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Stability Indeed - Mayor's spokesman killed in Mogadishu explosion

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Mayor's spokesman killed in Mogadishu explosion


MOGADISHU, Somalia Dec 29 (Garowe Online) - The spokesman for the local government in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, died Saturday morning in a roadside bombing, witnesses said.


Mohamed Muhiyadin Ali, spokesman for Mogadishu Mayor Mohamed Dheere, died at Keysaney Hospital from injuries he sustained after the roadside explosion.


The late Mr. Ali was on his way to work when his vehicle hit the landmine.


He escaped a similar attempt on his life earlier this year when he narrowly missed a roadside bomb.


The perpetrators of this crime escaped, as has been routine in numerous other killings and bombings that have rocked Mogadishu since Ethiopian troops intervened in December 2006.


No group has claimed responsibility for the bombing, but security officials believe it was the work of insurgent groups waging war on the government and its foreign allies.


Mr. Ali was a respected Somali journalist and former editor of Xiddigta Panorama, an independent newspaper published in Mogadishu.


Source: Garowe Online

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I am really surprised for someone who doesn't want his place to be ruled by these killers and wish others to be ruled by them!


in other words, we all know the Somalilanders position on MAXKAMADAHA but at the same time they want south to be ruled by them.


Can we say this is the highest point of Hypocrisy

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I will keep this simple.


1 - The ICU was the best thing to happen to Somalia for 16 years.

2 - They had the support of all Somalis (including the support of those who hail from Somaliland).

3 - It was the govnt of Somaliland that did not support the ICU and not the people.

4 - Supporting an entity does not mean you agree with them all of the time (see the non-support for war by many of voted for Tony Blair).

5 - Those who hail from Somaliland do not wish death and destruction on those who live in Xamar and want the Ethios to pull out.

6 - The longer the occupation goes on the longer death and destruction continues.


Let me guess, you are opposed to the Iraq invasion/occupation but support the Somalia scenario.


Does it make sense now?

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3 - It was the govnt of Somaliland that did not support the ICU and not the people.

So you want to say that PPL of that region would allow MAXKAMADAHA to rule Somalia from Kismayo to Zaylac?

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I dont think maxkamadaha wanted to rule in the first place. However, it was the best chance for 'unity' as they enjoyed much support in Somaliland as well as throughout Somalia.


Oodweyne, the TFG boys and girls are constantly in need of reminders. Cige is a newbie so one doesnt mind giving him the heads up.

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News | 31.12.2007 | 17:00 UTC

12 killed in fighting in Somali capital


Renewed fighting in the Somali capital Mogadishu claimed the lives of 12 people on Sunday including eight members of one family. The family died when their house was hit during an exchange of mortars between Somali insurgents and Ethiopian troops near to the main sports stadium. During the last year the fighting has killed more than 1,000 and caused some 600,000 people to flee the city. Ethiopian troops began to support the Somali government about one year ago and swiftly ousted an Islamist militia that had gained temporary control of large areas of south and central Somalia.


stability indeed may Allahforgive the sins of the masakins who perished

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I dont think maxkamadaha wanted to rule in the first place.

Everybody knew that they clearly said they want to expell Somaliland and Puntland corrupt leaders and control both regions and they actually attacked Galka'yo on thir way to Hargeysa.


So if you want to LIE say something that we can swallow but naked FALSE :mad:


Don't you remeber when Jacaylbaro & Co (i'm not sure you were one of them) were saying if they attacked SL we will learn them lesson etc.


and even recently, JB said the demise of maxkamadaha came after they threated SL.


the Bottomline is seperatist LOVE to others what they don't want to themselves ....Runtu sidaa weeye ee ha ka LEEXLEEXAN


Koonfuri ha olosho oo yaysan annaga na soo gelin ilaa aan ictiraaf ka helayno ...miyeysan sidaa ahayn? ;)

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Provide me with some sort of back-up for the ICU wishing to 'rule' Somalia (including SL). If this is not possible I hope you are prepared to retract your earlier statement.

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Maxkamadaha oo sheegay inay rajaynayaan in Somaliland dib ula midawdo Soomaaliya dabayaaqadda sannadkan


Reuters- Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ee ka talliya Magaalada Muqdisho iyo deegano kale oo ka mid ah Soomaaliya, ayaa markii u horaysay caddeeyay inay u qorshaysantahay inay wada hadal la gallaan dawladda Somaliland si loo helo Midnimada Jamhuuriyadii la odhan jiray Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya.

Masuulka Golaha Maxkamadaha u qaabilsan Dacwadda iyo Warfaafinta oo lagu magacaabo Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan Cali Muuday oo u waramay toddobaadkan Wakaaladda Wararka ee Reuters, ayaa sheegay inay rajaynayaan in dabayaaqadda sannadkan ay helaan Midnimadii Soomaaliya ee burburtay, “Waxaanu doonaynaa inaanu la hadalno Dawladda taagta daran [Dawladda Cabdillaahi Yuusuf], waxa kale oo aanu doonaynaa inaanu la hadalno Jamhuuriyadda la baxday Somaliland, waxaanan rajo weyn ka qabnaa in aanu helno Midnimadii Soomaaliya dayaaqadda sannadkanâ€, ayuu yidhi Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan Muuday.


Waxa uu sheegay in Maxkamaduhu ka soo horjeedaan nidaamka Federaaliga ah ee ay ku salaysantahay dawladda Cabdillaahi Yuusuf, ee lagu soo dhisay dalka Kiiniya, fadhigeeduna yahay magaalada Baydhabo ee gobolka Bay.


Waa markii u horaysay ee ay Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ahi cadeeyaan inay doonayaan inay wada hadal la gallaan dawladda Somaliland, balse Sarkaalka Maxkamadaha u hadlay ma cadayn xilliga iyo qaabka ay doonayaan inay Somaliland kula soo xidhiidhaan..


Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, ayaa ku celceliyay inaanu marnaba wax wada hadal ah la galaynin Soomaaliya ilaa ay tallada dalkaas qabato dawlad dadkeedu soo doorteen.



Muqdisho: "Gobolada Puntland iyo Somaliland kama jiraan wax maamullo ah oo ay dadku u madax banaan yihiin" Xasan Daahir Aways.

Axad, December 03, 2006


Muqdisho (AllPuntland)- Gudoomiyaha golaha shuurada ee maxkamadaha magalada Muqdisho Sh. Xasan Daahir Aways ayaa waxa uu sheegay in maamulada Puntland iyo Somaliland aysan ka jirin maamulo xor ah oo ay dadku u madax banaan yihiin.


Aways oo waraysi siiyay idaacadda Daljiri ayaa waxa uu sheegay in aysan jirin qorshe cad oo ay ku doonayaan in ay xilligaan ku aadaan gobolada Puntland iyo Somaliland, balse ay qirsan yihiin in maamulada ka jiraa aysan ahayn kuwo xor ah oo ay dadku u madax banaan yihiin.


Waxa uu sheegay in xilligani qorshayaashooda aysan ku jirin in ay weeraraan, balse ay haboon tahay in ay is badal ka sameeyaan.


Waxa uu Aways ka hadalay qabsashadooda magaalada Diinsoor, waxaana uu sheegay in dadka magaaladu ay u yeerteen ayna sidaas ku tageen.


Mudane Aways ayaa waxa uu sheegay in magaalada Baydhabo aysan haatan u socon, balse hadii ay dantu ku khasabto ay aadayaan.


Xasan Daahir Aways ayaa waxa uu intaasi raaciyay in ciidamadoodu ay tagayaan mel waliba oo ay shacabka joogaahi uga yeertaan, isaga oo ka gaabsaday in uu ka hadlo doonitaankooda ay ku doonayaan in ay ku qabsadaan gobolada ay maamuladu ka jiraan.


Maxkamadaha Muqdisho Ha ******** Inaanu Culimo

Iyo Shicibba Ka Midaysannahay Jiritaankayaga Somalilandâ€

Badhasaabka Togdheer – Shir-Jaraa’id


Burco, October 17, 2006 (Haatuf) – Gudoomiyaha gobolka Togdheer, Cabdi Xuseen Dheere ayaa shalay xafiiskiisa shir-jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay waxa uu kaga hadlay kormeero uu ku soo maray degmooyinka gobolka Togdheer, kuwaas oo uu sheegay inay ahaayeen kuwo uu ugu kuur-galayay xaaladda nabadgelyada guud iyo xaaladda nololeedba.


Sida uu ku soo waramay weriyaha Haatuf ee gobolka Togdheer, Axmed Aadan Yuusuf, Badhasaabku wuxuu shirkiisaa jaraa’id ku sheegay inay roobabkii gu’gu si wanaagsan uga da’een dhammaan degmooyinka gobolka, isla markaana nabadgelyadu ay fiican tahay, wuxuuna intaa ku daray in sababta uu u kormeeray degmooyinka gobolku uu ka kooban yahay ay ahayd si xog-ogaal uu ugu noqdo xaaladahaas, isagoo sheegay inuu dadka degaamadaas kala hadllay arrimo dhowr ah oo ay ugu horeyso buu yidhi: “cajalada been-abuurka ah ee jidh-dilka la sheegay in lagu sameeyay ninka maxbuuska ah [Maxamed Sh. Ismaaciil],†isagoo intaas ku daray Badhasaabku oo yidhi “Waxaan u sheegay in wax allaala wax ka jiraa aanay jirin ee la doonayay uun in qarannimadeena uun wax lagu yeelo.â€


Badhasaabku isagoo ka hadlaya hadalada dhawaanahan ka soo yeedhaya kooxaha Maxkamadaha Muqdisho, waxa uu sheegay inay yidhaahdaan had iyo goor cid baa noo joogta gobolada Somaliland, “balse waxaan leeyahay ha ******** in iyagana cidi noogu dhex jirto, dadkayagana aanu annagu is ognahay culimo iyo shicibba, aananu ka midaysannahay nabadgelyada iyo jiritaankayagaba,†ayuu yidhi Cabdi Xuseen Dheere.

Waxa kale oo uu gudoomiyuhu dhaliilay hay’adaha miinooyinka ee ka shaqeeya degaamada gobolka Togdheer, waxaanu sheegay in miinooyinku ay halis ku hayaan dadka degaankaas oo aanay hay’aduhu sidii looga baahnaa wax uga qaban, dadka degaanadaasina ay aad uga cowdeen dhibaatada ay miinadu ku hayso.


Waxa kale oo uu Badhasaabku sheegay in dadkii dhammaan degaamadaas uu soo maray ay u cadeeyeen inay heegan u yihiin qaranimada iyo jiritaanka dalka Somaliland, cid kasta oo ku soo xad-gudubtana ay il gaar ah ku eegayaan.


Waxa kale oo uu gudoomiyuhu ka dayriyay xaaladda dadkii ay hore abaaruhu u aafeeyeen, kuwaas oo uu sheegay inay magaalooyinka waaweyn ku soo qulquleen cidina aanay waxba u qaban ee ay u baahan yihiin taakulo.


Gudoomiyaha gobolka Togdheer, Cabdi Xuseen Dheere wuxuu hadalkiisa ku soo geba-gabeeyay in dadka ku dhaqan gobolka Togdheer ay dhammaantood nabadgelyada iyo qaranimada Somaliland meel uga soo wada jeestaan.



Plus these

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OK, it seems as though you have posted something stating that:


a) the ICU would like the old concept of a united Somalia back, and


b) that they would like some sort of talks with both Somaliland, Puntland and the TFG entities.


Where does it say they wish to rule?


Not good enough sonny Jim.

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