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Biography of Gen. Abdullahi Ahmed Jama (Ilkojiir)

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National War Hero; A man of Peace - Gen. Abdullahi Ahmed Jama (Ilkojiir)Category:Organizations - Political OrganizationsDescription:

Abdullahi Ahmed Jama was born in Erigavo, Northeastern Somaliland, in March 13, 1951. He completed his primary education at Dayaha, the storied boarding school near Erigavo town.


Upon graduation he was accepted into the newly established NTEC (National Teachers’ Education Center) at the outskirts of Mogadishu, known as Lafole, where he worked briefly as a teacher. Though he saw teaching as a noble calling, Jama found the sense of sacrifice in military service more to his liking.


This was no accident. The trajectory of Abdullahi’s career was already set at an early age by three closely linked facets of his heritage: 1) The fact that he hails from a prominent Makhir family noted for bravery, 2) the sense of adventure that his naakhoude father (one of the renowned captain-owners of the East) had instilled in him early in childhood, and) 3) the bride that the people of Makhir coast/Somaliland traditionally take in doing the best possible job.


Abdullahi joined the Somali National Army and was sent to the then Soviet Union for training as a Cadet Officer in 1970.


He attended the prestigious Military Academy in Odessa (Ukraine), earning his first degree in Military Science in 1973.


In 1980-83 Jama attended the Staff College in Cairo, Egypt earning Masters Degree in military science.


In 1988-89 Jama attended the US Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania and earned a diploma in strategy and decision-making.


In 2000-04 Jama attended Bryan & Stratton College at Rochester, NY and earned a degree in Accounting.


As a career Military Officer and Leader, Jama held many positions in the Somali National Army: from Battalion Commander to Army Commander. He was by far the youngest Officer to head the Directorate of Operations of the Somali National Army, where he distinguished himself as an Officers’ Officer.


Jama is a veteran of the 1977 ****** war, where he received two (2) bronze medals and one (1) silver medal for bravery as well as numerous certificates of merit for outstanding conduct.


Jama served as a distinguished lecturer at the Somali Staff College. He authored four (4) publications and numerous articles in Somali for the Somali National Army in the fields of tactics, operations and military strategy.


General Jama is one the Somali military officers that refused to participate in the so-called Somali civil war that pitted brotherly communities against one another to advance the selfish interests of craven faction leaders and atrocious warlords.


Though he followed closely the situation of his beloved Somalia, General Jama chose to stay out of the fray of the internecine wars that have been tearing the country apart for the past 17 years.


The one exception is when he was called back by the community in the early 1990’s to assume the position of Governor of Sanaag region. The vexing challenge facing the community at time centered on the need to liberate the region from a well-armed and religious group that had forcibly occupied the region’s principal seaport, Lasqoray and its environs. Shortly upon arrival the General mobilized the community’s defenses and was able to put in place a strategy that resulted in solving the situation peacefully without further bloodshed.

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Interesting you learn something new everyday, Ileen Ilkojir was born in erigavo, the same erigavo he can't visit, overall impressive credentials he is surely better qualified than Faroole the former taxi driver.

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Being an officer is obvisiouly more of a decent job than being a taxi driver wandering in the streets of australia looking for your next customer :D , back to the topic though i know you love riyaale very much but this is about Gen ilkojir. :D

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Really, working for a murderous security service that has been sited for human rights abuses because they have been implicated for torture and murder is better than a taxi driver?


That's my only issue with the NW Somalis, is the hypocracy! You will make fun of Faroole's profession which harms no one, but not Riyaale who stayed employed with a the NSS when everyone knew what they were doing!


You have no business talking about Faroole's employment when the country fell apart! With Riyaale's bloody pass.


You brought Faroole into this discussion, but we can get back to Ilko-Jiir, I was unaware that he was in Somalia back in the early 90s to resolve the issue facing the area. I've said this before, I think he made a mistake joining the current government of Puntland, he would have been better as an opposition and say how he can make things better. But now he is part of the government, so if people want change they will look for people outside of the government. Right now Nuradine, Abdullahi Saeed Samatar, Gaagaab and others are all planning their campaigns and will probably starting it up next year.


We shall see though!

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Bring Proof Riyaale murdered anyone? riyaale is as innocent as faroole if not more, however riyaale is a political genius compared to faroole who is tearing the same dear puntland you love into pieces, while riyaale left behind a big legacy in somaliland which will he be remembered as the 1 of the only few presidents in africa to step down peacefully.

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No one has been proven guilty of war crimes, not a single person! But one thing is for certain Faroole worked for a cab company. Riyaale worked for the NSS a service that committed many war crimes. Whether he did it or not, he stayed on their pay roll!

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We are in 2010 my friend, if we compare past things maybe riyaale might be worse, laakinse today speaking faroole is just a joke, while riyaale will be remembered as the great president of somaliland, and 1 of the few in africa to step down peacefully in a democratic way, while what will faroole be remembered as ? the president who called other somalis non somalis, the president who teared puntland apart, the president who failed puntland's central security, need i say more? :D

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Faroole is a step up from his predecessor aka the former gas attendant aka calool weyne, ,which means Puntland is heading the right direction but lets discuss Riyaale and the soon to be President aka Aabe Secessionist.......Why are LANDERS dismissive of discussing the records of their leaders?



Lately, every article you read from that hellhole is about how they held a "peaceful election", of-course you held a peaceful election but on whose expense?


You claim to be beacon of hope for that part of the country, so yes, you are suppose to hold all of your public events in a peaceful way, nothing less is acceptable but seriously, this isn't something to be proud of when you have high inflation and over 50% unemployment, when you can not provide decent living standards and healthcare for the ordinary people of the northwest, instead, you are occupied with comparing yourself with part of the country that has been devastated by endless violence that your folks, yes, those leaders brought to the south.


You were so grief stricken that you decided to play spoiler and in doing so, you manipulated coach-roaches into taking up arms and the rest is history.



So, yes, you better hold peaceful elections, after all, its at the expense of southern Somalia, so you better hold it and you better make sure you keep up appearances, after all, that what your leaders are good at. (FAKE IT UNTIL YOU DROP)



DISCLAIMER: I love everyone, especially folks from that part of the country. At the same time, my grievances are not with the ordinary landers but their less than despicable leaders, who manipulate the masses into thinking that they are the answer to their problems while causing havoc in other parts of the country.

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LayZie G., Peaceful & Democratic elections is something to be proud of since it shows the world somaliland is a civilised nation who are more then capable of sorting out their inner problems unlike some people who go around circles butchering each other like in a zoo.

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Libaahe, let's be real, if you want to insult what Faroole is doing now, then you are entitled to your own opinion and if you want to make fun of him for being a former taxi drive fine. But can you really comment on his former profession, when Riyaale worked for the NSS? You want to bash Puntland as a pirate state, you can! Or if you want to point out other problems facing it, that's fine to. But you can not talk about things when your side has an even worse reputation. The NSS was no joke and Riyaale worked for it.

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Thankful, NSS or no NSS, Riyaale is a great son of somaliland which his legacy will always be remembered as the third president of somaliland and promoted democracy nothing compared to faroole the pirate chief. :cool: you can scream as much as you like NSS, but it won't destroy the reputation of Mudane Riyaale nor change landers perspective of him.

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^goodluck convincing a lander that his idol is not so idol like@the other poster.



Your leaders are traitors, this much is a public knowledge.


Your leaders are lucky to be alive, for Siad Barre spared their life by sending them to exile, which is the second biggest error Barre ever committed, the ethio war being the first.


Aabo Siad's good deed caused us a country, hundreds of thousands of innocent lives if not in the millions and never ending sectarian violence but sure, we are suppose to acknowledge and maybe go far as an entertaining your charade of a democracy when you are employing the very people who made Somalia what it is today, divided and terrorist haven.


The day you change your leadership is the very same day people of all walks of life will engage your politics, until then, we are just biting our time.

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LayZie G., :D Siad bare AUN horta is a dead man and it's not necessary digging up his bad deeds(especially when his dead) so i will let that one slide for now.

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