beeshiisa.


Waxaa kalo wax lala yaaba ah in Mr Cawke yidhi besha waaciye ayaa dad wax ku turtureysa Bosaso.Ma waxaad ka xishootay Mr Awaare alle ha u naxariiste waxaa loo dilay anada qabiil ee besha dhexdeeda ka socota ayaa loo dilay. ummm. Walahi I dont want you to drag me into your level but if I was you Wuxuun ayaan iskula harli laha.

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