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Where is the PM ?

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Where is he, how come he is not involved or say anything on what is going on in Mogadishu?


You would think he would be right in the middle of what is going on like his predecessors or was he asked to step a side by the dirk forces so that the game will look like Wadaad Vs Wadaad to show ordinary people that these so called wadaado are no better than the usual warlord we had for the past 20 years.

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I had high hopes for that PM. Educated and I only heard good things about him. But whats he doing right now? I dunno...probably busy with signed the contracts withs allows kenya to have Somali waters.

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I think both guys are incompetent, inexperienced and way to soft to deal with the tricks and the maneuvers that these guys are posing. I have listened to Sh Shariif last night on BBC, he was practically begging......"Maxay dagaal u qaadaayan, maxay rabaan" lol


“we need to talk” is not an answer to this problem, he needs to come to the table with concrete measures when it comes to AMISOM .They bit off more than they can chew!

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tricks and the maneuvers

The only tricks and maneuvers the killers in mogadishu know is which way is the best to throw a gernade at a marketplace or the best way to fit a anti-aircraft gun on a pick up. Aweys only knows war and is incapable of negotiating, he doesn't have the mental capacity. Where's the PM, is irrelevant. In the end it is their people they are killing and their city they are destroying. Somalis are very creative when it comes to destroying and fighting. There was none of this fighting before Aweys came to Mogadishu. He tried in Puntland as was chased out. Now in Mogadishu, shortly after he arrives, people start dying at a high rate. He came only to stop the momentum of President Sharif after donors pleged 250 million dollars. He is a pawn for those that want to keep Somalia in a state of chaos.


Mogadishu will always be in a state of war.

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Fair enough! But, you have a generation who has no idea what a government or sustained peace means. You have a group growing up that are forced to flee and return back continuously. That don't rememeber when Somalia had an affect and peaceful state and who have never lived somewhere that did. When that group grows and starts to be the leaders, it will be a lot different. They are growing up with a different idea on how the world works.

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^Is he on trip somewhere?




Both groups are shelling civilian areas so they are all guilty on killing innocent people!

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Originally posted by Dhubad.:

I think both guys are incompetent, inexperienced and way to soft to deal with the tricks and the maneuvers that these guys are posing. I have listened to Sh Shariif last night on BBC, he was practically begging......"Maxay dagaal u qaadaayan, maxay rabaan" lol


“we need to talk” is not an answer to this problem, he needs to come to the table with concrete measures when it comes to AMISOM .They bit off more than they can chew!

If I was a poor father, worrying about what I have to feed my five children and their mother daily, and living in the midst of this aimless dagaal, I would have loved nothing more than to hear, to soothe my war-weary soul -- and that would be words of peace.


Soomaali kii gacan adag oo macangag ah ma jeclo. Kii xagjir ah ma jeclo. Kii u af macaan ma jeclo. Kii u roon ma jeclo. Kaa aragtid wax ayee ka sheegayaan. Kamoon.


Xili dadka loo dulqaadan jirin waa jirtaa, siiba kuwaan soo weeraray asaga iyo dowladiidsa, still one does not need to lose one's mind. Shariif in uu nabad keeno loo doortay, and xataa hadduu dagaal socdo words of nabad should not be forgotten. It is not weakness. It is not karti la'aan. It is leadership, qof yaqaano ayaa yaqaanee.

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MMA I get you my friend, but this is dog eat dog situation, he needs to address the main issue which is AMISOM, he needs to show people that these religious groups have no concrete plan to run this country and that even they take over Mogadishu they will fight each other again.......basicall y he needs to make his position clear coz at the moment isn't clear.


And finally he should stop calling AMISOM walaaleheen and they are here to help us, everyone knows what they are here for!!!!

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Originally posted by Kamakace Limited:

The Prime Minister is doing a commendable job with his silence. It attests to the wisdom we were told he has!

That is something new in politics. Silence Power!!! icon_razz.gif


I hope he has got some plans in the offing... smile.gif

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