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Muuqaaladda Sannadka- Shariifka Jigjiga Iyo Shariifka Xamar Kee Khatarsan?

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Malika sister, I know that you're an adherent supporter of qadiyada gobolka Oggaadeeniya (Not negative).


But can't we question methods without forsaking our principles and what we feel is right? My second question to you is when was the last time you actually visited the Oggaadeen and talked to it's people?


I believe the Somali attitude in the Horn of Africa needs to change especially so the 'Free Oggaadeen' . NFD is 'colonised' according to many but despite it, the people there took it to themselves to better their lives. Today they're a booming well educated 'ethnic minority' who are part of the policy shaping in the country seen by the man who wrote the Kenyan constitution who is a Somali Kenyan. They're also big investors in the country who hold high posts in political offices.


Because they took the peace and abandoned the 'Shiftas' doesn't mean they are engaging in 'divide and conquer' tactics of their 'kenyan oppressors'.


Ethiopia is no different there, the country is booming and Somalis are prospering. People are studying hard. All they need to develop is a tangible peace.

Ponder on the issues I mentioned. Peace is for all. You can make peace with anyone, there is no prohibited community which you can't make peace with. Militancy and radicalism lead's to banging your head against the wall.


That's why WSLF took peace over a long dragging no outcome war which they should have done earlier.


The Qabridahare wing of the ONLF is in consultation and will take up peace in September that leaves us with the Dhagaxbuur wing of the ONLF, who we hope will take a courageous step towards a tangible peace too.


Peace train is here! Destination: A better, more prosperous, peaceful and highly educated Oggaadeen!


Come on the train sister.

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The Zack   

^Ilaahayow nimaan wax ogeyn ha cadaabin. Adeer Ethiopia is not Kenya, and you know it! Amhara's took the same approach as the NFD and do u know how they are treated in Ethiopia? Even though they took the "peace", they are still subjugated, tortured and sent to prisons in masses. Their presidential candidates are sentenced to live in prison. The Tigray regime is the worst of all. Go and listen to Meles's own words about the UWSLF surrender in my other thread. You either live with them with humility or fight for your own freedom, you can't just wing it.

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^Give me Tigre any day my friend over Amhara who have a distinctive disliking to Somalis in general.


Amhara live in peace adeer, they can be disgruntled however they're free people. You're behind in your development even to non-Oggaadeen Somali regions yet you carry an AK47.


For much the region was neglected because of war but now the Somali region is peaceful thank's to forward thinking individuals and a rethinking as society as a whole. The region is now moving fast in education, business and development. We need to encourage this and not concern yourself with Amhara who have education, peace and development.


The Somali regional state today is peaceful and we have already seen the vast improvement in all sectors of society.


In Kenya too the Kikiyu could be said to be subjugating the rest and we all know how the kikiyu have accumulated hugh wealth and land which was the catalyst for the 2007 bloody elections. The same happened in Ethiopia too in 2005 but contrary to Kenya the wound's of this violent elections seem to have been mended unlike in Kenya which is still recovering from those bloody elections and ethnic civil war.

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A load of bollocks!!


1.Whos is the Qabridahar and Dhagaxbuur wing? Meles propoganda? this is word for word from his latest interview how can you expect to be taken serious.The ONLF leadership is known and none of its departments and its armed forces have consulted nor even talked to the Goverment of Ethiopia.This other ONLF group has been a line that has been used for the past 19 years.


2. Kenya is one of a few nations which has reformed to become a stable democracy in a continent of dictators.How can the Meles goverment be compared to Kenya, A goverment who has obliterated all opposition.A goverment which produced one of the most rigged election results on record(99.6%).Can this Goverment be trusted.


3.The UWSLF never was a force in the region as Meles admitted in his own interview.They accepted the terms of the Ethiopian Goverment and had no agenda but to return to the land again without those arrest warrants.As mentioned he used the UWSLF under the Itixaad brand to gain funding in the 90's when they posed no significant(under the guise of terrorism) and now he using them under the UWSLF brand to regain some credibility and fool the International community and stakeholders.


4.We talk about peace but why does the Ethiopian goverment refuse to negotiate in a nuetral country with ONLF as proposed.Why does it have these shady deals with "insignificant forces" but cannot commit to a real peace process with its most powerful insurgency? Why doesnt it allow the U.N, NGO's and the free media to inspect the region where it allows a few wadaads to do the same? What are they hiding?


5.The Goverment of Ethiopia continues to limit political space for the whole of Ethiopia, it is supressing the media to a few outlets and is getting repressive by the day.What guarantees the Somali minority to gain any rights where major groups such as the Oromo and Amhara are without any political voice.


6.The goverment of Ethiopia controls Ethiopia through a series of regional sattellite parties linked with the TPLF who carry out there mandate in each region as per the TPLF's demands.With this in place, how will there be a process to have a legitimate governing body that truly represents the people when this is the system in place for the TPLF.


7.With the Amhara there next of kin are following the ONLF route to regain there rights, it truly says something about the political climate in Ethiopia.There is a goverment in place controlled by the Tigray ethnic group who have put in place mechanisms to ensure they with firmness retain control of the state through there sattelite regions with there affliate militias and the ruthless military.The goverment can create the illusion they are negotiating and they can produce tampered economic data regarding growth(When 85% of Ethiopians live in poverty) but the reality is clear and far from what this goverment wants to smuggle into the conscience of people.


I say go take all that hogwash and feed it to the feeble minded.We are very aware of the region, we contact it on a weekly and sometimes daily basis.Dont lecture us on the issues on the ground mate.


When meles feels the heat, he will negotiate and with a country up in arms in every corner.The country will cave in as with Mengistu.

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^Adeer we all know Kenya is run by a minority 'Kikiyu' elite, they can have all the free media and pretences of a 'democracy' but the truth on the ground is for everyone to witness and see.


Meles was also once hailed as a 'visionary' leader and 'great democrat' by the west which slightly got tainted in the 2005 elections but nevertheless he's miles ahead and attends all G20 meetings as the sole African representative.


Meles leadership changed a lot since the feudal leadership of the Amhara Derg. As a result Ethiopia is more open now and because of Ethiopia's delicate ethnic make up and Meles himself coming to power in a bloodless coup as a guerilla movement and the stubbornness of the Amhara many reforms could not be implemented but a great deal has changed for the better since Meles came to power in Ethiopia.


The true record contrary to your baseless assertions is that it is the ONLF refusing to talk, many delegations have been send but the ONLF leadership has thus far refused to sit down because they're subject to approval by foreigners and cannot make up their own decision and due to the lucrative diaspora business there is no wonder they refuse to sit down.


The division on the ONLF is true and a reflection of major blunders within the organisation. Like ONLF claims that all 'Somali clans' are representative and included in the leadership of the ONLF one wonders not that they would distance itself from any disharmony.


Thus Qabridahare and Dhagaxbuur lead wings is true. The recent Qabdirahare wing came to Ethiopia a couple of weeks ago to smooth the way to the peace signing in September inshallah.

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Originally posted by Sakhar_The:



Meles was also once hailed as a 'visionary' leader and 'great democrat' by the west which slightly got tainted in the 2005 elections but nevertheless he's miles ahead and attends all G20 meetings as the sole African representative.


Meles leadership changed a lot since the
feudal leadership of the Amhara Derg. As a result Ethiopia is more open now and because of Ethiopia's delicate ethnic make up and Meles himself coming to power in a bloodless coup as a guerilla movement and the stubbornness of the Amhara many reforms could not be implemented but a great deal has changed for the better since Meles came to power in Ethiopia.


[b [/b]

And you are the spokesman of Meles? :D

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I cant debate with a person who is spewing raw TPLF propoganda and cant bring rational arguments from his own knowledge base.


For your darling comment that was when Meles arrived on the scene but today he is the 10th most repressive leader in the world and has rigged two elections along with the massive human rights violations which has been widely documented.He runs a kleptocracy not a state.There is no argument about these fundemental facts.


As for Kenya compared to Ethiopia.It has a professional free press, It has an independent professional judiciary and its politicians are willing to make concessions as we saw with the power-sharing deal after the election violence, If Kibaki was Meles Odinga nad his party would not exist today.Along with this many minorites have been included in the goverment.More recently they have enacted a new constitution which was done under a free and fair vote.This is a milestone for kenya.This is a country light-years ahead of Ethiopia and its Dictatorship of 19 years. This is a good article of how Ethiopians under the darkness of Dictatorship are craving for Kenya's progress.


Some facts you need to understand.

* Meles is not a democrat dont make a fool of yourself.99% result for an election is an embarassment democracy.

*Meles did not come to power through a bloodless coup but a rebellion.

*The leader of the so-called faction is not even from Qabridahar hes from Dhobaweyn and hes not even from the clan meles mentioned.ONLF's deputy and second deputy, there foreign minister and countless other ministers are from Qabridahar and they are not negotiating.


Clear.You dont make sense and clearly I dont understand your motive mate.Stick to Garowe politics where its more simple.

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Adeer Polayni this is slightly bigger than you, I suggest you concerning and limiting yourself to this sad episode:


MAQAAL:- Anigoo ah L/caanood, caasimadda SSC, waxaan farriintan qaylo-dhaanka gargaar doonka ah u soo dhiibayaa ninka maqaalkan iga soo qoray oo kulan waraysi ila yeeshay.


Waxaan ku idhi wax su’aalo ah hay weydiin.
Waxaan kuu sheego oo keliya iga qor oo iga sii qaad oo gudbi. Taana wuu iga yeelay...

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Sakhar, what makes you think I support SSC militia,TRIBAlistyahow?



ps. can you give us more information about the merits of Meles Zenawi? :D

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Rebel_no1 the division of the ONLF is true adeer however hard you try to hide it. Leader and deputy leader aside, Dhagaxbuur wing is made up by Dhagaxbuur people only the inheritors of the ONLF from the Qabridahare folks who since deserted the movement through major blunders within.


It's funny and ironic that you Jabhad of all people suggests that I should 'stick to simpler garowe politics', considering that I'm the more savvy politician of the two of us in the family (the Onlf and Puntland share a common ancestor and are of the same sub-clan). :D

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Polyani adeer who said you support SSC movement, this is a letter to all the inhabitants of SSC from their capital city Laasaanood.


Read the message adeer. :D

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^^ Whatever it is about, it is irrelevant to the discussion and there was no need to bring it up in this thread. The discussion here was about your fake and deceptive praise of Meles Zenawi, a man with so much Somali blood on his hands, even though you are fasting. In any case,Jabhad has done a good job at highlighting how little ye know.

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