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War of words

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As we know, the war of words between the Jowhar and Muqdisho wings of the Somali TFG has continued for months now. In the North, the Puntland-Somaliland dispute is heating up again, as officials from both sides of the fully-armed border exchange a war of words (based on ideology). Both Puntland and Somaliland know that war is not in the best interest of either administration.


Taliyaha Ciidamada Daraawiishta Maamulka Puntland oo ka digay in Gobolka Sool la geeyo Sanaadiiqda Codbixinta Doorashooyinka Somaliland


Isniin, September 19, 2005(HOL): Taliyaha Ciidamada Daraawiishta ee maamul gobolkeedka Puntland G/lle Sare C/llaahi Mire Careys ayaa ku hanjabay in ay xabsiga dhigi doonaan ciddii lagu ogaado in ay la shaqeyneyso wax uu ugu yeeray maamulka Hargeysa oo beryahaan dambe uu sheegay in uu wado ololaha Doorashada Golayaasha Wakiillada.


Col. Careys oo maanta qudbad ka jeediyay kulan lagu qabtay magaalada Laascaanood ee gobolka Sool, ayna ka qeybgaleen Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Puntland Md. Cusmaan Dalmar Xaaji, Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Sool Maxamed Cawil Baaruud iyo Duqa Laascaanood C/rashiid Barqadle iyo dadweyne lagu casuumay ayaa sidoo kale waxaa uu ka waramay kaalinta ay ciidamada Daraawiishta ka qaadan doonaan difaacidda dhulka uu ka taliyo maamulkaas, isagoo sheegay in uu amar ku siiyay ciidamadiisa in ay weeraraan goob kasta oo laga soo sheego in la geeyay sanaadiiqda cod bixinta ee doorashooyinka Somaliland.


"Annagu ma taageereyno kala go’a Soomaaliweyn, wixii Soomaaliweyn u dan ahna waan taageereynaa, waxa ay Hargeysa wadana waa kala raridda Soomaaliweyn"ayuu si kulul u yiri Col. Careys oo ay u ahayd markii ugu horeysay oo uu qudbad noocaan oo kale ah ka jeediyo magaalada Laascaanood, iyadoo ilaa iyo maanta ay dadweynaha magaaladaas hadal hayeen hadalka hanjabaadda ah ee uu Taliyuhu jeediyay.


"Dhulka Puntland laguma qaban karo wax la yiraahdo doorasho, lamana keeni karo Sanduuq lagu doonayo in Soomaalida lagu kala gooyo"ayuu mar kale yiri Taliyaha Daraawiishta Puntland oo la sheegay in uu watay ciidamo ka badan 200 oo Askari iyo Gawaari Dagaal, isagoo isla maantana kormeer ku tegay Aagga hore ee duleedka Laascaanood oo ay fadhiyaan ciidamada maamulka Puntland oo difaac uga jira kuwa Somaliland.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online




Wasaaradda gaashaandhiga maamulka Somaliland ayaa sheegtay iney dagaal kaga hortagi doonto cid alaale iyo cidii carqaladeysa doorashooyinka baarlamaaniga Somaliland


September 19, 2005. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia.


Maxamed Rambow. Hargeysa.


Wasaaradda gaashaandhiga maamulka Somaliland ayaa sheegtay iney dagaal kaga hortagi doonto cid alaale iyo cidii carqaladeysa doorashooyinka baarlamaaniga Somaliland.


Wasaaradda gaashaan dhiga ee Somaliland ayaa digniin culus u jeedisay maamul goboleedka Puntland, isla markaana sheegtay in Somaliland deegaan ahaan iyo shacab ahaanba ay diyaar u tahay iney ka difaacaan cid kasta oo isku dayda iney khalaan qal iyo fara galin ku sameyso doorashooyinka baarlamaanka Somaliland ee todobaadka danbe dhacaya.


Wasiirka wasaaradda gaashaandhiga Somaliland Jaamac Gaas Mucaawiye oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtey xafiiskiisa, isagoo daba joogey hadal dhowaan kasoo yeeray guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka maamul goboleedka Puntland Cismaan Dalmar Xaaji, oo ku dhawaaqey iney Puntland dagaal kala hor tageyso haddii Somaliland sanaadiiqda doorashada ay soo gaarsiiso gobolka Sool.


Wuxuu wasiirku sheegay in hadal kaasi yahay mid aan suur toobeyn, isagoo tilmaamey in nin colaad uu yahay ninaan cidna matalin.

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Qof hinaasa waa la arki jiray laakin maamul hinaasay waa inoo kaw. :D


70% of Sool region will be going to the polls on election day, Allah willing. And it will hopefully be peacefull.

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Sxb, where do you guys get those science fiction figures. :D I bet on your imaginations, but I'll kindly wait for your answer my dear chap. 97% voted yes to Somaliland. And now 70% of Sool is going to vote. More like 70% of the Sool in Somaliland hands, which is only the district of Caynabo. Not to mention there is no Sool without Laas Caanood.


That period of the year when death-threats are flying between Garowe and Hargeisa is no news anymore. We've all seen how these gentlemen flex their muscles, push each other around a bit and call it a day. Luckily, both sides realise that its not worth to wage war.

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^^The same here, I can only laugh at these phantom statistics. Waryaa did you include the jinn population of Sool as well or did you only count the hundreds of the lynched and murdered former masters of yours, the british by the darawiish?


On a second note I only assume that he and juma drink from the same well of optimism and confidence that they can overpower anybody and anything la arki donee.


Soomaaliya Qabiila Qabiil ka adkaadey weli la ma arak. Although Suldaanka and juma would us like to believe otherwise.


You would have defeated the Puntland dervishes a long time ago if you had actually had the power to do so.


Remember we still got 27 odd of your clansmen imprisoned and on top of that count the many dead of yours. Don't you get to think about your actions and subsequetly their consequences.

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The only district which unfortunately will miss out this histric elections will be the district of Taleeh. All the other 3 districts Xuddun, Caynaba, and Half of Laascaanood district will be going to the polls.

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70% of Sool region will be going to the polls on election day, Allah willing. And it will hopefully be peacefull.


The only district which unfortunately will miss out this histric elections will be the district of Taleeh. All the other 3 districts Xuddun, Caynaba, and Half of Laascaanood district will be going to the polls.


Waa maxey beentan iska soo cad, waxaan ku oran lahaa hadii aad ku khasbanthay inaad been sheegtid mid run u eeg sheeg


So-called elections will not be held anywhere in Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn. “Half of Laascaanood district will be going to the polls’ walaahay you dreaming


Hergaysa Faction (Somaliland) should stop its aggression against Sool Sanaag and Cayn people.

Local governments of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn banned the worthless boxes, and anyone who was detained while sneaking these worthless boxes will be criminally charged


Hargeysa factions (Somaliland) held numeruos fabricated elections before one, this faction became known for its untrue elections, and the upcoming so-called election will be NO Different

Fortunately, Sool Sanaag and Cayn never participate all previous fabricated elections and will never participate a future fiction because its waste of time

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No seriously dude, you keep forgetting that its Puntland who has the upper hand in that area, not Somaliland. As Soomaal said, you are daydreaming sxb. The odds are against Somaliland. Politically and economically Somaliland is getting weaker and weaker every passing month and Somaliland had no chance of controlling this area to begin with. Iskaba dhaaf Puntland oo dhan, reerka meesha wax ka dega baad iska celi karin.


Images of Reer Laas Caanood in a shir about the latest usual controversies from Hargeisa.


In the middle, PL speaker of parliament Cusmaan Dalmar X Yuusuf who declared that anyone who forwards SL ballotboxes to PL will be punished with death.





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Originally posted by Sky:

In the middle, PL speaker of parliament Cusmaan Dalmar X Yuusuf who declared that anyone who forwards SL ballotboxes to PL will be punished with death.

Was that an official bulletin or just one of your constant blurs...if the former then it is a serious statement, very serious one..

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Originally posted by Jumatatu:

Was that an official bulletin or just one of your constant blurs...if the former then it is a serious statement, very serious one..

Watch your mouth son. It was an official statement by the PL speaker.



Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Puntland 'Goob ka tirsan Gobollada Puntland oo La Ogolayahay In sanaadiiq la keeno Majirto, Ninkii Keenaana Wuu ku Dhimanayaa, Ciidan baa Noo Diyaar ah xoog leh, tiknikaa noo Diyaar Ah, Lacag baa Noo Diyaar ah'

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^^ Alla yaa xoog isbiday :D


Suldaanka you sound very sure of yourself sxb. Soomaalida waxay ku maah-maahdaa kibir waa lagu kufaa. ;)

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