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Puntland troops mass in Southern Mudug.....

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Ciidamo xoogle oo lagu kordhiyay kuwii horay ufadhiyay jiida hore. 26-11-06:- Waxaa maanta gaaray jiida hore ee bandiiradley ciidamo gaaraya ila 1500 ciidankan oo indhawaale tababar uga socday Magaalada Galkacyo, ciidamadan oo ahaa ciidamo ay dhawaan dawlada Puntland xaraysay si ay tababar usiiso ayaa maanta ka ambabaxay Galkayco isagoo ku hubaysan hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan.


Isuduwaha wasaarada warfaafinta ee Gobolka Mudug Daahir C/qaadir Axmed ( Dahir Aflow) oo shabakada allmudug wax ka waydiisay arintaas ayaa sheegay in Puntland ay iminka ku kalsoon tahay awoodeeda ciidan cid ay uga haybaysanayaan Sugida amaankoodana aysan jirin isagoo intaas ku daray in Ciidamada maanta baxay ay yihiin kuwa ku biiraya Ciidamada jiida hore eek u hawlan Difaaca Dalka.


Dhanka kale xaalada Deegaanka Bandiiradley ayaa dagan iyadoo ay halkaas isaga huleeleen Ciidamadii Maxkamadaha oo iminka uwareegay Dhinaca caabudwaaq taasoo ka dhigaysa maxkamadaha Muqdisho ciidamo iska geediya ee aan lahayn wax hadaf siyaasadeed ah maadaama hadba meeshii maskaxdooda ku soo dhacda ay uyaacayaan.




Cabdinuur Maxamed Seeraar

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"Puntland troops mass in Southern Mudug"?

what is new there?


Duke,I heard there are only 200 soldiers left in Adhicadeeye,what is the deal,who is left to defend Sool?


offcourse,this undermines that fact that some argue that it was Abdullahi Yusuf who defended Sool from Somaliland when in reality it's the people of Sool who didn't want the presence of SL and thus causing SL to stay away from their affairs

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^the reason I said is to show you how much you try to mislead people with your comments which have no truth to them when you compose them.

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^lol.buddy,I am chiling in my under pants,even if I tried getting mad, I couldnt' be,the mood and the otmosphere that I am is just too relaxing.

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Duke,I heard there are only 200 soldiers left in Adhicadeeye,what is the deal,who is left to defend Sool?

I thought you knew by now who actually pulls the strings behind the scenes. It doesn't involve the puppets leaders iskusheeg ah ka taliyo deeggaanadaas.


It involves by a man by the name of Sanaawi. The one and the only Soomaalida la heysto war ka maqlaan, including ninka isku yaqaano "madaxweynaha" of the republic.


Sad to be true, nonetheless true.


Maamulada ka jiro both Waqooyi Galbeed iyo Waqooyi Bari Sanaawi hadalkiis ma diidaan, waa ninka kala haaye dagaal in uu ka dhaco meeshaas, maantana kala qaaday ciidamaas sanadooyin qoraxda ku dishay oo isku horfadhiye. You think it is coincidence ciidamadii saas isku horfadhin jiray both sides of Aricaddeeye were moved back to their respective directions a few kilometres now, in order to free one side to go another front?


Caqlixumada na heysato ayee kamid tahay in anagoo walaalo ah aan iska war maqlin, aan isku dheg jalaqsiin, laakiin kan Sanaawi kasoo yeero sidii nabi loogu war maqlo.

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Prime minister Meles Zenawi is an individual and a mortal like you and I. Looking at the problems and opportunities and difficulties objectively would be better and constructive.

He is a 50 year old man, born 7 years after the Walwal conference that was done to make greater somalia of all the territories, but failed without any foreign interference. The main foreign interference was britain and britain was favouring uniting all territories in one country.


Meles was not born then and as a mortal if we take the average age of an ethiopian he will be long gone and you will be jumping with another somali or ethiopian name with no end in sight.

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Prime Monster Zenawi is a war criminal and a brutal dictator who does not reason beyond Yesterday.

His days are numbered.

Let him have the pleasure of planning his demise.

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MMA, you of all people should not insult anyone. Confused as you are , hating indaCade and loving his boss Abdiqasin...incredible.


Then you say Yusuf is a puppet , yet all your leaders including Xabsade are below him in stature. Oh I remember the Saransoor dude making noise where is he now?


As for the courts, they will be dealt with soon as President Yusuf gives the order. Your land will get liberated insha Allah and things will be swell.


Melez is an ally, being Tigray means nothing, since Afarwarki is an ally of Abdiqasin and the courts and the Djibouti dude has over 1800 US isoldiers based in his country. It is all politics....

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Who is a traitor,a man that fights and always fought for his believes of ''justice and equality'' or Small times ,junior Prison officers like Dahir Aweys?Traitor is he who abuses his own Religion in filching and trying to oppose Peace.That is what a traitor is.

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