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ONLF raping women, defying Islamic law: Inhabitants of Warder Woreda ???

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Warder, June 18 (WIC) – Inhabitants of Warder Woreda in Somali State said the self proclaimed ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) has been sexually abusing women in the state.


Some elders and women as well as youth told WIC recently that the front has in particular targeted women for abuse.


Among them, member of the ****** Ismael Gumale clan and a mother of seven children, Shemsa Bilee Usman said her daughter was forcibly taken by members of the terrorist group and raped while traveling from Warder to her village Yuub.


Blaming the Ethiopian defense forces for such atrocities committed by the so called liberator of the Ogden people is unacceptable and an irresponsible act on the part of the media, she added.


Member of same clan and resident of Adew village in Warder Woreda who wanted to remain anonymous said she was abducted,raped and beaten by four ONLF members while going to her work place.


The elderly Elias Gaf Mire said on his part that these are spoilt people who kill children and rape women.


Warder Woreda Women Affairs Office head, Asli Gashen revealed that the terrorists have been harassing women in the woreda for standing up for peace by defying Islamic law and marrying over five women as well as raping women.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Maxaa been la iska faafinayaa .............

Been faafis is what you just did. It's obvious there are no such thing and this 'story' was created by xabasho boot-lickers!


Please question what you read/hear before you repeat it.

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^It is OK to post. Nepthys is overreacting. But we all must know the timing of this lies. It is intended to whitewash the recent Human Right Watch reports. Waa shaqo ay Tigre'gu iska yaqaanaan. And I expect it is likely to continue for sometime. ONLF baa wax kufsata tolow yaa idinka dhagaysan bay leeyihiin????????

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A&T Nepthys is not overreacting, JB is just using double talk to insinuate and smear the ONLA while trying to keep face. its something he has mastered on this boards, you will see him invoking peace when his druming for war(referring to puntland), you will see him sympathing with the resistance inspite of his insistance on breaking somalia a part. so dont fall for his sherade and afford him the benefit of the doubt.


truly if he thought of this post as a baseless propaganda he wouldn't have posted it and followed it with ambiguose statements such as "It is on the news whether i post it here or not. It is good to know what your enemy is saying about you" clearly showing what he thinks naphys should now about what her enemy thinks while keeping to himself what he thinks of what he has posted.

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So the people in the region have been complaining to the same people who have oppressed them for years??


JB, title the thread differently saxib.

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I am a beliver of free speech. That is why I like people to say whatever they think. Of course, all are not expected to talk sense!


Otherwise, what is going in the region is clear to those who matter: the people there. What few people in internet cafe's think hardly changes anything there. And we know who is killing us and who is fighting for us!

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The Zack   

JB, can you tell me why would you read news from Ethiopian website, a country we are at war with? Thats just so unsomali!

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