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Gen.Careys To Be Named Commander Of Darawish

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Gen Careys oo Dib Loogu Yeeray Taliska Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland (Warbixin)




Galkacyo (RBC) Warar laga helayo ilo xog ogaal ah oo ku dhow madaxtooyada Puntland ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in dib loogu yeeray taliyihii hore ee ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland Gen. C/laahi Cali Mire Careys.


Ilo wareedkan oo aan dooneyn in la magacaabo ayaa u sheegay RBC in Gen. Careys oo waayadanba ku sugnaa magaalada Gaalkacyo looga yeeray xarunta madaxtooyada ee magaalada Garowe, waxaana wararka laga helayo saraakiil sare oo ku dhow Gen Careys ayaa sheegaya in Gen. Careys loogu yeeray wada tashiyo ku saabsan sidii loogu qancin lahaa inuu markale hogaanka u qabto taliska ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland oo mar uu hogaamin jiray.


Dhowrkii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay ayaa wada tashiyo gaar ah oo arintan ku saabsan waxay ka socdeen aqalka madaxtooyada ee Garowe, iyadoo madaxweyne C/raxmaan Faroole uu u muuqdo inuu doonayo inuu dib u habeyn ku sameeyo ciidamada Daraawiishta oo mudaba kala daadsanaa.


Haddii Gen. Careys uu aqbalo talo soo jeedinta madaxweyne Faroole waxaa markaasi laga yaabaa in loo dhiibo hogaanka ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland, taasi oo sida masuuliyiin badan ay aaminsan yihiin wax weyn ka bedeli karta xaalada amniga.


Gen. Careys oo ahaa saraakiishii hore ee ururkii SSDF, ayaa maamuladii Puntland ee C/laahi Yuusuf iyo Cadde Muuse ka soo qabtay taliska Daraawiishta Puntland. Markii C/laahi Yuusuf uu noqday madaxweynaha DKMG Soomaaliya Gen. Careys waxaa uu ahaa taliyah ciidanka ilaalada madaxweyne Yuusuf isagoo ku sugnaa magaalooyinka Baydhabo, Jowhar iyo Muqdisho.


Gen. Careys oo weli lagu tiriyo inuu yahay taageerayaasha waaweyn ee Col. C/laahi Yuusuf ayaa bishii December 2009 dib ugu soo laabtay magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug markii uu xilka ka degey C/laahi Yuusuf.


Saraakiil militari oo qaarkood RBC ay wax ka weydiisay arintan ayaa ku tilmaamay in u yeerista Gen Careys ay muujineyso siyaasada madaxtooyada Puntland oo ku wajahan dhowr jiho.


Dad badan ayaa aaminsan in Careys uu yahay sarkaal khabiir ku ah hawlaha ciidanka, wax badana ka soo shaqeeyey Daraawiishta Puntland taasi oo dowlada Puntland ka caawini karta dhowr arimood;


- In dowladu ay gacan adag ku dhigto xaalada amniga ee gudaha Puntland taasi oo xilligan aan sal badan ku fadhin.


- In meesha laga saaro xiisadihii ka dhashay lacagihii faalsada ee dhowaan lagala baxay garoonka diyaaradaha ee Gaalkacyo, taasoo ay ku lug lahaayeen dad la sheegay inay qaab beeleed u abaabulnaayeen.


- Dowlada Puntland oo aan marnaba ka tanaasulin qorshaha dib u soo celinta Laascaanood oo hadda gacanta ugu jirta maamulka Somaliland.


Inkastoo saraakiisha xiriirka dhow ay leeyihiin Gen. Careys ay muujiyeen suuragalnimada arintan ayaa haddana Gen. Careys laftiisa aanu ka hadlin arintan. Waxaana wax walba ay kala caddaan doonaan maalmaha soo socda.


RBC Radio

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I like Gen.Careys and from what I am told he has same vision as abdullahi yusuf when it comes to security and that means "no holds barred" the only people that hate him are the enemies like yourself.


Good on puntland admin for naming him as general and let him sort out the security issues facing the state and also deal with the enemies of state dhinac walbo ha joggeen.

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General then move on bro because i am smarter then you or come on paltalk and dare debate me i will tear u apart

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General what i am is regardless, infact its good im not from puntland because it proves puntland is loved by all people. So it goes in puntland favor anyways.


Like i said noone defeat in knowledgable debate. come in my room on paltalk its only english speaking no somali speaking. just knowledge!!!


You will be schooled and slapped down and feel ashamed of where u r from!!!

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Originally posted by Cowke:

General what i am is regardless, infact its good im not from puntland because it proves puntland is loved by all people. So it goes in puntland favor anyways.


We knew all along that you were a pretender, the fact that you started to believe in your own lies was the disturbing part. :D

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Somalia: Puntland general appointed president's defense advisor

17 Jul 17, 2010 - 2:44:07 PM


The president of Somalia's Puntland State government has appointed a well-known military general as his defense advisor, Radio Garowe reports.


Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole issued a decree Friday appointed the new defense advisor as Gen. Abdullahi Ali Mire "Areys."


Gen. Areys, who has served in previous Puntland administrations as the state's military commander, has began working as the president's new defense advisor as the state is facing security concerns from Al Shabaab terror group and pirate gangs.


In recent years, Gen. Areys served in Mogadishu as the commander of presidential brigade for former Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf, who is also Puntland's first leader.


When Mr. Yusuf resigned in Dec. 2008, Gen. Areys returned to his home region of Puntland and lived as an ordinary civilian.



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I dont know what you expect from this guy after the whole debacle in Muqadishu. Moqadishu was peacefull for 6 months. this guys with his tigrey army entered city, fought the ICU out. And then left the city in more chaos, more violance, more dead then the last 20 years.


He should be brought to trial for massmurder.


But somehow you expect him to bring peace in Puntland?

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This guy once insulted Sool during POW exchange ceremony in Adhi cadeeye saying "meeshan oonka loogu dhimanayo goob la isku dagaalo ma istaahisho". :D

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