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eNuri Salutes the Islamic Courts

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Somalis yearn for the return of Islamic Courts rulers


'If the Islamic Courts came back, not just this area but the whole of Somalia will be safer'


The ruins of the old sugar factory in Marere, in the southern interior of Somalia, tower over the wooden shacks and brick huts which shelter the 2,000 or so people still living here. This used to be the second-largest sugar factory in the world, employing more than 20,000 people. Now, its rusting steel frame, chimneys and pipes sunk deep into the tall grass provide a painful echo of the wreck which Somalia has become.



Everything worth anything has gone, the scrap metal systematically torn off and shipped to India or old equipment taken by scavengers to be sold off at the market in nearby Jilib.


"Maybe one day someone will rebuild it," said Abdirizak Hassan Moalim, squinting into the sun. The 21-year-old has been living in a village near the sugar factory for two months after fleeing the violence in Somalia's capital Mogadishu. "It needs to be safe here first though," he added. "There was a chance under the Courts, but now, I don't know." Six months after the fall of Somalia's Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), insecurity has returned to the country.



In this rural district in the south, where in the past 12 months floods have followed drought, the rule of the gun is back. The government has failed to take control, leaving Marere and the surrounding areas in limbo.


The UIC controlled Marere and the neighbouring district of Jilib for just three months at the end of last year. After Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, fell to the government and its Ethiopian allies at the end of December, the Courts melted away.


Local people, from teen-agers to elders, now talk of the brief period of rule by the Islamic Courts in wistful tones. For the first time in a generation, there was a level of security in the district that few had believed was possible. The various clan-based militias which terrorised the region, setting up checkpoints and settling disputes with guns, buried their arms.


Before the Courts' arrival, there had been nine roadblocks along the route from Marere to Kismaayo, a port town roughly 100 miles away. Controlled by individual militia groups, they demanded money from everyone who passed. Under the Courts, the roadblocks disappeared.


The effect was immediate. The price of food in Marere fell as traders travelling from Kismaayo no longer had to factor in the cost of roadblocks. The cost of travelling between Marere and Kismaayo also fell - from 100,000 shillings to just 30,000. One commodity increased in price: cigarettes. The Courts banned smoking, along with the chewing of khat, a mild narcotic popular throughout Somalia. The price of a packet of cigarettes rose from 6,000 shillings to 20,000. But strict conservative policies like this began to erode much of the UIC's popular support in Mogadishu.


With the demise of the Courts, the militias have dug up their weapons and the checkpoints and insecurity have returned. A vehicle belonging to Médicins Sans Frontières (MSF) was shot at two weeks ago. MSF, which runs a hospital and feeding centre in Marere, was forced to evacuate its small team of expatriate staff.


"If the Islamic Courts came back, not just this area but the whole of Somalia will be safer," said Mohammed Abdullahi Gure, chairman of Marere elders' committee. "People used to fear the Islamic Courts. The government does not have the holy Koran so they do not fear them." The UIC's presence in Marere district was limited, but effective, Mr Gure said. A commander was appointed, based in the village of Gududey. He had just one technical - the souped-up 4x4s armed with machine guns - and a handful of soldiers, but few were prepared to risk committing a crime.


"There wasn't a militia man who would move with guns," said Mr Gure. "They feared because they were told the Islamic Courts forces would have the Holy Koran as their guide." Without the sharia law which the UIC imposed, Mr Gure and his committee of elders are unable to keep the peace. There is no system of justice in Marere. The men who shot at MSF were forced to write a letter apologising for their actions but they continue to live freely in the community.


The weak transitional government is now entering its sixth month based in Mogadishu but it is still struggling to assert its authority, reliant on the support of Ethiopian troops. In an Ethiopian-led offensive in April, up to 400,000 people fled the capital as the government attempted to pacify an insurgency.


Mr Moalim lived in one of the areas deemed by the government to be home to remnants of the Islamic Courts' military wing, Al Shabbab. After two Ethiopian shells hit his home, he moved to GSB camp. "It is just not safe enough any more," he said.


As one of the few Somalis in this district to have received an education - he grew up in Kenya - Mr Moalim has found work as an English teacher, helping MSF's Somali staff master the basics. "I hope I can save enough to go to college. I would like to be a lab technician. My dream would be to return to Mogadishu and be safe there."


Source: Mathaba News Agency, June 16, 2007



Bixii, Do you know by any chance if the people of Mareera and Jilib mentioned in the above article also belong to Aweys subclan?

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We simply Adore them.South Somalia is experiencing a bit of sweet peace because of their strong hold there.Inshallah the rest of the land will soon have a piece of the odkac as well.

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Take this topic to the Pollitic arena this religon based forum, Sir. Islamic Union Courts are as corrupt as one can be...Tribalist,politically motivated bunch..

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****** Sell this Islamic court saviour thing to the Arabs, We the rest of Somalis dont buy it.. your intentions are not pure your evil in disguise and am not saying all the Islamic Court are Evil but thoes are fight For their tribe to control Somalia...


[ February 01, 2009, 03:29 AM: Message edited by: Nur ]

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Culimada Somalida ayaa wexey ka dalbeen Sheikh Shareef inuu wax ka baddalo Axdiga Qaranka lagu dhisayo.


Aniga waxaan ku darsan lahaa dalabaadka culimada dhowr qodob.



1. (SIYAADADA) oo ah Awoodda ka dambeysa sharci dajinta iyo abaabulka Dowlad Somaliyeed, waxaa Leh Allah oo Qudhah, lalamana qaybsan karo.


2. Waa inuusan jirin Xeer ama sharci ama fulin siyaasadeed ( Ordinance) ka soo horjeedda Quraanka Iyo Sunnada.


3. Dawladdu waa iney u shaqeysaa iney wanaagga umadda u horseeddo, una suuro geliso sidii wanaaggaas lagu gaadhi lahaa. Waana iney shartoo dhan ka hor istagto, ayna howlgeliso sidii loo joojin lahaa inta ay awooddeeda dhan tahay.


4. Dowladdu waa iney u howl gashaa sida ay ugu adeegi leheyd shacabka oo ka baahi tirto baahida aasaasiga aha, sida cunnada, tacliinta, caafimaadka (gaar ahaan cudurrada maskaxda gala oo ku dhacay dadka ku waashay dagaallada sokeeye, iyo kuwa bahaloobay sida Warlordska ) iney gargaar siiso agoonta, masaakiinta, dadka la liido iyo kuwa shaqo la'aanta ah ayadoon cidna loo fiirin qabiil, ama deegaan.


5. Raciyadda Somaliyeed oo dhan wey u siman yihiin Shareecada horteeda, oo ilaalineysa xaqa raciyadda ay u leedahay nolosha, hantida, xornimada cibaadada, xornimada shaqsiga ah, xornimada dhul marka, xornimada ururro wax hagaajiya, iyo kuwa tijaarada. U sinnaan shaqo helidda, iyo xuquuqda zakada.


6.Qof Raciyadda ah looma diidi karo xuquuqdaas kor ku qoran ayadoon maxkamad Shareecada Islaamka ah aan la soo marin. Qofna lama ciqaabi karo asagoon lagu helin dambi soo maray maxkamadda shareecada Islaamka oon qofna u eexanin oon lagu caddeyn Dambi, asagoo la siiyay xaqa inuu is difaaco ama keensado qof gar yaqaan ah oo u dooda.


7. Madaxweynaha Somaliya waa inuu Yahay Muslim, Rag, Amaano leh, oon weligii dambi Weyn ( Kabiira) ka gelin Allah, ama Dambi Xuquuqda dadka, oo lagu kasloon yahay, caadil ah, lagu yaqaan inuu Allah ka cabsado, aad u fiirsi badan iyo la tashi intuusan talo goynin.


8. Madaweynaha ayaa ugu sarreeya maareynta dawladda, hadduu doonana xilkiisa qaar ka mid ah wuu ku wareejin kara qof kale ama hay'ad uu ku kalsoon yahay.


9. Madaxweynuhu asagoo raacaya mabd'a Shuurada waa inuu la tashadaa dadka cilmiga u leh hadba arrrinta u qaraarka ka gaaqrayo, waana inuu sameysta ahlul Xal-wal-Caqd (Xil Dhibaannada) ka koobma Culimada, Ganacsatada, Haweenka (si gaar ah lagala tashado arrimaha haweenka iyo carruurta ku saabsan, si guudna lagala tashado arrimaha bulshada iyo ummadda ay ka mid yihiin) iyo aqoon-yahannada (Technocrats) Somaliyeed oo kulligood ku sofoobay, Taqwo, Cadaalo, iyo akhlaaq wanaagsan,


10. Madaxweynuhu xaq u ma laha inuu hor istaago oo uu joojiyo falgalinta sharciyaasha, qayb ka mid aha ama guud ahaanba, asagoon la tashan guddiga Shuurada.


11. Dadweynuhu, oo ay matalayaan Ahlul Xalli Wal Caqdi wexey xaq u leeyihiin iney doortaan ama ay cazilaan Madaxweynaha markey arkaan in danta ummaddu ku jirto sodaas.


12. Ahlul Xalli Wal Caqd (Xil Dhibaannada ) waxaa soo dooranaya dadweynaha markey Maxkamadda oggolaato iney:


A. Maalkooda Ku heleen Xalaal, kana bixiyeen Zakada.

B. Iney Dambi ka galin Ummadda, dambi weynna ( Kabiira) ayan ka gelin Allah.

C. Deyn ama xaq dad ku leeyihiin aan loo hesyan.

D. Lagu yaqaanno, talo wanaag, ka fiirsasho, iyo akhlaaq fiican.


13. Madaxweynuha iyo wasiirradiisa iyo Ahlul Xalliga ka ma sarreeyaan sharciga, mana mudna in laga gaashaamo cadaallada haddii lagu helo dambi ay galeen inteyna howsha waddanka gelin ama ayagoo howsha waddanka haya.


14.Xubnaha Dawoladda, shaqaalaha dowladda iyo dhamman shacbiga waa isku wada xuquuq, isku saf beyna wada galayaan markey dawladda wax uga baahan yihiin iyo markey maxkamadda sharciga soo hor istaagaan.


15. Maxaakimta Shareecada waa iney ka madax bannaan tahay xafiiska madaxtooyada iyo qaybaha kale ee Dawladda. Ahlul Xalli Wal Caqdi ayaa Waxey dooranayaan Qaalliyaasha Maxaakimta. Umana baahna inuu Madaxweynaha ansaxiyo.


16. Ciidanka booliska wexey hoos imaanayaan Maxkamadaha.


17 Militariga wuxuu hoos imaanayaa Madaxweynaha.


18. Xeer ama shuruuc ansaxeysa ma jirto haddeyan waafaqsaneyn Kitaabka Quraanka iyo Sunnada Nabiga SCWS


19.Dowladdu u ma dulqaadaneyso dhaqdhaqaaq ka soo horjeeda Caqiidada Islaamka iyo jiritaanka Dowladda Somalida




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Asalaamu Alaikum Brother nur,


Masha'Allaah! Runtii waxaad soo joodisay dalabaad aad iyo aad khiimo badan oo wada macquul ah waana in loo gudbiyaa madaxwayne Sheikh Shareef sida oogu dhaxsaha badhan.


Waxaan Allah ka baryaynaa in uu Sheikha wanaaga waafagiyo, dhariiqa sunada nabiga SCW na ku toosiyo, shaqada hortaalana ufudideeyo.


Allahuma ameen!

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I'm might be stoking up some fires by saying this, however, unfortunately, the ICU turned out to be not what we thought. It is unfortunate that we mis-interpreted the short peace that existed during their rule. Had they been who they've claimed to be, they would not have split into so many different groups.

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Hassan bro.


You write:


Had they been who they've claimed to be, they would not have split into so many different groups.


Brother, the ICU was a freak accident that thwarted a super plan by Ethiopia, a client of US, carried out by the criminal vicious drug warlords who kept the nation captive for two decades.


It was as spontaneous as to the Boston Tea party and the fall of the Bastille. The actors were there by virtue of coincidence, their collective action created a once in a lifetime victory of the oppressed against the powerful client regime of Ethiopia and Somali drug lords.


What you see today is a maturing of the freedom resistance movement, and like chemicals, the divisions you see are the precipitates that are taking distinctive shapes, so that birds of a flock fly together.


An African proverb says : A thief who steals a drum, can not find a place to beat. the longer this struggle takes, the clearer the picture gets, and that by itself is a victory, when the people realize who is doing what to who.


Only a criminal hates truth to surface!




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As-salaamu 'alaykum Br. Nur,


I have to commend you for the amount of effort you exert in these forums. You really seem to take your time to try to get to the bottom of things. May Allah reward your efforts with all that is good.


As for this topic, it is something I no longer delve into. As a person who is living in the West, I plan to exert my effort where I can make a difference, which is here. So there is no point in discussing/debating issues overwhich I do not have control. We all know the hadith that says that the perfection of ones Islam is abandoning what does not concern him, and I consider things I do not have control over as things that do not concern me.


Other than that, I do pray that Allah bring peace, stability and righteous rulers to our home lands.


Wa Billahi Tawfiq

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Hassan bro.


Amen for your sincere prayers. May I remind you though that the Prophet SAWS said that "He who does not care for the affairs of the Muslims is not one of them. Based on that hadeeth, and the verse in Quraan surah Al Qasas: " Seek The goodness of the Akhira (next life) with all the assets Allah provided you with in this life", your choice of not taking interest in what is happening in Somalia may not be a good judgment all togeher. But you are right that we are all confined by a circle of influence beyond which we can not directly change events. Thus, we should do what we can in the form of awareness, charity, prayers, community involvement to alleviate the pain of our people in any way, legal, that is , that we can.




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Oba Hiloolow


Could you please explain who the Khawaarij are? many readers have no clue what the term means.



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Khawarij means''those who drop out.'' The members of an Islamic sect called Khawariji and had their base in southern Mesopotamia, centered in Basra in 600's to 700's. This sect was isolated from both Sunni and Shia.


The sect, mainly by members of the tribe of Banu Tamim, was formed during the years of political hegemony after the Prophet (SAW) death.


The murder of the third caliph Cusmaan (RA) conducted by the mutineers "The Year of 656 led to a power struggle between Ali (RA) and Cusman's (RA) relative Muawiyah. Supporters from both sides met 657 at the Battle of Siffin. 12 000 khawarijis participated in Ali's (R.A) militia.


The khawarijis left Ali's (RA) side to fight both sides in the conflict.

Later, they were defeated by Ali (RA) in the Battle of Naharwan but the khawarijis survived as a group and one of the Khawarijis carried out the assassination of Ali (RA).


The khawariji theology was radical, fundamentalist, and demanded an uncompromising observance of their interpretation of the Koran's teachings. The most extreme khawarijis saw all moderate Muslims as infidels and hypocrites who could be killed with impunity (a practice known as Takfir). Khawarijis the excommunicated all who committed''grossly sin's''. The Khawarijis argued that only the most puritanical citizens would be allowed to have political power. which led to the sect during its entire existence was a political split.



In time, the khawarijis became more pragmatic, more tolerant of Islam's mainstream. Their capital of Basra was the Year of 690 to 730 an important theological center that attracted many who wanted to revolt against the Sunni caliphate. It inspired many Muslim secession.


in modern times usually groups like Al Qaeda is called the New Khawarijis like the Groupe Islamique, Takfir wal-Hijra, Al Shabab, Hezbul Islam and many more extremist groups. These groups do not consider themselves as the New Khawarijis although they Like The khawarijis accusing other Muslims of being infidels.

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Nur;87149 wrote:


I take my turban off to salute you from my pulpit here at the Somaliaonline Forums, wishing you further success, inshAllah my advice shall follow of how to handle the peace, as its more elussive than handling war.


May Allah bless the uprising for peace


May Allah protect the weak and defenseless civilians against power hungry warlords and their supporters.






Note: Latest Chatham House Report:



Assalamo alaikom warahmatollahi wabarakatoh brother Nur


Ameen to your du'as, May Allah fulfil your beautiful wishes - Ameen. And i wish you all the Khair in your life and hereafter. insha'Allah.

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