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The President accepts the Parliments decision and names Geedi as PM once again...



Somali president agrees to nullify cabinet 2004-12-13 03:35:19


NAIROBI, Dec. 12 (Xinhuanet) -- Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed on Sunday accepted the parliament's decision to ouster the prime minister and nullify the cabinet, according to a senior Somali official in Nairobi.


Yusuf will name a new prime minister, most possibly the just ousted Ali Mohammed Ghedi again, in the near future and submit it to the parliament for approval, said the official.


The Somali parliament on Saturday passed a motion against the new prime minister and his cabinet, accusing Yusuf of violating article 49 of the transitional constitution because the new cabinet was sweared in without being submitted to parliament for approval.


A total of 153 members of the 275-member transitional parliament voted against Ghedi, who was appointed on Nov. 3.


However, those who voted for the motion were not against the president and the prime minister themselves, the official said, adding that they are not satisfied with the makeup of the cabinet.


Ghedi announced members of his new government in Kenyan capitalNairobi on Dec. 1 moving a substantial step toward ending the 13-year civil war in the Horn of Africa country.


Somalia has been without an effective government since 1991 when the regime of Mohamed Siad Barre was toppled, following whichthe country plunged into anarchy and factional violence. Since then, conflicts and famine have killed hundreds of thousands of people in Somalia.


Under the auspices of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development, which groups Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda and Somalia, the Somali National Reconciliation Conference began in October 2002 in the western Kenyan town of Eldoret, and was moved to Nairobi in February 2003.


As a result of the conference, Somali Transitional President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was inaugurated on Oct. 14 this year in Nairobi. Enditem


Source: Xinhuanet, Dec 12, 2004

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Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf oo soo dhaweeyay Kalsooni kala noqashadii Baarlamaanka Xukumaddii Cali Maxamed Geeddi.


Warar goor dhaw naga soo gaaray Magaalada Nairobi ee Xaruunta KMG ee Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed inuu ogolaaday Go'aankii Baarlamaanka gaaray 11 bishan ku gaaray kadib markii uu kalsoonida kala noqdeen xukumadda Cali Maxamed Geeddi.


Iyadoo horey u soo baxeen warar sheegay in Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ka soo horjeestay go'aanka Baarlamaanka kalsooni kala noqoshaha Xukumadda ayaa haddana sida xaqiijiyan siyaasiyin joogta Nairobi Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf uu aqbalay go'aanka Baarlamaanka.


Cumar Xaashi Aadan ayaa sheegay in Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf aqbalay go’aanka Baarlamaanka, uuna filayo in uu soo magacabo Ra'iisal wasaare sida Cumar xaashi filayo uu Ra’iisal wasaarahaas uu noqon doona Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi.


Dhanka kale Lataliyaha Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Yuusuf Cumar Azari ayaa ku tilmaamay Go'aankii Baarlamaanka ku gaaray inuu kalsoonadii kala noqday Xukumadda Mid Sharci daro ah loona baahan yahay in la saxo qodobada Dastuurka.


Guddoomiye Kuxigeenka Baarlamaanka Maxamed Cumar Dalxa oo BBC da Qeybta Af Ingiriiska la hadlayay ayaa sheegay in Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf uu aqbalay Kalsoona kala noqoshaha Baarlamaanka ku sameeyay Xukumadii Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi, arrintan ayaa dhacaday buu yiri Dalxa kadib markii shalay Nairobi kulamo ku yeeshen C/llaahi Yuusuf, Shariif Xasan, Wakiilo ka socday IGAD, Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo xubno kale.


Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

Midnimo Information Center

Xafiiska Midnimo ee Muqdisho

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Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf oo ku sii jeeda Dalka Masar.


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya iyo wafdi uu hogaaminaya ayaa la filayaa in ay waqtiyada soo socda u ambabaxan Magaalada Qaahira ee Xaruunta dalka Masar, iyadoo la sheegay in Madaxweynaha la socdaan qaar ka mid ah wasiirada kalsoonada ka waayay Baarlamaanka.


C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo wafdigiisa ayaa la sheegay in ay wadahadal kula soo yeelan doonan Qaahira Madaxweynaha Masar iyo Xubno ka tirsan Jaamacadda Carabta, waxaana la sheegay in Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf si aad ah u doonayo inuu la hadlo hogaamiyaha Masar oo laf dhabar u ah arrimaha Carabta.


Xubnaha Wafdiga ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Wasiirkii Arrimaha dibadda C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil iyo Wasiirkii Maaliyadda Saalim iyo xubno kale, waxayan ka dalban doonan Madaxda ay la kulmaan in ay taageeran dib u dhiska dalka Soomaaliya.


Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

Midnimo Information Center

Xafiiska Midnimo ee Muqdisho

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Madaxweynaha DFKMG oo mar kale soo magacaabey Cali Maxamed Geedi.


Nairobi-13.Dece.2004Madaxweynaha DFKMG ee Soomaaliya C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa maanta soo magacaabey mar kale inuu Ra'isulwasaare noqdo Cali Maxamed Geedi.


Warkan oo goor dhaw naga soo gaaray Magaalada Nairobi ayaa sheegaya in magacaabida Madaxweynaha ee Ra'isulwasaaraha ay ka dambeysay ka dib markii uu Madaxweynuhu aqbaley go'aankii Baarlamanku ko ridey Xukuumada.


Waxaa lagu wadaa in inta uusan soo dhisin Xukuumadiisa Cali Maxamed Geedi la horkeeno Baarlamanka si ay u ansixiyaan ama ay u diidan.


Wixii warar ah ee amuurahaas ku aadan waxaad ka heli kartaan SBC


SBC News Desk

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Waxaan rajeynayaa in khaladkii hore u dhacay uusan mar dambe soo noqon, oo marka hore Ra'iisul-wasaaraha iyo wasiirradaba laga ansaxiyaa baarlamaanka inta aan la dhaarin, aysan ka qayb gelin shirar amaba aysan heshiisyo aan sharciyaysnayn iska gelin ka dibna uusan dagaalkii Sabtidii oo kale soo noqon.


Umana malaynayo in wax lagu farxo tahay in baarlamaanka dagaal ka dhacaa balse haddii dastuurka meel looga dhaco waxaa habboon in lala xisaabtamaa cidda falkaas ku kacday iyadoo weliba aan arrimaha lagu dabbakhayn danaha shaqsiyeed amase beeleed sida: in jago wasiir la helo.

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The xildhibaano {I don't know qof ee xil dhab ah u hayaan} are simply extending their "vacation" time in Neyroobi, thus voting kalsooni kala noqoshada dowladaan xataa umusha ka bixin.


Now, another around, another month of "consultation" that will possibly be held at New Stanley, at Corner House, etc, by again naming the old ministers, same old faces with new shirts, if at all.


Who needs to go to a dusty and hot Soomaali city when you are vacationing in the ultimate comfy beds of the likes 680 iyo Hilton hotels. The only people who are surely happy about this fiasco are Kiinyaati businessmen, those who own those hotels.


I hope he, the ra'iisul wasaaraha, changes wasiirada this time, making them limited to maximum 20 important wasaarado, and starting from wasiirka arimaha dibada, that guy who flew to Amxaar kingdom of Addis Ababa the very moment he was named, "signing" mutual relationships and "treaties" shouldn't be in that position.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

I hope he, the ra'iisul wasaaraha, changes wasiirada this time, making them limited to maximum 20 important wasaarado, and starting from wasiirka arimaha dibada, that guy who flew to Amxaar kingdom of Addis Ababa the very moment he was named, "signing" mutual relationships and "treaties" shouldn't be in that position.

Sxb what planet are you living on? The whole process is stirred, led and held ransom by the Ethiopian Government, the president, the prime-minister, Mp's the lot needed to get the approval of the Ethiopians before they even emerge as a political figure.

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The intriguing characteristic of today's Somalia lunacy is its unorthodoxy and obtrusive contradictions. Let us see if they learn from their past gaffe.

it's now time for warlord Yusuf and his subdued prime minister Ghedi to reduce the size of the government for efficiency and efficiency. the imperative call for the so called leaders here to limit the number of ministers. ministries should be merged and not split to appease warlords and clans.

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Macalimuu,i couldn't agree with you more...


World power(america)has 24 ministers

Great britain(the inglish) have 21 ministers

laakiin a/laahi yussuf and his little chihuahua PM(who was hired on "waxaan ku dhaho haye dheh yaa" where he responded "haye"),want to nominate every warlord anything that rhymes with "waziir", their target is toatleast nominate 99 waziirs i think. :D


On thing that we really oughta keep in mind is that, "geedku haduu yaraanta ku qaloocdo, weynaanta kuma tooso", this goes way back,back in 1960 or earlier than that maybe.



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How can we compare peaceful nations(US/UK), with Somalia which is ruled by dozens of warlords and is attempting to pull itself out of civil war? I find it even more absurd how others can speak of bureaucratic 'efficiency', looking at the state we find ourselves in. Speak to me of 'efficiency', once there are no more Somalis dying due to conflict, children are full and attending school, and some semblence of peace, stability and nationhood have been restored.


It is better to have one more minister than one more obstacle. Let us speak of ideals once we have an ideal country. Until then let us be realistic and give this administration a chance.

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Bari sxb, with all due respect, it's ideologies of such manner that don't succeed, mistakes are very crucial in the beginning of every jaurney.These so called politrickians are ONLY thinking for today NOT for what's to come for tomorrow, and it's NOT about giving chance sxb, it's about principal, it's about history, it's about framework.Which these folks have NO idea about,besides you can't please everyone.




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How can we compare peaceful nations(US/UK), with Somalia which is ruled by dozens of warlords and is attempting to pull itself out of civil war? I find it even more absurd how others can speak of bureaucratic 'efficiency', looking at the state we find ourselves in. Speak to me of 'efficiency', once there are no more Somalis dying due to conflict, children are full and attending school, and some semblence of peace, stability and nationhood have been restored.



i think your making an excellent point and i fully agree with you... however, everyone is not thinking like you.




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Originally posted by thalamus:

i think your making an excellent point and i fully agree with you... however, everyone is not thinking like you.




Damn this must be an achievement for you....your first compliment a post made by Bari-Nomad three weeks ago, two days before you joined SOL as an Alien.

Lool..! keep it up the writting is in the wall... :D

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Originally posted by Jumatatu:

quote:Originally posted by thalamus:

i think your making an excellent point and i fully agree with you... however, everyone is not thinking like you.




Damn this must be an achievement for you....your first compliment a post made by Bari-Nomad three weeks ago, two days before you joined SOL as an Alien.

Lool..! keep it up the writting is in the wall...

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