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Thanks to Siad Barre and his nationalist government

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Originally posted by Suldaanka:

He was the one that introduced favourship when it comes to clans, arming neighboring clans pitting one against the other and planting the ongoing mistrust and divisions.

You come across as naive and very poor student of history.

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Somalia and my family


By Mohamed Yusuf

Tuesday, October 05, 2010


I recently wrote an article on Hiiraan online about former President Nationalist Hero Siad Barre, In this article, I described the things his government achieved, many people complained to me why I didn’t also mentioned the negative things that happened under his regime, I'm not naive I also know that there was tribalism and corruption in his government, I also know that many innocent people lost their lives when his government bombed Hargeysia and other northern cities, but that doesn’t change the good things Siad Barre did for Somalia.


In typical Somali tribe-mentality some wrote to me, that that the only reason why I wrote the article was that I was from the M****** tribe, actually my father is from the D******* clan and my mother is from the I***** clan.


Tribalism and corruption was to big factors behind the destruction of Somalia, both of them due to lack of nationalism…… I am coming with to examples from my own family: My uncle Abdiraxman Ahmed( may he rest in peace) was director of Somalia’s only milk and dairy factory which was located in Mogadishu, a job the Siad Barre government had given him ( he was qualificated) ) the government gave him 3 beautiful houses, he got a good salary, the school he sent his children to was built by Siad Barre, the hospital he used was built by Siad Barre, the road he drove on was built by Siad Barre on a car given by the government, you should think my uncle was happy man? No, he hated the fact that Siad Barre was a ******* and not D********, he rather have a useless D****** president, than a good M****** president, that shows the Somalis tribalism, my uncle died as a poor refugee in Denmark, he lost all his wealth in Mogadishu in 1991.


The second example is my other uncle, I will not mention his name, he was appointed Managing Director in a bank owned by the government, he fled with 2 million dollars from the bank all the way to the United States hunted by the NSS, those money was salary to innocent government workers…


Nationalism and love for Somalia and the Somali people is what contributed positively to Somalia, here are two examples from my family: My dad Adan Mahmoud was from 1960-1980 schoolteacher in Las Anod, Hargeysa, Bórama, Hobyo, Garowe, and many others cities in Somalia, he got a small salary but gave knowledge to thousands of Somalis, he was Story and economics teacher at Lafole college from 1980-1988 and from 1988-1991 he served as vice education minister in the government, he was never corrupt and was loved by all people in Mogadishu, he loves when he meets his former students from all parts of Somalia.


The other example his one of my other uncles, ( yes I have a lot of uncles) he was 25 years in 1977 and lived in Las Anod, when he heard in the radio nationalist Halimo Magool sing “ oh somali man never rest before we have liberated Somali Galbeed and Somaliweyn has reunited” he joined the somali army the same day, he went down to a tunnel where the evil Etiophia had a lot of weapons and troops, he blew himself up and killed 200 etiophian soldiers, and made huge damage to Etiophia. He died for the liberation of Somaliweyn!


I think that all Somalis should contribute to the reconstruction of Somalia and therefore I have started a campaign in Denmark where we raise money for a hospital in the town of Marka in southern Somalia, I love to help my Somali brothers and sisters.


Long Live Somalia! And long live the great somali people!


PS: I am looking forward to the day when I will see Mogadishu and its great people, a city my family have many good memories about, we all know Mogadishu it’s the great city in the world! And the great capital of Somaliweyn!

Mohamed Yusuf Is a Somali student in Denmark.



Mohamed for president (2020). I will be your campaign manager, holla at ya sis ASAP! :D what a bright young man, masha'Allah

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Mohamed for president (2020). I will be your campaign manager, holla at ya sis ASAP! [big Grin] what a bright young man, masha'Allah

Bal Sawirkiisa iska eeg horta ,,,,, :D

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Waxaa horey loo dhahay
nin tagay kabiisa ayaa dhaamo


Marka maala iska dhaafo ninkaan tagay wax aanan dambi ahayn lagama dheefaayee.

MMA ma maqashay nin durbaan tumay ilaaq dalbay.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

quote: Mohamed for president (2020). I will be your campaign manager, holla at ya sis ASAP! [big Grin] what a bright young man, masha'Allah

Bal Sawirkiisa iska eeg horta ,,,,,
:DMaxaan ku falaa sawirkiisa bal? wiil yar waaye, gabdhaha iga yar ayaan u haaya hadduu doono. icon_razz.gif waa u qalmaa ma garatey (hadduusan buurneyn). :D

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