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Doorashooyinki Gobolka Hargeysa :46.60% Somali Land 53.40% Somali weyn

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Congratulations to Nayruus and his Somaliweyn Wing, for a clear majority win. icon_razz.gif



Doorashooyinki Gobolka Hargeysa :

46.60% Somali Land 53.40% Somali weyn

Sida ay DFKGS ugu qaybsan tahay 2 laba garab (Jowhar iyo Muqdishu) ayaa Gobolka Waqooyi Galbeed ee Soomaaliya (Somali land) ugu qaybsan tahay 2 laba garab oo kala xambaarsan aragti siyaasadeed oo kala duwan.



Garabka Hargeysa

oo isu arko inuu hogaanka u hayo SNM aya isku qafilay dadweynaha ku khaldaya in dhibatooyinkii iyo burburkii Soomaalia iyo inuu jahwareer ku dhaco Somali waqooyi ay si toos ah masuul uga yihiin Soomaali Konfureed taasina ay ku kaliftay in Somali land gooni isu taagto kana goosato Soomaliya iyo Somalidaba wax allele wixii xiriir ah.



Garabka Soommaliweyn:

oo u hogaaminaayo(USP+ SNL) ayaa aaminsan in wixii dhibaatooyin ee ka dhacay dalka Soomaaliya ay masuul ka yihiin xukuumadihi u kala dambeeyee talada dalka

,mana jiraan dhaliilo u gaar ah Somali konfur oo ay masul kaga aheyd dhacdooyinkaasi,sidaasi darteedna loo baahan yahay in si ay ku jirto soomaali weyn wax loo wada qaybsado iyado loo adeegsanaayo wadahadal iyo midnimo.



Hargeysa iyo doorashaddi Baarlamanka :


Hargeysa oo ah Caasimada Gobolka Waqooyi ayaa xiisad iyo xamasad doorasho weyn ay xisbiyadu ka abuureenn isticmalaaya lacag iyo casabiyad qabiil lagu kala xod xoto bulsho weynta Hargeysa oo lagu qiyasaayo 550,000,shun boqol iyo konton kun.


Ahamiyadda codbixinto ayaa waxay muujisay in laga arko dad waalan iyo kuwo jiran oo dhakhtarkii ay jiifeen laga soo saaray lana keenay gooba codbixinta.


Natiijadda tartankuna oo ay SNM u ololaynayse doorashadda (USP+SNL ) ay ka so horjeedayn waxay ku dhamatay sida hoos ku cad oo aan ka so guuriyey "Jamhuuriya" o kaso baxda Hargeysa:



Kulmiyee Xisbiga

UDUB Xisbiga

UCID Tirada codasay Codadka xumaaday Tiradada Guud Hargeysa



95854 cod 81847 cod 75890 cod 253591

cod 2750

cod 256,341

cod 550,000


Haddi Tirada guud o codaysay oo ah 256,341 la barbar dhigo tirada Bulsho weynta

Deggon Hargeysa oo lagu qiyasayo 550,000 waxa codkoodi siyay Garabka

Soomaliland (SNM)46.60 % meesha Garabka Soomaliweyna ( USP +SNL) 53.40 %.taas

oo u si dheertahay Goboladda Sool/Sanag/ Cayn oo aan doorashabo ka dhicin.


Natiijadda kaso ifbaxday Hargeysa oo afrogtay tajeradda ee dadweynuhu u hayyan

maamulka Somaliland lagana alkhrisankaro Guuldaro ku dhacday Garabka



Maku cibrad qadanaya maamulka Soommaliland? ma ogolanayaan in doorashoo xor ah

oo ay qabanqabiso Qaramada Midoobay in ay ka dhacdo Gobolka Soomaliwaqooyi oo lo

codayo.Ya Soomaliland raba iyo Ya Soomaliweyn raba?


Wabilahi atowfiq .


Ali.Farah Jibril


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The secessionist camp knows they are the losers in fairly and democratically conducted referendum heralded by peaceful campaigns in which the Somaliwyn camp is given full access to the streets of Hargeisa and elsewhere in northwest regions of Somalia to spell out their rationalization of keeping Somalia together. But you know what; the right thing to do is first to put the question “can a region in the republic unilaterally hold referendum that could lead its people to secede from the rest of the country?†to a nationwide vote . If more than 51% of the voters agree to grant the regions the right to secede from the Republic, this must be part of the law of the land and must be engraved in the constitution. In other words amend the 1960 constitution. Conditions must be attached to how the referendums are conducted. Both “yes†and “no†camps must organized themselves in a peaceful manner and their leaders must be members of registered political parties. Intimidation and character assassination must be criminalized. The media should enjoy full freedom and must respect journalistic integrity and impartiality. Somalis are sectarian societies. Therefore all possible fair tools must be employed to legitimatize the results of any political election.


My prediction is that the Hargeisa municipal secessionists will vaporize in nanoseconds if legitimate political process is followed to breakup Somalia such as the one parts of which I have described above. Riyaale iyo rayi xumadiisa xaarwalwaala ayaa hore u xaabsan lahayd...Allow sahal

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What is the meaning of all this :confused: Suldaanka, pardon me, but you do not seem like the type to post anything that contradicts the 100% hardline "Somaliland" secessionist view, so what do you mean by this?

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