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Declassified Memo of Conversations and Meetings between Somali and U.S. Officials

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Declassified Memorandum of Conversations and Meetings between Somali and U.S.

Officials from 1977 to 1978


May 15, 2010


Editor's Note: Following are two different documents in the form of Memoranda on past encounters between the late Hussein Abdulkadir Kassim and Henry Kissinger, on the one hand, and Ambassador Abdullahi Adou and Kissinger, on the other hand, on a wide range of issues clouding the Ethio-Somali geopolitical conflict.


In reading these documents, one can’t help but be impressed with Mr. Kassim’s feisty nature, his commendable diplomatic knack in dealing with delicate issues and and his steadfastness in his representation of his country. In the words of his colleague, Ambassador Adou, Kassim was indeed Somalia’s de facto Foreign Minister at the time, although his official portfolio was Minister for Minerals and Water Resources. In the case of Aduo’s Memorandum, his image comes across as an undiplomatic Somali elder with less knowledge about the general etiquette and diplomatic nuances. Hence, knowledge and education matters when it comes to conducting government business.


Nonetheless, these conversations contained in these memoranda are again another set proof of the once small but respected Somalia that is now in the waning. WardheerNews would like to thank Said M. Shire (Saciid Suugaan) who was kind enough to share these documents with our readers. Said possesses the largest collection of Somali documents and academic materials and is compared to none.



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