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The Tragic Story of Samsam: The Young Girl Who Went to Visit Her Uncle

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The Tragic Story of Samsam: The Young Girl Who Went to Visit Her Uncle

By Mohamed A Ali Posted to the web 13-10-2004, 01:42:50


Hargeisa:-(12 October 2004) - A court hearing deliberating the case of Samsam Ahmed Du’ale, a 15-year-old Somali girl, was in session in Hargeisa on the 10th of October, 2004.


The prosecutor for the Government contends that the appellant, Samsam Ahmed Du’ale, planned to assassinate the Vice President of the self-declared republic of Somaliland (Northwest Somalia).


As reported early in September, Samsam, the appellant, was molested, raped, detained, and tortured in Hargeisa, the capital city of Somaliland. It was alleged that Samsam Ahmed Du’aale of Qardho in the outskirts of Bosaso, the commercial city of the neighbouring Puntland State of Somalia was plotting to

assassinate Somaliland’s Vice President. Confined for days in chains in Hargeisa’s General Hospital where she had undergone treatment for internal bleeding and abdominal mutilation sustained during her molestation, rape and detention in the hands of Somaliland’s security forces, Samsam is believed to have sustained psychological and physical scars that shall remain

with her for the rest of her life.


What was Samsam doing in Hargeisa, and why did she

travel to Somaliland?


Like many of her peers in Somalia, Samsam rejoices travel to other cities in Somalia to visit relatives, distant or otherwise during holidays and graduation

from high school.


Samsam, a graduate of Imam Al Nawawi High School in the academic year of 2003/2004, as confirmed by her cousin Ahmed M Du’ale, whose residence she grew up in Bosaso, travelled to Hargeisa to visit her uncle from her mother’s side, Mohamud Said Mohamed, a Deputy Minister for Somaliland’s Ministry of Sports.


Samsam departed for Hargeisa on the 16th of August with the full knowledge of her cousin reaching Hargeisa’s main transit depot on the 17th. On arrival,

Samsam who never travelled outside Bosaso, asked a cab driver (locally known as Mark II) to take her to her uncle’s residence: the Vice President. Not clearly making the distinction between the Vice President (Madaxweyne Ku Xigeen), and the Deputy Minister (Wasiir Ku Xigeen),Samsam was driven to the Vice President’s residence where on arrival she was interrogated by the security guards. Upon informing security guards that she was from Bosaso, Samsam was stripped of her headscarf at which point she slapped the officer objecting to his infringement of her strict Islamic upbringing.


What ensued thereafter was not only wretchedly sadistic, horribly atrocious, and appallingly unacceptable to human standard and behaviour.


15-year-old Samsam was then dragged screaming by the hair with four bodyguards each on one of her limbs into their inbound shelter where Samsam was detained

until the 20th of August when she was released into the custody of the Chief Commander of the notorious Central Intelligence Department (CID). At the time,

her whereabouts were known to neither her family in Bosaso, nor to her uncle in Hargeisa.


After successive, days-long, interrogative sessions, on the 24th of August, Samsam was subjected to brutal torture with beatings and electric shocks being

applied to her breasts. And on the 25th of August Samsam endured six-hour ordeal of rape and sodomy by six officers of Somaliland’s CID. And subsequent to the persecution and rape, Samsam only 15 lost conscious by the afternoon of the 25th. Said Foolxun and Abdi Kiin both high ranking officers of the notorious CID were named as the men in charge of her torture and rape.


Hours later, Samsam was rushed to Hargeisa’s General Hospital on stretches where Dr. Shacni, one of the GPs at hospital was horrified by the scene and state of Samsam who remained comatose until Thursday, 26th of

August. As confirmed by Hospital Doctors treating Samsam, who wish to remain anonymous, 1.2 ml of male semen were scraped from her fistula with irreparable

damage inflicted upon her rectum, uterus and womb. Additionally, Samsam lost one of her nibbles during her ordeal, it has been confirmed. Furthermore, Samsam is said to have sustained psychological impairment that she no longer recognises who she is, where she is, and why she remains detained.


On the 28th of August, Samsam was transferred over to Hargeisa Central Prison where she remained under full watch.


Upon receiving the news of her daughter’s torture, rape and imprisonment, Samsam’s mother travelled to Hargeisa where she was also detained upon arrival on the 31st of August. She was released on bail after spending 3 days in prison for simply being Samsam’s mother, and being from Bosaso, Puntland.


The local media including the BBC Somali Section, local newspapers such as Jamhuuriya, online media outlets such as all of which maintain

local reporters were notified and asked to investigate Samsam’s situation, unfortunately all chose to completely snub the story.


Of the 100+ Humanitarian Organisations in Hargeisa, not a single one was moved by the maltreatment, rape,sodomy and torture of the 15-year-old young girl.


Somali, or otherwise; a kin or else, one must be touched by the inhumane nature of the story; unfortunately, humanity seems to have taken a flip for the worse in Hargeisa, Somaliland: a city that had witnessed its share of heartless deeds.


One wonders as to the role of the media and humanitarian organisations in a case so horrendous and so callous as Samsam’s.


Deeds of this kind, maltreatment of humans, torture, sodomy, rape, and infringement of humanity in the case of Samsam Ahmed Du’ale must be condemned in the strongest of terms. If left unchallenged, it is Samsam today, but shall be someone else’s sister, daughter, mother, friend, or neighbour.


Mohamed A Ali

Freelance Journalist

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If left unchallenged, it is Samsam today, but shall be someone else’s sister, daughter, mother, friend, or neighbour.



May Allah help her at a time like this and make everything easy for her ameen.


I hope those men who took part in this are punished inshaAllah.

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If this story is true, and I have my doubts, but if this is true then we are doomed. It is a down right disgrace! It is a shame! My heart goes out to the lil child and her relatives. Wallahi I got emotional on this one... :mad:

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The tale is so horrific :eek: . Audhubillah and we call ourselves Muslims???. When will we learn to treat the weaker sex with dignity. Those people are not human. Even if they have a reason to interogate her they should do it in a humane way.The Quraan and Sunnah which is used as the law has strict rulings on how to treat people. (Surprising thing there is no state of war.)Women and children are not to be harmed.

Poor girl, her life has been shattered her innocence is lost forever and she will have nightmares for the rest of her life.


May Allah help her in her time of need and help her overcome her ordeal.

As Maha has said may action be taken against the wrongdoers.


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In God’s name, how could this be? How does one go about absorbing this?


Baashi – doubts yes; and one must always give one the benefit of the doubt; but then came the followings!


How come I see no denunciations coming the Somaliland camp here in SOL. Does one equate their silence be one of aghast and disgust, or one of close your eye and hope it goes away – Condone it!


This captures the sadness of the matter:

“ …Of the 100+ Humanitarian Organisations in Hargeisa, not a single one was moved by the maltreatment, rape, sodomy and torture of the 15-year-old young girl.


Somali, or otherwise; a kin or else, one must be touched by the inhumane nature of the story;

unfortunately, humanity seems to have taken a flip for the worse in Hargeisa, Somaliland: a city that had witnessed its share of heartless deeds.â€


DACWAD Ka Furantay Maxkamadda Gobolka Hargeysa Oo Si Weyn U Soo Jiidatay Indhaha Hay’adaha Xuquuqda Aadanaha. Jamhuuriya — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 10 October, 2004



A 17 year old girl alledgely hired a vehicle from Puntland and went directly to Somaliland's Vice-President's house. She was reportedly arrested for attempting to assasinate the Vice-President and was put to jail where she stayed for 25 days before she was transferred to the Hargeisa Central Prison. For 25 days, she was alledgely raped and tortured.


Human rights defenders are aware of her case and are consistently monitoring court trials. What is interesting however is that the judge ordered the prosecutors to look for more evidence against the accused, proclaiming that there is not enough evidence against the young woman. The question is, why not dismiss the case and set the girl free? As of this writing the accused remains in jail.

Posted by Yvette Lopez at 06:36 PM | Comments (24) | TrackBack (0)


This asinine lass from Asia seems to think that all shall be hanky dory should she be released promto. How stupidly injudicious!

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I was flabbergasted by that last remark of that Asian woman too, mate. If this case will not be settled down peacefully, I'm afraid we'll have a war on our hands. People are outraged and who knows some fool will do this to a girl from Hargaysa to settle scores. Things look very bad, unless these two thugs will be punished accordingly.

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This matter is absolutely repugnant. It is not the first time that a member of law enforcement has done unfathomable deeds. Lets be vigilant and make sure it is the last. I pray the courts, as the story unfolds do their duty and handle this matter as they have done the case below where they executed one police officer and imprisoned another for 21 years.





beesha gabooye ee W/AMERICA waxaay u hanbalyey naysaa

1-madaxweynaha iyo madaxweyne ku xigeenka dawladda somaliland


ka dib markii sicadaalad loo horkeenay gacan ku dhiilayashii dilay marxuumad[suqra warsame taraar] 08/10/2004 ka dibna maxkamada hargeysa ay ku xukuntay gacan ku dhiig lihii dil toogasho ahhalka kii kalana lagu xukumay[21sano] waxaa amaan mudan maxkamadii iyo garyaqaanadii kiiskaas u xukumay cadaalad.waxaa hanbalyadaa mid la mida naga mudan booliskii iyo shacabka reer hargaysa ee gacanta ka geystay kiis kaas.kaas oo aan la'aantood suurta gasheen waxaa hanbalyadan soo gudbinaya.

1-duqa beesha gabooye ee MN U S A

saleban cumar cabdule [salebaan dindi]

DR.xasan cali max'ed

DR.axmed gass xirsi

sheekh max'ed xirey

ugaas caydaruus max'ed dhuux

guddoomiyaha dhalinta gabooye ee W/America

max'ed jamac cawil [inacudur]


xuseen du'ale dahir

DR.max'ed kaynaan

siciid c/laahi ismaciil[siciid tumaal

injineer cali azar c/salaan

iyo dhmaan jaaliyada ururka S.I.M.A ee W/America

wabilaahi tawfiiQ

Qoraalkan waxaa nasoo gaarsiiyey Mohamed jamac (ina cudur) wixii faahfaahin ah kala xiriir Email:





Back Ground to the case:



Waxaa xalay saqdii dhaxe Gurigooda lagu weerayay Qoys gabooye ah oo deganaa magaalada Hargaysa nabadna ku seexday, Falkan Argagixiso ee qoyska lagu qaaday waxaa lagu Dilay Gabadh Aroos noqon lahayd usbuuca soo socda waxaana lagu dhaawacay Hooyadeed iyo Ina-adeerkeed oo ay wada Deganaayeen gabadha la dilay. kuwaas oo Rasaas la Dhaceen laba nin oo ka tirsan ciidamada nabad galyada (Police) ee magaalada Hargaysa.,

waxaa sidoo kale ku dhaawacmay mid ka mid ah Dablaydii weerarka gardarrada ah ku layaay Qoyskaa waxanay ahaayeen laba Nin oo Bilayska Hargaysa ah, kuwaas oo hada Gacanta Dowlada Somaliland ku hayso.



Hadaba waxaa weli si dhamaystiran shaaca looga qaadin Sababta falkan Argagixiso loogu qaaday iyo Ujeedada ka danbaysay in la weeraro qoys dhan oo aan lahayn wax dambi ah oo hadana lala dhaco rasaas, taas waxaaba ka sii daran in ay noqdeen gacan ku dhiiglayaasha falkan argagixso geystay ciidamadii dawlada Somaliland taas oo ay dadkan gabooyaha hoos harsanayeen iyagoo ka rajaynayay in ay ugu noolaadaan si nabad iyo sinaan ku dheehan tahay laakiin ay soo badanayso maalmahan dadkan masaakiinta ah dhibaatada loo gaysanayo iyaga oo aan awood ku lahayn dowlada.

Waxaan raadiyay in aan xog ogaal ka helo dadkii iyo qaraabadii ay arintan ku dhacday iyo waxgaradka kale ee goob jooga ahaa ama arintan maqlay waxaana ii soo baxday sidatan:


Waxaan waraysigii ugu horeeyay ka qaaday wiilkii la aqal gali lahaa usbuuca soo socda marxuumada lagu dilay falkan argagixiso waxa uuna ii sheegay:


J. In aysan jirin wax dhib ah oo uu la socday ama uu jiro oo ay ka dhaxaysay cidna dawlada ama dadka midna ma aysan jirin arintana waxay nagu noqotay fal argagaxisnimo oo aanan ogayn meel ay raad ku leedahay, waana gardaro cadaan ah dilka iyo weerarka labadaba lagu qaaday waqti habeenimo ah.



Waxaa iyana ii suurta gashay inaan wax ka waydiiyo Mushkilandan Naxdinta leh Odayaasha Beesha oo saaka Hortubnaa Hosbitalka Hargaysa kaas oo laga Qaadayay Maydkii marxuumada .



S. Waxaana waydiiyay Cida Sheegatay Dilka iyo Sababta ama Cida loo raacayo Dhacdadan Naxdinta leh waxay iigu Jawaabeen


J. Waxaanu u tagnay Dawladii oo waxayna nagu yiraahdeen "Aasa Meydka, Dawladaa arinta Gacanta ku haysee maadaama La hayo labadii nin ee falka gaystay".


Hadaba walaalayaal waxaa yaab leh in ay dhacdo arintan oo kale waa arin u baahan hadal wax ka badan oo ah ficil in ay dowlada qaado ama deegaanka iyo dadka wax garadka ah hadii kale waxaa dhici doonta dad dan yar ah in la sal kiciyo oo la laayo ama ayba ka guuraan deegaanka maadaama aysan ku haysan nabad oo ah furaha wax walba


Waxaan si toos ah uga codsanaynaa wax garadka Somaliland in arintan sida ay tahay loo galaa xaqii dadkan la weerarayna la siiyaa lagana raali galiyaa hadii aysan sidaas dhicina waxaa cad dhibaatadii soo jireenka ahayd in ay weli sii socota oo aysan dhamaan


Sidoo kale dhibaatada naga soo gaaraysa Hargaysa ma ah mid ku eg intan oo kaliya ee waxaa ka mid ah in ay jiraan dad gabooye ah oo u xirxiran dambi la'aan maxkamadna aan la soo saarin sidoo kale marka aad tagto maxkamadaha iyo xeryaha bilayska ayaad arki kartaa dhibka lagu hayo dadkan gabooyaha ah oo maalinba maalin ka ka dambeyso ay sii badanayso


Hadaba waxaanu u soo jeedinaynaa anagoo ah dadka qurbaha ku nool ee gabooyaha ah in si wanaagsan loola dhaqmo walaalaha ku nool dhulka Soomaaliland


Dhibkan kama jiro qurbaha Soomaaliland oo dhana waa walaalo ee maxaa sababay in ay qaylo ka yeerto wadankii arintan waa in wax laga qabtaa inta aysan faraha ka bixin.


Waxaa qoraalkan idiin soo diyaariyay jaaliyada gabooye ee qurbaha ku nool kuna soo qoray shabakada




wixii faahfaahin ah ee intaa dheer waxaad si joogta ugala socon kartaan shabakadan midgaan,com, iyo inta kale ee xaq u dirirka ah Hadii EEbe idmo.



Wabilaahi Tawfiiq.


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travelled to Hargeisa to visit her uncle from her mother’s side, Mohamud Said Mohamed, a Deputy Minister for Somaliland’s Ministry of Sports.

Why this guy can't help his neice :confused:

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Originally posted by Samurai Warrior:

How come I see no denunciations coming the Somaliland camp here in SOL. Does one equate their silence be one of aghast and disgust, or one of close your eye and hope it goes away – Condone it!

What I'm disgusted at is this pathetic attempt of turning an allegdly horrific story into a propaganda tool. This is how low some people are willing to sink, using other peoples tragedy to score some political points and not to mention the convenience of the timing.

An example of the desired affect is the following:

originally posted by Nationalist:

If this case will not be settled down peacefully, I'm afraid we'll have a war on our hands. People are outraged and who knows some fool will do this to a girl from Hargaysa to settle scores

I do wish there where real facts minus the BS to this story of personnal tragedy. I don't think it's a coincidence that all the human rights groups in Hargeisa have yet to make a statement on this alleged crime. We will have to wait and see what they come up with.


“ …Of the 100+ Humanitarian Organisations in Hargeisa, not a single one was moved by the maltreatment, rape, sodomy and torture of the 15-year-old young girl.


Samurai do me a favor, when the real facts come out inform us and ask us how we feel about it but until than caarur ka cabsiiska iska waado.

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1.2 ml of male semen were scraped from her fistula with irreparable

damage inflicted upon her rectum, uterus and womb. Additionally, Samsam lost one of her nibbles during her ordeal

Walahi that is so sick, and just because she was from Bosaaso? :mad:

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Thsi si what I expected from a power hungary hooligans,


Simply to put in three words I would say that Somalia is "a transitioning goverment" But somalialand which one fof the places where people are forced to take on the element where they shall obey and be restricted from emotion,


The people of northen Somalia were simply restricted from celbrating and enjoying a long planned annugaration and voting of Mudane Abdullahi yusuf,


I truly sorry and iam ready to get to my job and restore our glory are the words of the president,


We all know that abdullahi yusuf was a dictator but Should i repeat or Afirm that I said Was .


Now we have smething to contend with, and that thing is how are we going to put those war hungry- warlords in somaliland in their place,


Warlodism is somalia is on the way out and we cant have warlords in somaliland while we have warlords still in power on the north. Somalia cant be seperated,


mmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder what That so called president in somaliland(He is really one of the last warlords reamining in somalia) will say tomorrow, will he say that somaliland speaks no somali and they are in the islamic religion.


I just want to say onething, This kind of action was not unecxpected, After all we are dealing with a warlords here, They are just as what the Jubba-Valley alliance is United warlords who are Under the one banner of Somalialand,


They use the people to cover the henious crimes,


I cant wait when someday the presidnt is going to cut off their heads





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Mahamed nuur

there is no need to make political milege out of this tragedy.

We all would like to see them suffer fort his crime and inshallah they will.

Its a shame that we have let this political accident take place (Riyale and his government).


If you profess to be a native of what you call the North Western region then you should know very well that Riyale is not a warlord.


and if you consider him a warlord then you should not ignore all the other clan millitias that greatly outnumber those at his diposal and also consider themselves Somalilanders.

Somaliland is a tougher nut to crack than you think.


Any way politics should not come into this

may allah bring justice to those who did this, in this world and the next.

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