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The biggest set up: Is this new war to destroy Somalia??

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There seems to be a game being played out, a sinister one. Qaynyare, Musa Sudi, now Mohamed Dheere joining the battle ... This is tragic.


Breaking News: Max'ed Dheere "Dagaalka ayaan galayaa"


Jowhar- 20.February.2006 Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Shabeelaha dhexe Max'ed Cumar Xabeeb (Max'ed Dheere) ayaa sheegay in uu ka qayb

qaadanayo dagaalka ka socda magaalada Muqdisho, isla markaana uu gacan siinayo Isbahaysiga uu ku tilmaamey inuu ka soo horjeedo wax uu ku sheegay Kooxaha ajanabiga ah ee Argagixisada ah.


Hadalkan Max'ed Dheere ayaa wuxuu soo baxay saacado uun ka dib markii Max'ed Dheere uu ku eedeeyey Max'ed Qanyare in uu ka masuul yahay dagaalka Muqdisho.


Max'ed Dheere oo shir jaraa'id goor dhaw (9:20 PM) ku qabtey magaalada Jowhar ayaa sheegay in maamulkiisu uu go'aansadey in uu la dagaalamo dad ajanabi ah oo dalka la soo galiyey waxaana uu sheegay in uu galayo dagaalka ka socda magaalda Muqdisho.


Shirkan jaraa'id ee uu qabtey Max'ed Dheere ayuu wuxuu diidey in uu ka jawaabo su'aalo ay saxaafiyiintu waydiiyeen oo ay ka mid aheyd in uu si cad u sheego argagixisada ajanabiga ah ee uu sheegay inay dalka ka dagaalamayaan.


Halkan ka Dhageyso shirkii ja'raaid ee uu caawa qabtey


Axmed Xasan Mahad

SBC Jowhar.

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Diyaarado dagaal oo maanta dul heehaabayey Dekada Ceel-Macaan


Muqdisho- 20.February.2006 Diyaaradaha khumaatiga ee loo yaqaan Helicopterada ayaa maanta waxay in mudo ah dul heehaabayeen hawada Dekada Ceel-Macaan

ee duleedka magaalada Muqdisho.


Diyaaradahan oo ahaa afar xabo ayaa waxaa la sheegay inay ka soo duuleen Markab dagaal oo sida la rumaysan yahay fadhiya biyaha xeebaha magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo dad kaluumaysato ah ay maalmo ka hor soo sheegeen in Markab dagaal uu fadhiyo xeebaha gobolka Banaadir.


Qaar ka mid ah dadka ka xoogsada Dekada Ceel-Macaan ayaa waxay u sheegeen SBC diyaaradahaasi ay ahaayeen kuwa ciidan, isla markaana ay mudo ku soo noqnodeen agagaaraha dekada Ceel-Macaan.


Xoogsatada iyo kaluumaysatada Dekeda Ceel-Macaan ayaa sheegay in Diyaaradaasi ay rumaysan yihiin in uu ka soo duuleen Markab dagaal oo Mareylkanku leeyahay oo ku sugan badweynta Hindiya, inkastoo wararkaasi aysan xaqiijin ilo madaxbanaan.


Dhawaan ayaa ciidamada Mareykanka waxay waraaqo hawada uga daadiyeen dadweynaha degmada Xarardheere ee gobolka Mudug, waxaana waraaqahaasi oo ku qornaa af Soomaali dadka digniin ahaan lagu siiyey inaanay u dhawaan xeebaha deegaankaasi si looga hortago kooxaha burcad badeedka ah ee dhawaanahan ka qawlaysanayey xeebaha deegaanadaas.


Bishii November ee sanadkii 2005 ayaa Markab nooca dalxiiska oo ay saarnaayeen dad tamashle ku jirey oo u isugu Mareykan iyo reer Galbeed waxay si dirqi ah uga badbaadeen kooxo burcad badeed Soomaaliya oo rasaas iyo garnaylka garbaha laga rido ku afuufey Markabkaasi, walow uu ka baxsadey.


Axmed Aar

SBC Muqdisho.

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Maxaa isku soo beegay Dagaalka Muqdisho ka socda ee la sheegay in lagu sifeynayo waxa loogu yeeray Argagixiso iyo Helicopter-ada lagu arkey gudaha Soomaaliya, iyaga oo joog hoose ku socda.


Febraayo 20, 2006 Markacadeey.





Diyaaradaha nooca loo yaqaan helicopter-ka ayaa manta lagu arkay iyada oo joog hoose ku socda oo dul heehaabayay dekeda dabiiciga ah ee Ceel-macaan oo dhacda dhinaca bari ee magaalada Muqdisho.


Diyaaradahan oo tiradooda ay dad goob joogayaal ahi ay sheegeen in ay afar dhamaayeen ayay saarnaayeen rag la sheegay in ay wateen tuutaha mareykanka.


Warar ayaa sheegaya in diyaaradahan ay ka soo kaceen maraakiibka la sheegay in ay ku jiraan badweynta, kuwaasi oo aan la ogeyn waxa ay halkaasi u joogaan.


Afhayeenka shirkada maamusha dekadaasi Cali Beere Cadoow ayaa sheegay in mid ka mid ah maleeshiyooyinka ku sugan halkaasi uu rasaas ku ridey, isaga oo sheegay in askarigaasi la qabtay, lana ganaaxay.


Imaatinka diyaaradahan ayaa ku soo beegmaya iyada ay Muqdisho ku dagaalamayaan maleeshiyooyin kala taageera maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah iyo isbahaysi la dagaalamaya waxa loogu yeero argagixisada.


Dhawaan ayaa ciidamada Mareykanka waxay waraaqo hawada uga daadiyeen dadweynaha degmada Xarardheere ee gobolka Mudug, waxaana waraaqahaasi oo ku qornaa af Soomaali dadka digniin ahaan lagu siiyey inaanay u dhawaan xeebaha deegaankaasi si looga hortago kooxaha burcad badeedka ah ee dhawaanahan ka qawlaysanayey xeebaha deegaanadaas.

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^^^you now realize it's mercenaries armed by foreign intelligence entities vs. good sheikhs, the reps of the people. Rumor has it that Mr. Tall has been on the payrolls of Ethio-American intelligence for some time now.


But this time at least the war has some princibles in it.

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Xaaladu wey cakirantahay, ilaahayow umadaa kala qabo. Dadka rayidka iyo bulshoweynta dhamaan have suffered enough. No matter how rightous the Wadaado and their struggle is, shicibka Xamar have suffered enough and do not need more fighting. Ilaahay dhex istaag umadaas.

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^^kashanroy, adeer waligeedba waa lays dilayey haddii xaq lagu dagaalamayo is good, i say.


You see saaxiib these guys want to make money on our expense. I don't know what few helicopters would do for them when the shacab is the one fighting them. They made many mistakes, and committed heinous crimes but this one seems to be their last throws. How could they declare war on a well established and legitimate entity such as Islamic court is beyond me?


If indeed Yalaxow has retreated as the news reports indicate, Qanyare is left in the cold and his would be easy kill. May be this is a god sent opportunity to get rig off these murderers. Their declaration on the Islamic courts now seems to have been an invitation for defeat. It has always been the source of my greivence for these courts inability or lack of courage to challenge these warlords and armed business men in Mogadishu and in essence free the people of Mogadishu from their grip. Now they themselves become the target of warlords political ambitions, the courts have no choice but to fight, and boy fighting they did, and did it well.


Of course there would be casualties and more likely than not, those casualties would be civilian. That is the sad part indeed. But may be, just may be, there would be a light at the end of the tunnel after this.

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I am sure this war is nothing but election between the warlords and the will of the oppressed people in Mogadishu. The people are using their ballots now to express the resentments against the criminal warlords. And in fact, history indicates everytime the truth collides with the fallacy in a battlefield, the truth emerges with gigantic spirit and strenght.


Looking forward to see the landslide victory of the party of Allah, (sw).

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M.Dheere at first cirtizised Qanyare for starting the war, then hours later, he said he was wrong and now fully supports the coalation of the Khaaiimiinta is baheysatey, he was told to keep quite and join the American-led Isbaheysi.



BTW: what is keeping yeey quite anyway, the old man can't even do anything, xarakaat malahan, M.Dheere muu jagada iskaga wareejiyo illeen ninkan buu laheesta u yahayee!

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Xiin, Yalaxoow waa cabsaday because tolkiisaa hore uga digay inuusan usoo habar wacan karin hadhoow. Qanyare xataa qoladiisa waa diideen iney Xamar ka tagaan oo meeshuu joogo kala dagaal galaan ama xamar dhexdeeda ka kiciyaan dagaal kale.


Sheekadaan oo dhan waxaa u sabab ahaa saddex wadaad oo laga qafaalay Muqdisho. Saddexda wadaad waxaa la geeyay Jabuuti iyadoo mid dhaawac yahay. Nimankii qafaashay wadaadada waxaa loo diiday lacagtii contractiga because nimankay keeneen jabuuti liiska kuma jirin oo ma noqon nimanka la rabay ee etoobiya soo magacawday. Saddexdii sheekh Xamaraa lagu soo celiyay, unfortunately, nimanka qafaashay ayaa ka cabsaday in la ogaado qoladay yihiin iyo cidda ay ka dhasheen, so they shot the three sheekhs at Dayniile Airport and buried them in a hurry before anyone showed up at the airport.


Somehow sheekadii waa la ogaaday. The Man who was the head of the contract killers happened to be a famous thug by the name Cabdi Waal. Cabdi Waal wuxuu ka dhashay A/QASIM's subclan. So when the news spread, the islamic courts wanted to bring him to justice. Qanyare came to the rescue and gave the man a refuge. Gogolaa la isu dhigtay, The islamic courts representing all clans, A/qasim's clan being the head since they wanted a man of their own to be brought to justice, invited Qanyare's elders. Ilaa labo boqoloo nin aa qado loo sameeyay. Waxaa odayaasha uu ka dhashay qanyare loo sheegay in hadhoow iska hor imaad qabiileed uusan dhicin qanyarana uu gardaran yahay maadaama u difaacaayo nin mulxid ah oo gatay diintiisa iyo dadka astaanteeda ka muuqato.


Qanyare markuu ogaaday in tolkiisa raalli ka yihiin in lala diriro ayuu qalqaaliyay Yalaxow iyo siddeed ninoo kale oo ganacsatadii beeraha xashiishka laga gubay ka mid yihiin, iyo tuugo kale. That is when they came up with this umbrella of thugs. Qanyare himself declared that no mosque will be standing in Muqdisho. One early morning, Muqdisho waxay ku waabariisatay hugunka qoryaha waawayn. Qanyare wuu cararay oo hadda Xamar bannaankeeduu joogaa, Dayniilihii uu masruufan jirayana waa laga qaaday oo wadaadadaa ka qaatay sida la sheegay. Yalaxoow waa cabsaday, Maxamed dheere af cidluu hayaa. Hadduu jowhar soo dhaafana waxbaa ka raaci doono.


PS: Saddexda wadaad ee dilkooda markii la ogaaday maxkamadaha ka caroodeen waxay ka kala dhasheen Laasqoray/Cerigavo, Kilinka Shanaad iyo Region aan hadda illoobay. AliWaal thought he could prey on them because they had no support. It backfired and now people want his head. Qanyare wanted to defend him and Qanyare paid a price for that. Sheekada sidaasay ku billaabatay.

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^^Xoogsade, thanks for the background info. It helps to put things in context. It commits to the flames all the propaganda and nonsense that’s spewed on here. The argument of wadaado xukundoon ah a dadka bilaash u laynayaa has no legs.


Midda kale I don’t know what emboldens these warlords but it seems they have miscalculated big time. I hope this time no compromise on the part of courts until these thugs apprehended and handed over to justice.


It may be dream from my part but I would love to see that Daynile airport taken for good. It has been used for many illegal things, and it is one of main economic sources that sustains for the worlordism activity. Will see how this ends though.

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This now just turned into qabiil conflict, a tired movie we have had all been able to see that no qabiil will ever be able to defeat any qabiil. The last 15 years is a testimony to that.


Dayniile is now occupied. Qabiil hadee saas isku badalee. The early '90s is a deja vu all over again. Believe me, Muuse Suudi/Max'ed Dheere/Cumar Finish/Bashiir Raage and et al. will enter this unnecessary conflict. Maxkamadaha consists only one qabiil, so far. Plus, Indhacadde/Seeraar already sent their tikniko to support, and sabotage the tikniko from Muuse Suudi's and Cumar Finish's that were expected to join from Madiina. Cismaan Caato/Furux/Caydiid Jr. are on the sidelines. On one side, they are anti-Maxkamadaha, but on the other side, their qabiilo ayaa ku pressure gareynaayo to stay on the sidelines, just as Ilqeyrte was pressured to withraw the newly formed, so-called Courter-Terrorism group.


Dad baa leh masaajida ayaa la isku qoroyaa. Which masaajid? Sheekh Cali Suufi? Sure. Why there are not masaajid la iska qoraayo on other xaafado, such as Kaaraan, Madiino, C/casiis, Yaaqshid and others? The fact is masaajidka Sheekh Cali Suufi is controlled by these wadaado ku sheeg and meeshee qabiilkooda ku badanyahay ee ku taalaa.


I was in Xamar. Ain't no armchair expert. I had witnessed it all.


Ilaahoow inkaarqabiyaashaan inaga qabo. Eebboow, rabiyoow raxmaanoow, naga qabo xoolahaan inkaarta qabo: Aamiin, aamiin.



BTW: what is keeping yeey quite anyway, the old man can't even do anything, xarakaat malahan, M.Dheere muu jagada iskaga wareejiyo illeen ninkan buu laheesta u yahayee!

Nuune, Cabdillaahi Yuusuf Axmed waligiiska wuxuu ku andacoon jiray inay Xamar joogaan "argagaxiso," oo uu Xamar dowladiis ku halayn karin. Adduun weynihii ayaa la tusay maanta wuxuu ka hadlaaye. Waa taasaa. He is keeping it quiet, I believe suu rabay ee u noqotay that no more pressure lagu saaraayo inay dowladiis Xamar ka shaqeyso.

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Well Xiin, Qanyare doesn't want this government to succeed. If you look at some other warlords and government officials, they expressed an opposition to his campaign against the sheekhs according to their media reaction as of now. They may join him later if they think he is winning. The sheekhs have supported every effort of bringing back stability and securing a somali government. They supported Carta and they supported Abdullaahi yusuf. They are on record telling somalis to support their government no matter who leads it. Waa laga gardaran yahay mar walbo mashaayiqda. These warlords see the sheekhs as lucrative business and want to sell their heads one by one as their other sources have dried up. Qanyare and his cohorts are on record saying they lack financial support from the international community because of these Sheekhs and their presence in Xamar. Can you believe that? these are the men who are responsible for teh death of many somalis. It was also a mystery before as to who was responsible for the kidnappings of the sheekhs and now it became apparent that Qanyare is on it with Cabdi Waal thug since his airport was continually used to ship these sheekhs to Jabuuti with his consent. This was the source of the conflict.


The sheekhs are and were strong in Muqdisho if they were interested in conflict with these warlords they could have had it. For the interest of all somalis, and in the hopes that somalis can form a government on their own, they stayed on the sidelines only attending to the more pressing needs of business security and education.

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Just imagine how much is being spent on armament and how much of that could alleviate the hunger and starvation brought on by the drought. SubxaanaAllah. Ilaahow maxaad dadkayga naxariista uga qaaday? There will be no mercy on us until we have mercy on each other. That's what Allah tells us and from the looks of it, we can't even fulfill the one simple condition for receiving the Lord's mercy.


May qanyare, qanwayne and all the other blood-thirsty maniacs we have killing our people be burned alive and may they eternally burn in hell as well.

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^^ I agree with Xoogsade on this one. The agressor are the warlords. Yet I belive they are being poushed on by outside powers and not just the Ethiopians. There has been meetings between the warlords and unknown foreign elements in Mopgadishu. I am worried that the warlords and the courts will destroy the city, and considering the drought then we have a catastrophe on our hands..

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