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Alshabaab rule most of the south of Somalia and have now almost taken the capital...

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What's next for Somalia?


I am getting some feed-ins that Alshabaab's top leaders are heading to Baidoa for immediate meeting and final consulation sometime this week to set up and declare an Islamic state for Somalia, Abu Mansuur is currently preparing to host this, there will be only three main importants posts... Head of state, head of the Army and head of the Shura...


1. The head of Alshabaab Mr. Godane will be crowned as the Amiir Al-dawla Al-Islamiya Fi-Soomaal, in other words the President of the Islamic state of Somalia...


2. Fu'aad Shangoole will be declared Qaa'id Aljaysh al-islaami, head of the Muslim troops...


And the third, although Alshabaab don't like to give away positions to other groups, it seems..


3. Hizbul Islaam's Hassan Dahir will be the head of the Shura...



Puntland, Somaliland and the rest of the civilised world must act and do something about this, and before its too late, otherwise will wake up to the madness of Godane declaring himself as the head of the state and starts chopping off people hands...

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This is too early to tell but if I were to hazard a guess based on your scenario, I would say a northern advancement will precede a declaration of government.

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Duke, no one, but do they care... its all turning ugly, when we hoped that situation will get better, its going down under, ten feet below... Things will only get worse, more fighting that would even include super powers and other countries, will only lead to more bloodshed, death and destruction and civilians bleeding... Ilaahay hafududeeyo...

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^^^They cant do nothing to the NE, the clans of the central regions have proven they are not invincible.


The most accurate scenario is that there will be another interfenton by the "international communit"


Much like the action being taken in the SWAT VALLEY in Pakistan...


They defeated the Sharif and now the world will have no choice but to support the Northern regions.

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Emperor thats the reality, Xasan Dahir and others have given a chance to the Ethiopians again to get paid by the US again.


Tragedy for Mogadishu..

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Duke, of course there is no other way except intervention, but before any outside force makes a decision both Puntland and SL must show initiative to intervene this, they must support the TFG and fight alongside, in doing so they will not only avoid the deafening reality that's coming to them but also help minimize the damage and destruction of the civilians that outside forces may cause

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No I disagree with you. Puntland and Somaliland should mind their own business at this time.


Sharif and his Midnimo Qaran government should defend itself. After all he seeked this job and no one forced him.

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Too early to speculate. As Al-Shabaab always does, they come back to places the TFG forces leave - especially at night and run away during the daytime. The TFG general has already conceaded that he lost some areas because they are heavily populated, and fight in that area would proof disasterous for the residents. Hence his pull-out. I doubt Al-Shabaab and co. will give a damn about such consideration. Killing civilians is their stated profession.


Shacabka rabshada haka la dhex baxaan haddeey rag yihiin.

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Duke, no need to dwell on what has been, its proven that silly Shariif can not defend himself, so someone else must intervene before this madness gets us all... let us not get distructed by those who knows how to only ruin and not build or defend, the likes of Sh. Hotel and Nur Ade, prioritise and only deal with what matters and when it matters...

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^^^Paragon: The news states that the government lost Shirkoole, the defence ministry, the stadium and many other areas. There is now Mortar fire on the stadium and IfkaXalane from AMISOM and government troops and thus no care for civilian purposes. The Al Shabaab are ruthless, but so are the rest.

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Paragon adeer don't you read the news, not only did they lose ground, the defense ministry's forces have been disarmed... and I mean disarmed, what does that mean, could they not even run?


Read the news portals from every Somali site, they all have the report that Alshabaab have overrun all that was fighting against them...

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