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Oh, Dayniile

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The Zack,

Yes, that is a big problem saaxib. I think joking about websites ends when one writes about how an indvidual looks.


My take is this;


Daynile is not the best "truth"telling website


but it is not the worst.

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The Zack   

^While it is true that it is not wise to make fun of someone's looks I still don't see the reason why we should defend a clan domain name.

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The Zack,

Clan domain name? Daynile is a district in Muqdisho and has nothing to do with a clan name.


If you mean websites that cater to specific clan goals/agenda/aspiration, show me one that isn't saaxbib. All of them are the same (at least those that I have been to) in twisting the news/or disregarding to report issues when it fits them.



I have yet to see a site that is pan-somali. They are all rotten

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Originally posted by UZTAAD:

malaha waranle waa ninka dayniile qora

Waranle is a known Islamist who is consistent in his support for the Islamic factions. Dayniile and his views contradict, so he can not be associated with that website.


As he said, Dayniile is not better or worse than most Somali websites.


And the name Dayniile is no different than Garowe, or Hiiraan, or Puntland. Those all are names of regions, cities, districts etc.

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Uztad, LOL


Maye ee waxaan doonayaa inaan GOOF ka gato? Adigu markay yareyd miyaa baska "Abu-raas" oo u socodo Daynile lagugu xumeeyey ? smile.gif

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Meiji, and where do you stand bro? Xaalka soomaaliya islamist, kacaanist, leninist, marxist wuu ka weynyahay.


By the way I want to read more about your strategies regarding the future of the "M" society. You never know I might be a supporter.

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Originally posted by [Waranle]:

Uztad, LOL


Maye ee waxaan doonayaa inaan GOOF ka gato? Adigu markay yareyd miyaa baska "Abu-raas" oo u socodo Daynile lagugu xumeeyey ?

lool, maya sxb I have never been there.

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I stand where I stood yesterday, Somalia for Somalis, and Somalis solving their own issues. No meddling from any foreigner whether black or white, muslim or gaal.


As for the future,


Enjoy as long as the Islamists are dominating the political landscape of Somalia. Every dog has its day, thats a fact the previous warlords are dealing with now.

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Muqdisho, the cradle of somali civilization; the economic hub of somalia and the multi-"ethnic" (read qabiil) city deserves better than warlords, afminshaars and sheikh Hotel.


Uztaad, Daynile used to have wonderful GOOFs and a radio antenna; it used to have the only municipal bus services.


Someone was telling me that it became a district.


I have a friend from Daynile, so if you want a goof drop me a line; it will be hot property; there will be a property boom.

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The Zack   

Waranle, I know Dayniile is a district in Somalia I was referring to the site and its writers. And like I said before I do agree there are many clan Somali sites that spread clan hatred but I was just wondering why we would defend a clanist site or we would say "hey talk about allpuntland, too. It is bad website, too".

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Originally posted by [Waranle]:


Muqdisho, the cradle of somali civilization; the economic hub of somalia and the multi-"ethnic" (read qabiil) city deserves better than warlords, afminshaars and sheikh Hotel.




In 2006 we had Aweys, Sh.Sharif, Macalin Xaashi all on one side fighting against the previous warlords who all carved their little fiefdoms in Mogadishu and fought each other on top of civilians for control of street cortners and traffic junctions.


Fast forward to 2009:


Aweys and his Xisbi Islam Faction have their own ''Governor for Banadir'': Macalin Xaashi.


Aweys and his gang have their stronghold in Bakaaraha/Hodan and Ceelasha Biyaha.


Macalin Xaashi has his stronghold in Ceel Macaan and parts of Suuq/Bacaad-Kaaraan.


Sh.Sharifs and his foreign-created regime have named their own ''Governor for Banadir'' yesterday: Inj.Nuune.


This ''Nuune'' governor controls Xamarweyne-Xamarjajab, Waaberi, And KM4 etc..basically were AMISOM troops are stationed.


Than we have Alshabab created ''Banadir administration'' headed by Xuseen Fiidow guy. He has his stronghold in Suuqa Xoolaha/Dayniile/Suuqa Bakaaraha and is fighting in other districts for control of few street blocks.



All these socalled ''Wadaado'' (religious pretenders) are the embodiement of ''afmishaarnimo''.


They have replaced the previous warlords and are engaged in a ruthless struggle for the city in which they have been pushing each other back and forth for almost 1 year.


Whoever says that Mogadishu deserves better i.e. those socalled wadaado, only wants death and destruction for the city and its people.

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I see some changes in your attitude Muqdisho son;

You wrote " "Sh.Sharifs and his foreign-created regime"


Many of us realised this on the eve of his selection by warlords and tribalists in Djibouti.


Mar dambe ayaad soo toostay; waa arrin fiicanse. My niece will have said "Caqli lix sac"


You forgot to mention the time when Yalaxow, Qanyare, Bashir Raage, Qeybdid and the rest of the child killers were humiliated by a popular endogenous movement.


Those who support Hotel sharif don't want Muqdisho to settle... think about that sxb

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You should read my first posts on this net, I was the one who coined the term ''foreign-created regime''.


As for ''caqli lix sac''


The current supporters of the current warlords should read history. There was a time when there were die-hard supporters of the clan-disguised warlords and when those warlords were at the prime of their power.


Look back in history to the 91-95 period..and you would recognize your rethorics and behaviour in lets say the die-hard supporters of Gen.Aideed's SNA faction.

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