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Sharif Ahmed is begging for a helping hand

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A desperate Sharif Ahmed begged the group Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a, which is armed by Ethiopia and is fighting Harakat Shabaab Al-Mujahideen in central Somalia, to formally join with forces of his puppet government.

"We urge Ahlu Sunna to give us a hand.

The opposition groups have nothing to do with Islam," he told reporters and scores of leaders of the group at the hilltop presidential palace.

"They are using the name of Islam to behead people and loot their property -- what sort of Muslims are the opposition? Ninety-five percent of them do not know how to look up a single verse in the Koran."

This latest desperate attempt to safe his weak puppet government comes as fledgling Somali Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake has begged regional powers and the international community to enact sanctions upon mujahideen-held regions.

Meanwhile, Ethiopia finally acknowledged its military personnel had been carrying out wat it described as "reconnaissance" missions into neighbouring Somalia in support of its puppet and slave, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed.

"When there is a threat, you can send some scouts here and there," Bereket Simon, the Ethiopian government's head of information, told reporters in the first confirmation from Addis Ababa that it had sent people back in.

Witnesses on the Somali side of the border however, have spoken of seeing hundreds of Ethiopian soldiers, with heavy equipment.

Bereket denied that.

"Apart from doing reconnaissance, which is normal in these circumstances, the government of Ethiopia is not engaged in any way in Somalia ... When the 'terrorists' and the 'extremists' were moving fast, we've been standing on alert on our border and following what is happening." Bereket said.

Harakat Shabaab Al-Mujahideen however now effectively controls almost the entire south and central portions of Somalia except for a few pockets run by Hizbul Islam, which also partly controls the central Somali town of Beledweyn, the last stronghold of the apostate puppet forces in central Somalia.

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This is your first post, and it is not impressive, What is wrong if Sharif asks his somali brothers for help? This is Somali government, and these savages attacking his governmet, and the somali people, should be stopped at any cost!


It is the due of every somali to save this government.

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this is no somali govt... this is a govt imposed to somalis by the westerners.


no single somali person voted for this how can this morans rule or claim to be a somali govt??


big question!! Simply, to be a somali govt it has to voted in by somali ppl votes. thats it.

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Diiriye, this is transitional government..the keyword being "transion" once peace law n order is set up and violent elements in the society are eliminated. Then get the transition to fully fledged democratic government of somalia take place.


Or maybe what u are expecting is, somalis to take votes up whilst shabab is ringing bullets in every side of southern somalia. That would be excellent idea, get ppl to go to voting booth ducking ak 47's.


Wallahi u need to think sometimes, before making such baseless statements. Now i personally am suspicious of sharif and believe he is closest extremist and only using this moderate version of islam as an excuse to get support for the west and help himself get eleced in the parliament.


I personally don't like sharif's policies but i do respect the bases the transitional government was formed on. Sure it might be qabil politic's right now in the parliament but how else can u appease warring clans without at first using qabil based parliament to keep them happy.


That is why all the warlords joined, and clan elders..only extremist psychopath's who haven't and wan't to completely topple the government.


But again i reiterate qabil based parliament and the somalis not voting for it, is transitional's nothing permanent, it's phasing in law n order and getting the ppl set up for democracy...


When u catch the flu or have cough, do u just drink the whole cough syrup in one go? of course not. U take a tea-spoon here and tea-spoon there and in slow stages u will find yourself recovering. If u drank it all in one go u'd probably pass out and die.


That is the solution for somalia a transitional government applying law and order as the first teaspoon, bringing stability and confidence of the ppl as second tea-spoon, providing education, health, investment as the third teaspoon and then and gradually phasing the government into democracy as the final tea-spoon.


It's about gradual change

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Diiriye, infact it took puntland 10 years to phase into a fully fledged democracy. And the constitution was just amended to include multi party and one man one vote system.


It's not overnight process, and southern somalia seeing much more war and killing then we have will take alot longer then 10 years.

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If the mujahideen are savages, then tell me who have been terrorizing the defenseless civilians in X/Weyne?

Who have killed three Somali teenage boys and martyred a score of innocent civilians during a raid on a mosque this last week?

Indeed, the apostate slaves of the infidels.

This weak puppet government will be destroyed with the permission of Allah.


“Have they not travelled through the earth, and seen what was the end of those before them? Allah

destroyed them completely and a similar (fate awaits) the disbelievers.

That is because Allah is the Maula (Lord, Master, Helper, Protector, etc.) of those who believe, and

the disbelievers have no Maula.”

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i gree with the transitional stuff..dont that mean it should be transitional to addis sooner or later..u feel me


after all this is 2nd one that transitioned to addis saba...wat the hell! lool.


so i say we should just give up on trans-govt and start a real one where the somali pple vote for it. aint u tired of trans-govt morans! common bro...give it up!

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Rudy diiriye...well how are u going to unite all different warring sides? are u just going to say let's set up a government and stop fighting and benefit the country..well that's all nice and dandy but it's not realistical


All the interest groups in somalia be it warlords, clan elders, ulama, want to know what's in it for them to join such government? what will u tell them "so we can benefit the ppl" lol they will laugh straight in your face and say "what's in it for me and my clan or me and my religion"


U need to appease all of them..that is why the transitional government is based on qabil to end the qabil wars which it has. Now it's religious wars.


U just can't set up a government and say come and join us and not appease the ppl u want to join u..the first question they will ask is "can we be president" or "how many of my clan or sect is represented in the government" what will u say to all them "yes u can be president" of course not then we would have 1000 presidents.


at the end of the day u need to bring them together and how the hell will u manage to do that whilst keeping all parties pleased?

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if an african son can bring the whole world together... we sure can bring lil villages together.


i see a bright light at the end of this tunnel..

and its not an amxroow train. lol


try to learn somali history and then u know why somalis always work their differences when they stopped listens to outsider ideas.


remember what they meant "lets sit down under the galoowl tree". that was their white house!! all issue was resolved there. peace!

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