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Hiiraan: Analysis North Somalia's Crisis (SNM vs SSC)

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Hiiraan: Hiiraan: Analysis North Somalia's Crisis (SNM vs SSC)



For the two decades, Mogadishu a pearl at the Indian Ocean achieved popularity as centre for massacring human being and the destruction of what the Somali Nation collectively established for more than three decades. In contrast to that, Hargeisa ones been barbarically destroyed by the last Somali Military regime, demonstrated remarkably peaceful coexistence and political maturity exercises to certain extend.


The election exercise in the secret capital of Somalia and the region as such has two major objectives. One objective is to elect a president for the regional self governing body and the other one is to keep course and manifest their dedication to become independent from ruined south Somalia.




Apart from the exciting extremely primitive, polluted clan political agitations, Said Barre scholars in Hargeisa, are running against the Somali unity blindly for the last decade and they produced young generations in Hargeise who are ready to die in Las-anod for their clan agenda.




Just like Al Shabab, the political actors are mobilising secretly young people been electrified by subtle clan based hate following ala Said Barre era wh to invade peaceful places like Lassanod or perhaps lasqore to proof there beloved international Communities, British Empire and what they call “Somaliland friend” that Sool, Sanag and cyan is part of their alleged Republic..




They are able to do things like that soon at any time because they are miss used generations as far as the so-called Somaliland agenda is concerned.




To demonstrate the dimension of the fanatic altitude one is confronted in Hargeisa today, is that teachers refuse to register Jowhar, Mogadischu or Baidao as birth place of students. This not cheap smear campaign against any holly independence claims of the region but a reality that can be proven easily in the schools.




Take time and check it out before you react emotional.




To simplify this issue, Hargeisa is openly a tribal area according to the political class in Hargeisa. That is why Somali refugees in Hargeisa weren’t allowed to elect a somali president of the autonomy NW region of Somalia just like the Ormo, Amhara refugees are not Eligible to elect.




In other words and wisely thinking, Somali IDPS in Hargeisa are refugees in their own country but the primitive clan doctrine of the local politicians and highly qualified academicians in Hargeisa categorised them as external clans from South Somalia.




Politicians in Hargeisa literally manifested something which is against all Somali cultural, moral and social norms.




Paradoxically, the vast majority of the political elite, academicians and technocracies in Hargeisa used to live in the south before the collapse of Said Barre regime and weren’t all Mujahidin as they all claim today.


They used to live and intermarry perhaps with some of the refugee clans who are vegetating relatively in a peaceful environment in Hargeisa today in the various parts of South Somalia.




These gentlemen and women spent most of their life in Baidao, Kismayo Mogadischu, Bossao Beltweyen or elsewhere in the south and had perhaps good time with their people.




The Somali people in the south neither terrorised nor humiliated you and they had not committed any crime against you what so ever and they owe you no apology. The crime in Hargeisa was not carried on behalf of the Somali people in the South but in the name of a dictatorial regime and many of you was part of that regime.




Today you are discriminating, segregating and humiliating the same innocent brothers and sisters of the good old days in Somalia.




Coming back to an eventually coming up bloodshed in North West Somalia which should not be under estimated, the political class in the area are basically organised on clan bases and the “Somaliland” independence is just a farce.




Having said that, the people in Sool, Sanaag and Cyan are equally organised on clan bases and recently they establish a liberation front which will consequently lead to a bloodshed..




The signs of war in that particular area are getting more and more visible. It will be irresponsible from the side of the so-called Somaliland friends to fuel the situation through nonsense recognition agitations because these charlatans underestimate purposely the dynamics behind the fanatic clan matadors of both sides.




Peace loving and poor people in Togdheer and Sool and Sanaag will be the victims of the clan agenda warriors at the end of the day. The so-called Somaliland forces must go back immediately to their clan area so that peace will prevail in the area.




It is undisputable that the vast majority of the people in these regions don’t want what they call “Somaliland” except some political jugglers from these regions. You cannot force them to take your dictatorial political agenda with the help of few jugglers from las-canod.




They manifested their stand during this and last presidential election and should be respected if you claim for yourself to be a model for African democracy which is literally or to my opinion a hot air.




I must admit that this piece will raise the temper of some of the reads from NW Somalia which belong to but consider this please as a contribution to the democracy and freedom of speech which is a guideline for political recognition fabulously followed and practised in Hargeisa and else where in NW Somalia today



Aden Mohamed Isamil



[ July 03, 2010, 01:43 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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I don't get the point of this article. Somaliland just had peaceful elections in which all sane people from all walks of life deemed successful, inspirational and an shinning example to rest of the Somalis and Africans in general. The author of this article has no grasp of the reality on the ground. He and those whom he feeds this BS need to catch up.

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who cares what zulus that come from backward and savage country that masscre each other by the minute for the last 25 years think of us.



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The reality is Odweyne and somalidiid Gypsies are Diaspora-based



People of SSC live in their native land SSC Somalia




XagloToosiye oo ku sugan Magaalada Buhoodle





Shacabka Magaalada Buhoodle











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^^^ Bro your Somalia is in flames and the SSC are weak and divided. Showing pictures and claiming this and that only shows people here how angry you are of the elections in North, and world coverage of smooth transfer of power.


Keep hating hater lol, i love it.

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FF keep your racism, clan hatered, bigoted attitude, cuqdad,



The fact is your clanland elected a known war criminal and no one cares, because somalidiid-land is poor, weak, divided, no country in the world recognizes your snmland, world said NO period

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