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S H A S N A MediaWatch - Somalia: A Situation Report

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Djibouti, Hargeysa & Abdiqasim's ARTA

Since the inception of Mr. Ghelle's ARTA, and its subsequent failure, Mr. Ghelle has been wishing and shopping for one more shot in the Somali political arena. And nothing materialized, until Mr. Dahir Riyale Kahin showed up on the radar screen. Mr. Riyale, a compromise candidate/turned temporary leader in Hargeysa, and formerly a lieutenant and a spymaster for Abdiqasim Salad Hassan during their Siad Barre regime days, has sensed an opportunity to settle some long-standing local clan scores, and has since tied the knot with Egypt and its proxy - Mr. Ismail Omer Ghelle's Djibouti. And since then, having met Mr. Abdiqasim twice, and once with the Arab League Representative in Djibouti, nothing has been the same in Hargeysa. The devious schemes (already tested in Puntland) of one of Africa last remaining despots, Mr. Ismail Omer Ghelle, are now being fine-tuned in Djibouti and played in Hargeysa.


They are temporary schemes intended to create temporary alliances, all united and with one sole intention: to set up another Ismail Omer Ghelle controlled, albeit ineffective, Somali government. The scheme brings together some old friends and recruits newer ones. It creates an alliance between ARTA, its al-Itihad al-Islamiya alliance, and the reinvented and renamed financial group - the al-Barakat group of companies (TelSom in Hargeysa, Hormud in Mogadishu, and Golis in Puntland). This Bal'ad alliance, established by Abdiqasim Salad Hassan and Ismail Omer Ghelle, is by name only headed by the much weakened warlord, Haji Muse Sudi Yalahow, whose clan has fully endorsed the Somali peace process underway in Nairobi. In addition to others, the Bal'ad alliance is morally and materially funded by HornAfrik Radio together with financier Ahmed Nur Ali Jimaale, the recently deported from Dubai head of al-Barakat. And finally the Bal'ad alliance, on the north of Somalia where they lacked base, is now complemented by Mr. Dahir Riyale Kahin, their new friend in Hargeysa. One-first visible sign of this newly minted alliance was the delivery from Dubai, from Hamriya port, to Mr. Kahin and his sub-clan of twenty technicals to be fitted with heavy artillery. Another five is still in Abra port on its way to Berbera.


Add it all up, and just like the old days, after each and every Somali reconciliation process, this time the signs point towards another fresh round of instability in the not-so-stable Northwest regions of Somalia, and the already tension-filled Banadir region. In the south, things will not fare any better, as al-Itihad al-Islamiya is already on the move and on the brawl to consolidate the southern farmlands.


On the Hargeysa front, some questions: will the leader of Kulmiye party wait in London while Mr. Riyaale and Mr. Ghelle bid on the House of Elders (Golaha Guurtada)? Will an impeachment, as recently touted by some prominent figures, work? Will Siilaanyo come back? Will Buro stay put?


On Djibouti, the real question is: what is in it for Mr. Ismail Omer Ghelle? As we have mentioned on these pages for a number of years, it is all about controlling the not-so-controllable Somali resources. It is also about proving to the Arab world that he, Mr. Ghelle, is the man when it comes to the ever unpredictable Somali affairs. In his eyes, having set up the ARTA group as the legitimate Somali government, and having set up their banking operations in Djibouti, where he has full control, he is convinced that as long as he has a weak Mr. Abdiqasim Salad Hassan, he can't lose. But as history proves, selfish interests don't last long in Somalia.


Few other questions: how al-Itihad al-Islamiya and the ambitions of Mr. Ghelle will get along? Or does Mr. Ghelle care if al-Itihad achieves their consolidation underway in Southern Somalia, and mainly their drive towards control of southern Somali farmlands? On Ismail Omer Ghelle's alleged war on terror, what would the reappearance of a long-lost friend, Col. Hassan Dahir Aweys (most wanted terror list) together with recently deported Mr. Ahmed Nur Ali Jimaale in their organization controlled Marka City mean on Djibouti's war on terror? What about Mr. Ghelle's sudden trip to Iran? Would he bargain on behalf of al-Itihad as an equivalent to Hizbullah? Does it really matter for Mr. Ghelle if al-Itihad al-Islamiya, as almost happened, takes control over Somalia? We really, really doubt!

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Liqiya, Jalle

I think there is some truth to this story, because the Somalilandfinance minister has declared there is a proposal for a peace meeting in Borama and that they may well support the unity of Somalia. Posative to all I dear say.

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Originally posted by SmithNwestern:

Liqiya, Jalle

I think there is some truth to this story, because the Somalilandfinance minister has declared there is a proposal for a peace meeting in Borama and that they may well support the unity of Somalia. Posative to all I dear say.

The truth according to name of the newspaper that printed this story is Khaleej Times

.......Do a search on their website.Type in Somalia and you will not see this story anywhere...So Saaxiib is this what they call Cheap PROPANGANDA ......


Samurai now I know you know more about about Somali politics to believe this hogwash of a story from

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My dear fellow it may well be propoganda. However there where meetings held in Djabouti between Arta-Djabouti-Somaliland so maybe there is some truth, only time will tell.


I do find Somaliland, Djabouti entering Somali politics a posative development maybe this will lead to a change of the status quo.

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Gediid - If you read it more closely you will notice it actually says Al Khaleej Newspaper which I reckon is published in Arabic, and very much different from Khaleej Times!


" ... in the form of an interview with Husein Ali Du’ale (Awil), the Finance Minister of the self-styled republic of Somaliland (northwest regions of Somalia) published by the Thursday edition of the Dubai-based Al Khaleej newspaper "

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Originally posted by Samurai Warrior:

Gediid - If you read it more closely you will notice it actually says Al Khaleej Newspaper which I reckon is published in Arabic, and very much different from Khaleej Times!


" ... in the form of an interview with Husein Ali Du’ale (Awil), the Finance Minister of the self-styled republic of Somaliland (northwest regions of Somalia) published by the Thursday edition of the Dubai-based
Al Khaleej newspaper "



Don't you think Jamhuuriya and Haatuf would jump to this interview if one existed????

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Brother gediid, beyond this transparent attempt at propoganda, in turns hysterical and plain ridiculous.


smith i agree it would be wonderfull if there was a peace confrence to be held at borama.


But dont cry freedom yet.

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Well its nice 2 see you all still engaged in the propaganda war.


I also did a search of my own Alkhaleej. I searched 4 (in arabic of course) "Suumaal" "Ard Suumaal" "Jibuuti" and "mu'tamru asalaam". No luck.


Rokko checked the article and see this;


Somaliweyn(Dubei ,


Dubai - Wasiirka maaliyadda ee Somaliland, Huseen Ali

Duale (Awil) oo
u waramay Jariidada Al Khaleej


and check this;


Friday, December 05, 2003 at 06:12

the form of an interview with Husein Ali Du’ale (Awil), the Finance Minister of the self-styled republic of Somaliland (northwest regions of Somalia) published by the
edition of the Dubai-based Al Khaleej newspaper.

Which day.....Thursday or Saturday????? :confused: :confused:

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Allpuntlands propoganda must run real deep. LOL



Cismaan Abokor oo ka Digay Khataro waaweyn oo ku soo fool leh Somaliland


Somaliweyn(Somaliland Future,Dec8,2003)



Cismaan Abokor





Shabakadda Inernetka ee Somaliland Future ayaa waxa u suurta galay in waraysi kooban ay la yeelato Cismaan Abokor oo ka mid ah dhalinyarada Siyaasiyiinta ah ee reer Somaliland. Waraysigaas oo aad u dheeraa taabanayeyna dhinacyo badan waxa aanu idiinka diyaarinnay war bixintan:


Ugu horrayn Cismaan Abokor waxa aannu weydiinnay aragtidiisa ku wajahan xaaladda guud ee maanta dalku marayo. Cismaan oo ta ka jawaabayayna wuxu ka muujiyey dareen walaac leh, isagoo tilmaamay in Somaliland ay hadhaysay abaar cimilo iyo abaar siyaasadeed, iyadoo tii cimilada haatan laga doogsaday ayaad mooddaa buu yidhi in abaartii siyaasaddu weli taagan tahay oo weliba ay sii kordhayso maalinba maalinta ka dambaysa.


Waxa kale oo aannu Cismaan Abokor weydiinnay sida uu u arko hawl gudashada xukuummadda Daahir Riyaale. Isagoo taa ka jawaabanaya wuxu yidhi “Qarankeennii aynu dhalintiisa dhibta badan u soo marnay, ee aynu maanta sugaynay dheeftiisu, wuxu saaran yahay buudigii madhnaa ee beri samaadkii la’ saaray socotadii reer Wardheer ee lagu yidhi gaadhigu caawa ayuu Wal-waal iyo Wardheer ku hoyanayaa, kolkaas buudigaas ka guurka ah haddaynu xukuumad ku sheegno oo ka sugno haybaddii iyo hawl-gudashadii xukuumadi lahaan jirtay waxay ila tahay in aynu qiranno in aynu nahay ummad ayaan daran”.


Mudane Cismaan Abokor oo ka jawaabayey su’aal ku saabsanayd bal dareenka uu ka qabo shucuurta nabad gelyo darro ee la soo deristay Somaliland, wuxu ku xoog xoogsaday in Daahir Riyaale iyo inta ag-joogtaa abuurayaan xaaladda nabad gelyo darro, waxaanu isagoo taas tilmaamaya yidhi “Caqliqa caafimaadka qabaa ma liqi karo ONLF baa hawlgallo ka fulisa Somaliland, Diblomaasiyadda Siyaasadda, dhaqanka Soomaalida iyo diinka Islaamkaba waa ku ceeb in dhiigga socotada iyo maganta laga dayo saaxiibtinimo cid kale. Itoobiyana si’ sidaa ka suubban oo ka sharaf badan ayaynu xidhiidhkeeda ku hagaajin karraa”.


Cismaan Abokor wuxu kale oo waraysigiisaas dhiirigelin ugu soo jeediyey mucaaradka oo uu sheegay in aanay ka faa’iidaysan shacabka 90% ka soo horjeeda xukuumaddan Daahir Riyaale. Taas oo haddii aanay ka faa’iidaysan dadweynaha reer Somaliland geyeysiin doonta xaalad ah “Habeenyahow dheeri maad iga dhammaatid, Dharaartuna iima kaa dhaantee”. Waxaanu Cismaan ka sanqadhiyey in arintaas uu si weyn ugu dhiirigelin doono maalmaha soo socda labada Hoggaamiye mucaarad ee Somaliland Mudane Axmed Siilaanyo iyo Mudane Faysal Cali Waraabe oo waqtigan labaduba ku sugan magaalda London.


Ugu dambayn waraysigan oo dheeraa, Cismaan Abokor wuxu kaga san-qadhiyey khataro waaweyn oo kusoo fool leh Somaliland, kuwaas oo haddii aan waqti hore laga sii gaashaaman gabbal baas u ridi doona Somaliland. khatarahaas oo aannu Cismaan wax ka weydiinnay waxa uu ka xusay, Isbahaysiga sii xoogaysanaya ee Saddex geesoodka Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, Daahir Riyaale iyo C/Qaasim Salaad Xassan , wuxu kale oo ka xusay gaabiska iyo gabno-nimada xukuumadda Riyaale oo looga jeedo buu yidhi sidii shacabka looga dili lahaa kalsoonida dalkooda, waxa kale oo kamid ah u diyaar garowga soo guryo noqoshada Cismaan Jaamac (Kalluun) oo ololeheeda xukuumaddu si weyn uga waddo Magaalada Burco. Iyo ugu dambayn buu yidhi hindisaha ah in Shir Somali-weyn mustaqbalka lagu qabto magaalada Boorame .



IxsaanCumar "

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^^^It must be April Fool's day in Puntland :D

Smith and Samurai, you chaps are not finally giving-up the Mbagathi peace process are you? Col. Yusuf will be very disapointed in you two. It doesn't matter where the hoodlums meet, as long as they dont have sincere intentions to make peace. Where will the Puntlads be suggesting next, the darkside of the moon?

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Brother Shiekh remarkable is the way you jump from one place to another, LOL.

I have never laughed so much, the point of contention was the propoganda of Allpuntland,com as Gediid suggested and the article posted above was from an interview with an upcoming Somaliland politician who basically said what the SHASNA article and Allpuntland reported.

An alliance of your President Mr I ran Riyale (joke) and Abdi (I ran out of time) QASIN with Djabouti as playing the host.

The other point was that your finance minister allegedly (as we dont know yet) stated that the Somalailand authorites where planning to hold a meeting in Borama in whcih they would support whats good for Somalia, what does that mean?


On the point about the meeting, who gave up hope on it? Abdiqasin, Riyaale, Musa Sudi and a couple of other has beens.


Who has joined in, Uganda, head of IGAD, Mozambeque Head of the AU and other groups are now endorsing it.


So my brother the Niorobi conference is still on and we Somali's are hoping insha Allah for a brighter day.

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