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Somaliland under terrorist attack

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Posted by: admin on Sep 23, 2005 - 02:54 PM


Har(HRG)- Dagaal xoogan ayaa xalay saqdii dhexe dhex maray Ciidamada Booliska Magaalada Hargeysa iyo Koox Wadaado ah oo lagu tuhmay inay Argagixiso yihiin isla markaana isku urursanayay Guri ku yaala dhinaca Bari ee Magaalada Hargeysa.



Xalay Saqdii dhexe abaaro 12:30 Habeenimo ayuu dagaalkaasi qarxay, waxaanu socday ilaa saaka Waaberigii iyada oo la isu adeegsaday Hubka culus iyo midka fudud labadaba.

Sida ay Saraakiil Booliska Hargeysa ka tirsani Hargeysa News, u sheegeen Ciidanka Boolisku waxa ay gurigaas abaareen ka dib markii ay heleen xog rasmi ah oo ku saabsan guriga raggu ku sugnaayeen oo la sheegay inuu yaalay Hub culusi.

“Waxa na horkacayay Ciidamada Sirdoonka Qaranka, dabadeedna waxa lana geeyay Saddex guri, laba waanu ku guulaysanay oo waxaanu ka soo saarnay waxyaabaha dhaawaca lagu dhayo dhibna kalamaanu kulmin laakiin gurigii Saddexaad ayaa iska caabin xoogani nagaga timid†sidaas waxa yidhi Askari Boolis ah oo ka tirsan kuwa Hawlgalka xalay fuliyay kaas oo u Waramay Shabakadda Hargeysa News, balse magacisiisa loo qariyay sababo xagga amaanka ah.

Warku waxa uu intaas ku daray in Ciidanka Booliska Hargeysa iyo Kooxdaas raga ah uu dhex maray dagaal culusi, balse markii dambe raga la jebiyay ka dib markii loo adeegsaday Baybay dumiyay qayb ka mid ah guriga ay raggu ku jireen, waxaana Ciidanka Booliska laga dhaawacay Afar nin oo hadda lagu daawaynayo Cisbitaalka guud ee Magaalada Hargeysa.

Ilaa hadda ma jiro War rasmi ah oo ku saabsan raga guriga lagu weeraray tiradooda, Haybtooda iyo in dhammaantood la wada qabtay, waxase Askar Boolis ahi Hargeysa News, u sheegeen in Saddex nin la qabtay qaarna aan la hayn. Waxa iyana jira warar kale oo sheegaya in Ciidanka Booliska Hargeysa hawlgal ay xalay fuliyeen ay ku qabqabteen ilaa Siddeed qof oo guryahooda laga qabtay.

Taliska guud ee Ciidanka Booliska Somaliland ilaa hadda ama hadlin, laakiin Weriye Hargeysa News, ka tirsan ayaa xalay arkayay Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska oo hortaagan Saldhiga Dexe ee Booliska isaga oo u muuqday nin mashquulsan oo ku jiray hawlgal culus. Waxa uu weriyuhu sheegay in jidka Wadnaha Hargeysa ay dhex marayeen Laba Baybay iyo Hal Suug iyo weliba Raxan Ciidanka Milatariga ah kuwaas oo ciidanka Booliska xoojiyay.

Rag lagu eedaynayo inay yihiin Argagixiso oo lagu soo qabtay Hawlgalkii Dhoqoshay ee kal hore ayaa la filayay in Axadda Saadambe Maxkamadu go’aan ka gaadho laakiin sida Warar xogogaali Hargeysa News, u sheegeen xukunka ragaas waxa dib loo dhigay ilaa horaanta Bisha Oktoobar.


Waxa soo weriyay Maxamed-Rambo

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Shocking news.



Dagaal Qadhaadh oo Booliska Hargeysa iyo Koox Al-qaacido Puntland ahi ku Dhexmaray Gudaha Hargeysa Xalay.



Ciidanka bileyska Somaliland ayaa xalay hawl-gal kala duwan ku fuliyey meelo ka mid ah magaalada hargeysa


waxaanay ciidanka fooda isdareen koox la sheegay inay yihiin argagixiso oo isku uruursanaysay Guri ku yaala dacalka bari ee magaalda hargeysa, halkaas oo dagaal xoogani ilaa xalay sacadihii danbe ee waabarigii ku dhexmaray, iyadoo la isku adeegsaday rasaasta waaweyn iyo ta yaryar, isla markaana waxa goobta tagay ciidamo gurmad ah oo watay gadiid shaashaaman.


Sida ay sheegeen ila xoogagaal ah oo ku dhawdhaw goobta guriga iska horimaadka ciidanka bileyska iyo kooxdaasi ku dhexmaray ayaa sheegaya in ciidanku weerareen koox loo aanaynayo inay xidhiidh la leeyihiin argagixisada oo isku uruursaday aqal ku yaala halkaas, ku waas oo lasheegay inay doonayeen inay hawl-galo ka dhana nabadgelyada iyo xasiloonida Somaliland ka fuliyaan dalka gudihiisa .


Wararkaasi waxay sheegayaan inay nimankaas oo hubeysani ay sameeyeen iska cabin laakiin ay ciidanka bileysku qaar ka mid ah gacanta ku dhigeen, xaga kuwo kalena ay ciidanku isku weer ka qabteen guriga ay isku uruursanayeen oo ay xukuumadu ka war haysay dhaqdhaqaaqyada ay wadeen nimankaas maalmihii u danbeeyey .


Waxa kale oo isla habeenkii xalay saqda dhexe la sheegay inay ciidanku hawlgal ka fuliyeen qaar ka mid ah guryaha xaafadaha magaalada, halkaas oo lasheegay iany kala baxeen rag loo tuhunsan yahay inay xidhiidh la leeyihiin kooxdaas guriga isku uruusatay.


Dagaalkaas oo ilaa xalay waaberigii socaday si rasmi ah loogama war hayo khasaaraha labada dhinac, hasayeeshee cisbitaalka weyn ee magaalada hargeysa ayaa xalay saacadihii danbe la keenay 4 askari oo ka mid ah ciidanka bileyska oo hawl-galkaas ku dhaawacmay, ku waas oo lagu daweynayey cisbitaalka, isla markaana waxay wararka qaar sheegayaan inay ciidanka bileysku gacanta ku dhigeen ilaa 8 qof oo qaarkood lagu qabtay agagaarka guriga, halka qaar kalena lagu qabtay agagaarka guriga, xaga qaar kalena lagu qabtay aqaladoodi.


Inkastoo dhinaca kale si rasmi ah looga warheyn khasaaraha soo gaadhay inta uu leegyahay hadaa waxay dadka goobta ku dhawdhawi sheegeen inay kooxdaasi dhaawacyo soo gaadhay qaar ka mid ah kooxaha dableyda ee ciidanka bileysku caabinta ku la jirta ay u qaateen dhinacooda.



Arrintan oo lagu war helay xalay abaaro 12:00 saqdii dhexe gawaaadhida gaashamaan, gaar ahaan nooca Bee-Beeyada oo u sii jeeda dhinaca wada weyn ee badhtamaha wadada weyn ee hargeysa, iyagoo u sii jeeda dhinaca bari ee magaalada waxaana mar kaliya la maqlay dhawaaqa rasaastaa is-daba jooga u dhacaysa, taasina waxay werwer ku keentay dadweynaha magaalada hargeysa, gaar ahaan dadka degen xaafada new hargeysa oo ilaa xalay ka werwersana dagaalka dushooda ka socda iyadoo aan laga war hayn u jeedada dagaalkaas iyo cida isku haysataa balse ay arkeen oo kaliyaata gadiidka gaashamaan iyo rasaasta dhawaaqeedu baxayey oo soo gaadhay ilaa waaberigii.


Sida wararka aanu ka helnay dadka degen xafadaasi waxay xalay meesha yimi saraakiisha sar sare ee ciidanka bileyska iyo kuwa arimah gudaha halkaas oo lasheegay inay ilaa saacadihii danbe ay ku sugnaayeen, sida ay warar kalena ay sheegayaan ayaa waxay gacanta lagu dhigay ragii iyo gurigii ay gaboodka ka dhiganayeen


Wixii war ee kka so kordha waan idinla soo socdsiin doonaa, ilaa hadana wax ku mashquulsan wariyaheena magaalda Hargaysa oo isagu ku mashquulsan sidii uu warar dheeraad ah inoogu soo gubinlahaa, WAX AANU U MAHD NAQAYNAA DHAMAAN DADKII A nala soo xidhiidhay xiliyadii aanu raadinayna warar dheeraad ah oo aanu ka helno arintani isla kolkaasna noo sioo diray emailo dhawr ah



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Last news Somaliland Police with help of national arm arrested 4 men last night and this morning one is capture 30 km outside hargeisa. two wounded men are still in scape. 3 police officers are injured in this action.

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Al-Qaeda fighters arrested in Somaliland


Hargeisa - Authorities in Somalia's breakaway region of Somaliland said on Friday that they had arrested a senior al-Qaeda operative allegedly in the region to organise attacks on local leaders and foreigners.


Somaliland's Interior Minister Ishmael Aden said that police had arrested "an internationally known" Afghan-trained leader of Osama bin Laden's network along with a second al-Qaeda member after a shootout in an overnight raid in the capital Hargeisa.


"We have captured two members of al-Qaeda and about four others fled the area," Aden said.


"Their leader, who was among those we arrested, is an internationally known fighter for al-Qaeda who has been in Pakistan and Afghanistan."


He and other officials declined to name either suspect for security reasons, but Aden said he planned to call a news conference on Saturday to announce details of the operation.


Aden said three police officers were wounded in the firefight at the group's hideout in central Hargeisa and that authorities had recovered a large cache of weapons and communications equipment during the raid.


"They came to harm or kill the leaders of Somaliland, the international expatriates working here and to the disrupt the democratic elections in Somaliland," Aden said, referring to polls scheduled for September 29.


Somaliland, in northwestern Somalia, unilaterally declared independence from the rest of the country after the 1991 ouster of strongman Mohamed Siad Barre plunged the Horn of Africa nation into anarchy.


It is not internationally recognised but seen widely as an island of relative stability in the lawless country which western intelligence agencies fear has become a haven for extremists, including al-Qaeda members. - Sapa-AFP

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Somaliland arrests al-Qaida suspects


Authorities in Somalia's breakaway region of Somaliland say they have arrested a senior al-Qaida operative allegedly in the region to organise attacks on local leaders and foreigners.



Somaliland Interior Minister Ishmael Aden said on Friday that police had arrested "an internationally known", Afghan-trained leader of Osama bin Ladin's network along with a second al-Qaida member after an overnight shootout in the capital Hargeisa.


"We have captured two members of al-Qaida and about four others fled the area," he said.


"Their leader, who was among those we arrested, is an internationally known fighter for al-Qaida who has been in Pakistan and Afghanistan."


He and other officials declined to name either suspect for security reasons but Aden said he planned to call a news conference on Saturday to announce details of the operation, including the identities of those arrested.


Officers wounded


Aden said three police officers were wounded in the firefight that erupted when they raided the group's hideout in central Hargeisa and that authorities had recovered a large cache of weapons and communications equipment during the raid.


"We captured heavy anti-tank weapons, rifles, other assorted ammunition and high frequency communication equipment," he said.


A senior Somaliland police officer said the members of the alleged al-Qaida cell had put up fierce resistance when confronted by authorities in the raid that began around midnight (0300 GMT Friday) and lasted for four hours


"They are dangerous and well-trained, considering the way they fought back," the official said on condition of anonymity.

"They were about six against a large number of policemen."


The plan


Aden said authorities believed the cell had travelled to Somaliland from Mogadishu several days ago to mount attacks on local leaders and foreign aid workers to disrupt the region's 29 September elections.


"They came to harm or kill the leaders of Somaliland, international expatriates working here and to disrupt the democratic elections in Somaliland," he said, adding that the raid was launched after a tip-off from local residents.


"We also recovered a video in which the leader of the group complains that Somaliland has become a haven for foreigners," Aden said.


Possible motive


In addition, he said the cell aimed to break into a prison and free 10 inmates now standing trial for alleged involvement in the 2003 murders of an Italian aid worker and a British husband-and-wife team of schoolteachers in Somaliland.


"We suspect they wanted to free the men who are in prison on suspicion of killing the aid workers," Aden said.


Police said they had stepped up security around the Hargeisa prison to thwart any breakout attempt.


Somaliland, in northwestern Somalia, unilaterally declared independence from the rest of the country after the 1991 ouster of strongman Mohamed Siad Barre plunged the Horn of Africa nation into anarchy.

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An internationally known fighter that they refuse to name because of security concerns! Is this genuine or just a cynical attempt to advertise the elections? After all, nothing catches the world media’s attention like the arrest of a senior Al Qaida operative (could it be Osama himself?).


They almost sound as bad as London’s police force.

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^^care to expand on that



From what is circulating on Paltalk and elsewhere, all the accomplices are Somalis from Somalia. There are a number of local Somaliland born collaborators too.


There are couple of big fish who had connections with the previous killings of internatinal expats in Somaliland.


Security officials (Dharcad/white uniformed) were keeping an eye on their activities for sometime and they had a good knowledge of who was who in the group. But they underestimated of the level of resistance they were gonna put up.


There was a tip-off (possibly from an insider) that the group were about to carryout a major operation inside the capital perhaps within the next few days or on election day. The operation included assassinations, bombings and break into the Hargeisa general prison where a number of their men were being held.


Before the police went in, all major roads were blockaded and lights to that area was shutdown and the area was completely sealed. Three of the four houses that housed the group fell into police hands easily, but the fourth house which was located in a strategic area close to the DOOXA HARGEISA put off a good resistance.


After an hour of stand off between the police and the group, the police called in for armed reinforcements from 26section (xeradda 26aad) which if you know Hargeisa is not very far from the actual area of interest.


Anyways, a number of armed technicals and APCs arrived in the area about 2:00AM local time. And after a breif exchange of gun fire, the armed forces succeeded in overrunning the house and capturing 4 of the alleged 6 occupants. Two of the escaped through the alleyways of "DOOXA HARGEISA" one of the two was a seroius wounded man.


In the morning detectives from the police followed blood marks on the ground from the wounded terrorist, and it led to a local Pharmacy where he is allegedly said to have recieved temporary treatment. He was later captured alive some 30KM North West of Hargeisa.


The other escapee is still at largte.


A couple of other suspects where also rounded off from other parts of the city.

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Somaliland Interior Minister Ishmael Aden said on Friday that police had arrested "an internationally known", Afghan-trained leader of Osama bin Ladin's network along with a second al-Qaida member after an overnight shootout in the capital Hargeisa.


"We have captured two members of al-Qaida and about four others fled the area," he said.


"Their leader, who was among those we arrested, is an internationally known fighter for al-Qaida who has been in Pakistan and Afghanistan."


He and other officials declined to name either suspect for security reasons but Aden said he planned to call a news conference on Saturday to announce details of the operation, including the identities of those arrested.

Not much to expand on, saaxib. His comments sounded a little too vague. Still, as long as no innocents died in the cross fire.....

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Badnews indeed, waxaa waligood Burco kuma sameyeen!


NGONGE, true thedetails are little vague but time will tell, the S/land govnt may actually be biding their time and getting all the details together before naming names

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walahi these people cudur ayey qabaan, have they not heeded the lesson of the last group of terrorist and their lifetime imprisionment, have they not seen for themselves that somaliland will not be bullied or subgigated by thugs and warlords and so called wadaads who hold the people of somalia in hostage.



i believe these people have diseas, and they have corrubted our beautifull religion of peace into a political tool for killing, raping and Bombings they are trully deviators and its the duty of every muslim to fight them and take our religion back from these murderous Zealots.

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Wadaadku waa inuu kitaabkiisa iyo wacyi galinta dadka ku eekaada. Hadii uu doonaayo siyaasad inuu ka mid noqdo waa inuu soo maraa siyaabo sharci ah.












Xisbiga KULMIYE wuxuu hambalyo u dirayaa Ciidanka Booliska Somaliland oo si wadanimo ah uga hortegay cadowgii doonayey inuu nabadgelyada khalkhalgeliyo.


KULMIYE wuxuu markasta hiil iyo hooba la garab taagan yahay ciidamada, Booliska iyo kuwa Milateriga Somaliland ee u darban ilaalinta dalkooda hooyo.


Sidoo kale, waxa uu xisbiga KULMIYE ku ammaanayaa, kuna bogaadinayaa ciidanka Booliska qabashada waraaqaha been abuurka ah ee doorashada ee la doonayey in lagu khalkhal geliyo doorashada.


Xisbiga KULMIYE waxa uu u arkaa labadaa falba kuwo loogu talagalay in lagu khalkhalgeliyo doorashada Golaha Wakiillada ee dalka ka dhici doonta 29ka bishan March, si adag ayuuna u cambaaraynayaa.


Bulshoweynta xisbiga KULMIYE waa kuwii kaalinta koowaad kaga jirey halgankii SNM ee dalka lagu xorreeyey, seeskana u dhigay dhismaha ciidamada Qaranka Somaliland, booliska iyo Milaterigaba. Maantana waxay heegan u yihiin difaaca Qaranimada Somaliland markasta iyo meelkasta oo ay joogaan.


Xisbiga KULMIYE isaga oo adeegsanaya waayo-aragnimadiisa halgan, isagoo isticmaalaya khibraddiisa siyaasadeed iyo xog-ogaalnimadiisa duruufaha ka jira mandaqadda wuxuu isu diyaarinayaa ka hortagga weerarada shisheeye.


KULMIYE wuxuu cambaaraynayaa ciddii ka dambeysey raggii hubaysnaa ee Boolisku ku qabtay Hargeysa iyo Xamaas; 22kii iyo 23kii Sept, 2005. KULMIYE wuxuu cod dheer ugu sheegayaa ciddii ka dambeysey kooxdan la qabtay in ummadda Somaliland dhirbaaxo kulul ku dhufan doonto shisheeyaha ku soo gardarrooda, shacbiga Somaliland-na wuxu hidde iyo dhaqan u leeyahay inuu dhabarka ka jebiyo cadowgiisa ku soo xadgudba.


KULMIYE wuxuu ugu baaqayaa Bahweynta reer KULMIYE in aanay falalkani ku abuurin werwer iyo jaahwareer, kana jeedin doorashada Golaha wakiillada ee maalmaha yari inaga xigaan. Waxana uu ku boorrinayaa in ay indho badan oo feejigan yeeshaan maalmaha soo socda, isla markaana, gacanna ugu diyaargaroobaan codbixinta, gacanta kalena ku ilaaliyaan Nabadgelyada guud iyo difaaca waxkasta oo lagu khalkhal gelinayo doorashada.


Xisbiga KULMIYE wuxuu ugu baaqayaa shacbiga Somaliland guud ahaan, dowladda iyo axsaabta qarankaba in si wadajir ah looga hortago cadowga.


Sidaa darteed, KULMIYE wuxuu soo jeedinayaa in la sameeyo qorshe guud oo dowladdu hogaaminayso; qorshahaas oo lagu wadaago xogta iyo wararka, abaabul midaysan iyo iskaashi dhinac walba leh.






Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo

Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE

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