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The story of Kismayo

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What is the history of Kismaayo? this city is heavily contested between three major clans. conspircy is acorrding to the reer abti (Barres clan) that odayga's main goal was to return the city to reer puntland, ppl are suspious and paranoid about that clan, its like they got magic powers how others talk about em :confused: funny thing is ppl want push out the clan of puntland out of kismaayo, when they are the majority and the ones who built the city in modern era, the business men, main businesses, riches, the majority of houses belonging to the clans of puntland. Marka whats the deal ppl? if we are not being politically correct kismaayo is an *********-city, both in numbers and property no? help me out here


[ February 13, 2007, 01:07 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Ask your abti what is the deal? see, there is no point for fighting over Kismaayo when all clans can share. the problem is though, your reer adeer think Kismaayo belongs to them, just because they live Calanley. I hope they will find solution over this.. I am sick of it. Again why would I have to worry about Kismaayo when entire Somalia in under Ethopian rule.

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Somalis are backward. A position means ownership. Since President Yusuf named positions people think he named some sort of ownership of land. People need to get things straight. Ownership of a house or mall or place doesn't mean you own a freaking town.


The facts remain. Somalis are extremely backward.



If the President or Prime Minster name a position and people object like some have already done. You do it in a political way. Not in the stereotypical Somali manner of fighting.




The clan you speak of doesn't live only along the coast. Although they live there too. Kismaayo is a metropolis. Somalis are mixed through out the city. Many people from all over Somalia live their. At one point Paki's, Indian's, and even some White people lived in Kismaayo.

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Khalaf, rather what you should ask your adeero is how did Morgan repay the men nicknamed ciidanka dameeroley who came from all over Gedo, organized in Faafaxdhuun, and marched to capture the city for him from the USC. smile.gif


Kismaayo before 1991 was in the same position as Mogadishu and everywhere else in Somalia. It was a Somali city, occupied by Somalis, and administered by a central Somali government.


A civil war took place, there were thousands of population displacements and as the make-up of Mogadishu's population considerably altered so did Kismaayo and elsewhere. This needs no acknowledgment. The interesting thing is you would hear Barre Hiiraale or so and so was not born in Kismaayo. Was Abdiqasim Salad Hassan born in Mogadishu? These kinds of things are not debatable as they have no merit.


Everything about Kismaayo today goes back to the conduct the men who freed the city from the USC in the first place were treated with.

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Originally posted by Abaadir:

Again why would I have to worry about Kismaayo when entire Somalia in under Ethopian rule. [/QB]

^^sax! but for sake of disussion i will like to know the history of this great city. ppl are very passionate about it, each claiming it, somalis wont share they are too dumb for dat, the greater good, what i dont get is how ppl can say reer puntland dont have more rights to that city. they built it.


mida kale, wouldnt outside forces benefit from civil tention between somalis and maybe fuel it, kismaayo is prefect and so is the area of sool, sanaag. Allah knows best.

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Khalaf, rather what you should ask your adeero is how did Morgan repay the men nicknamed
ciidanka dameeroley
who came from all over Gedo, organized in Faafaxdhuun, and marched to capture the city for him from the USC.


Everything about Kismaayo today goes back to the conduct the men who freed the city from the USC in the first place were treated with.

Nacaam kismaayo n xamar were considered the best cities, somali cities before the civil war...the ppl of kismaayo and xamar were the least qablists of ppl in somalia, that changed cause of civil war sadly. Horn can u furthur explain your quote? Very interesting. :D

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What you’re seeing Khalf is a power struggle of warmongering warlords and the daily Somali politics of shifting alliance, no real issue or valid concern. These warlords with governmental stickers are symbols and icons for qabiil, not a nationhood or principled ideology. Kismaayo is a hot button because of these fools and the fools who fall for their foolishness.


Genuine reer Kismaayo could care less of what qabiil one belongs to so long you’re one of them. I don’t think the warlord led government or their supporters really care for Kismaayo and its people.


Some of us should be ashamed of themselves for changing colors each time tragedy strikes in the city.

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If I tell you Kismayo's real history and your reer adeer is not part of it, will you accept it? Truth of the matter is though, as of today 95% inhabitants in Kismaayo are not from Puntland. Kismaayo is bigger in size and more populated compare to before 1991. a lot of us invested that city with our hard earned dollars (including me) I built all those houses so me and my kids will some day live there. I want see real political solution in that neck of the wood.

you see, I though its people from Puntland that want everyone else out from kismaayo not other way around. eveyone is important and have the right to live in Kismaayo with piece and dignity.

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Truth of the matter is though, as of today
inhabitants in Kismaayo are
from Puntland. Kismaayo is bigger in size and more populated compare to before 1991. a lot of
invested that city with our hard earned dollars
(including me)
I built all those houses so me and my kids will some day live there.

What method did you use to come up the ninety five percentages? I know a half dozen nomads who built houses in Arusha a decade ago. Tolow, 95% of Arusha is now owned by maryooleey? I own a small lot in Dacar-budhuq, dad kale iskaba daayee Red Sea ma ii ogolyahay inaan dhisto.

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Khalaf, this is unusual of you saaxib, What has gotten to you?


all three tribes that populate Kismayo all belong into one greater tribe.


Nina meesha xaq umaleh. Nin walba intaa gurigiisa agtiisa ah ayuu ka mas'uul yahay. Ilaahay baa dhulka iska leh sxb.


Jimcaalow, inaabti, adigu shicib ayaad tahay, waxba kaama galin waxa maanta taagan ee siyaasiyiinta udhexeeya, adigu jagadaadii soo doono, cidi kuu diidi mayso. Dulmi ma jiro meesha, adaa iska leh inta Ilaahay kasokaysa.

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Jimcaale waxa aad ka cabanasid maaha wax u gaar ah Dacar budhuq, ee waa wax Mogadishu, Hargeysa, Kismayo, Galkacyo ee la wadaagtu


Hadii aad Dacar Budhuq aa jago ku ledahay nin tagey baa tahay

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Kismaayo is not a maryooleey town, that is where the confusion stems from. Maryooleey being those who always prefer to 'attach' qabiil ownerships to lands, who are always obsessed by qabyaalad, who never know the collective wadajirnimo iyo midnimo in wax lagu wadaago. In their miyi-influenced and pastoral way of life, which subsequently became their de facto philosophy applied to everything in life, it is either mine or mine or mine or mine. Or rarely, yours. Nothing else. No wadaag; no wadadegnaansho; no wadajirnimo. Either mine, which is most of the time or yours -- the third option is waranka iyo gaashaanka, later hoobiyaha iyo madaafiicda.


Markii boqol la iska dilo, neither group moving an inch ayaa la heshiinaa. Sad runtii. Then it will rise again when meel geel daaqo jiq ah la isku qabsado. It seems geel or lo' or ari or whatever aan raaci jirnay in fact had more influence than our collective rational thinking.


Laakiin since you want to know the historical Kismaayo, aan u noqono to the topic then.


Kismaayo is a historical Baajuuni town, Baajuuni being a Sawaaxili-speaking people, whose language and heritage and raciality is considerably influenced by Carabs.


The very name of Kismaayo is Baajuuni word, so is Raaskambooni ['chiamboni'] and other numerous islands surrounding Kismaayo, including Juula, Jawaay, Kooyaama iyo Inguumi, where to this day still are lived by Baajuuni fishermen undisturbed.


Kismaayo, along with other Sawaaxili coastal towns such as Baraawe, Mombaasa, Sansibaar, Malindi, Lamu, were ruled by Cummaamiintii [reer Cummaan (Oman)] before the European colonials arrived and carved up.


Kismaayo and other part of Jubbadahoose then became part of deeggaanada Koonfur Galbeedka, known as NFD oo Ingiriiska maamuli jiray. Kismaayo and lands surrounding it was rewarded to Talyaani after the World War I for a simple appreciation oo dowlada Talyaaniga la safneed Ingiriiska iyo xulafadiis.


If Ingiriiska too had given Mombaasa or Lamu [the latter which is the closest coastal Kenyan town to Kismaayo] to Talyaani in this event, today you woul dhave seen same maryooleey debating about their "ownership" of Mombaasa or Lamu.


It is later when maryooleey settled. Those who are fighting there, most waligood Kismaayo qixii ayee arkeen, post-civil war. The true reer Kismaayo today are Reer Waamo, regardless their clan affiliation, and most of them left the town. Reer Waamo have a rare quality of Soomaali culture -- being peaceful. Of course, the peaceful landscape and settled life had easily influenced their ways of life.


This article ayaa sii faahfaahin doono.


Magaca Magaalada Kismaayo wuxuu ka kooban yahay laba erey oo Sawahili ah "
Kisima yaajuu
" oo micnahoodu yahay ceelka hore.


Magaca waxaa lahaa markii hore ceel ku yaaley jasiirad ku taala dhanka Waqooyi Bari ee magaalada "jasiiradda maska u eg" oo ay
degganeyd koox jillaabato ah Baajuun oo la oran jirey Ngumi


Oo ay degganeyd koox jillaabato ah oo waagey ajidu qabsatay durbadiiba soo degeen oo buux dhaafiyey Carab iyo Soomaali ganacsato ahoo tagay dhulka Soomaalidu deggeneyd iyo xagga Kenya.


Qarnigii 19th bartamihiisii webiga ganaane labadiisa dhinac waxaa loo degganaa:
Soomaalida oo soohdin ahaan ku ekeyd Webiga Ganaane [later Jubba] dhinaciisa bidixeed laga bilaabo isku darka webiga iyo badweynta Hindiya
[which where today Jilib iyo Jamaame located at], waxayna
Soomaalidu dhanka Midigeed usoo gudbeen waa dambe
awelna waxaa deggenaan jirey Caruuso, [qabiil] iyo Oromiya.


Waxaa kale oo degenaa jasiiradaha kooxo jillaabato ah oo baajuun ah sidoo kale jiidda webiga ganaane labadiisa dhinac waxaana degganaa boon iyo jareer la baxday reer Goleed.




Dagaaladaas ayaa socday tan iyo 1869-1909 kii Soomaalidu dagalaalkaas ayey sii wadey ilaa ay ka tagto tan iyo intii gumeysiga ingriisku ku hor istaagay soohdinta Wooqooyi Bari ee dalka Kenya.




Jasiiradaha aanu kor kusoo sheegnay waxaa kamid aha:


Jasiiradda Kooyaama

Jasiiradda Inguumi

Jasiiradda Jawaay

Jasiiradda Kufuumbi

Jasiiradda Juula

Buugga Taariikhda Dhulka ayaa laga soo guuriye, via that website.

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I thought the mentioning of qabil names was not allowed; another case of you not following your own rules. :D Its funny how you edited Khalafs post yet there is no editing in yours?



Tan kale, Kismaayo dadka iska leh waala ogyahay and its not those people you mentioned dear Miskiin-Maga'alley.

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