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Compensation for ‘Collateral Damage’ - the Capitalist way!

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The Ministry of Defence (MoD) in the UK has been accused of "buying off" families of Iraqi civilians in whose deaths British troops have been involved by making them sign waivers in exchange for compensation payments and "charitable donations".


Figures from the MoD last week reveal that so far $14,000 (£7,600) has been paid in official compensation for incidents including deaths in military custody as well as shootings during demonstrations.


The compensation payments are described as ad hoc payments to cover funeral expenses and help with hardship, but - as with official compensation - the recipient must sign a declaration accepting the money as "full and final settlement". Both types of payment come with an apology, but no admission of guilt or liability.


An Amnesty official said the "going rate" for a death appeared to be about $1,400. But after the death of Baha Mousa, whose father is an Iraqi police colonel, the family was offered much more. "In the Baha Mousa case [a] British military official apologised and gave his father, Col Mousa, $3,000 and said he would make subsequent payments," said the official. "He then offered Col Mousa another 5,000, saying it would be the final payment. But Col Mousa refused to accept this. The military were hoping the family would not take it any further. The other people were only given $2,000 or $1,500. Col Mousa was offered $8,000 because his case got a lot of publicity and he is a senior police officer."

Liberal Democrat Defence spokesman called the system "a buy-off" and "contrary to natural justice". Phil Shiner, a Birmingham lawyer bringing several cases against the MoD on behalf of Iraqi civilians, said: "There's an element [of buying people off] if you look at the efforts that were made with Col Mousa. When they offered him a lot more, they were definitely getting him to sign away his rights. They knew, it seems, that Mousa had them bang to rights, and they were trying to shut him up."


Justice is just one of the many facet’s that the West sells to the world under its guise as the Worlds policeman, yet as with all its other facet’s these are redefined to suit its interests.


Again we can see the double standards, hypocrisy and lies. If one was to compare these ‘compensation’ payments with those of the Lockerbie victims families where $2.7 billion was demanded for 270 families we can clearly see that the West views the Muslim life not even a millionth of its own citizens – hence the inhumane term ‘collateral damage’.


The West clearly acts with its Ideology of Capitalism as the driver and it is clear that this ideology sees human beings as mere economic by products which have varying degrees of worth depending on the interests they serve. The Muslims of Iraq clearly have little economic worth hence the West is able to take advantage of the favourable exchange rate to add insult to the pittance that is given for ‘collateral damage’.

This Justice exported by the West is seen through its other actions such as the indiscriminate targeting of civilians in its so called ‘war on terror’ that apparently relies on ‘significant intelligence’ and when this inevitably leads to the eradication of whole families they dismiss this loss of life as unfortunate.


The West clearly will try every conceivable path possible to avoid blame and ensure justice is restricted to where its interests require it and handed out as its interests require it as seen in Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay and even in its own lands.


The Muslims and humanity have only one hope and that is the Islamic Ideology that treats humans as humans and obliges that there basic needs are met whether this be a Muslim, Non Muslim, Doctor, Politician or the disabled.


It is only the Islamic Khilafah that has guaranteed Justice throughout its history as attested to by the Jews and Christians that lived under its rule as equal citizens.

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Again we can see the double standards, hypocrisy and lies. If one was to compare these ‘compensation’ payments with those of the Lockerbie victims families where $2.7 billion was demanded for 270 families we can clearly see that the West views the Muslim life not even a millionth of its own citizens – hence the inhumane term ‘collateral damage’.

All non whites are what is usually referred to as unpeople.

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