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Itoobiya oo qorsheyneysa in C/llaahi Yuusuf ay ku bedesho Jen. Moorgan


Waxaa beryahan la hadal hayaa warar si weyn isu soo taraya, wararkaasoo laga soo xigtay ilo ku dhow dhow saraakiisha Itoobiyaanka ah ee ku sugan Muqdisho, waxeyna wararkani xoogoodu soo baxeen intii ka danbeysay markii ay isku dhaceen C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Jen. Gabre oo ah taliyaha ciidamada Itoobiya ee Soomaaliya, oo isku qabtay warbixin uu C/llaahi Yuusuf siiyey Ra'iisul wasaaraha Itoobiya Melle Zenawi oo ku saabsaneyd in howlgalada Itoobiyaanku ka sameynayaan Soomaaliya uusan isagu waxba kala socon, wuxuuna khilaafkaasi sababay in qaar ka mid ah warbaahintu qoraan in Gabre uu dharbaaxay C/llaahi Yuusuf, waxaana tan iyo wixii xilligaasi ka danbeeyey si weyn isugu soo dhowaanayey Jen. Maxed Siciid Xersi (Moorgan) oo ku magacawnaa lataliyaha C/llaahi Yuusuf ee dhinaca milateriga.


Wararka soo baxaya waxey xaqiijinayaan in Moorgan iyo Gabre ay si weyn isugu soo dhowaanayey muddooyinkii u danbeeyeyna oo uu xiriirkoodu gaaray in inta badan la arko iyagoo wada socda, waxaana Gabre uu ka dhaadhiciyey Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Itoobiya in C/llaahi Yuusuf aanu waxba ku soo kordhin karin xaalada cakiran ee ka taagan magaalada Muqdisho, uuna yahay nin caafimaad ahaan dhintay, wuxuuna u sharaxay raisul wasaaraha Itoobiya in loo baahan yahay weji cusub oo isbedel sameyn kara.


Warar madaxbanaan ayaa sheegaya in sidoo kale Moorgan laga qaadanayo xogag ku saabsan golihii Maxaakiimta oo Moorgan in muddo ah magangelyo siyaasadeed siiyey, kuna hayey hotelka Ramadaan.




Mid internet cafe ku caajisay, oo wax uu sheego waaye ayaa wax iska alifaayo, markaas leeyahay waa 'war xaqiiq' dad laga soo 'xigtayna.' Soomaalida beenta maka daalaan miyaa

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^^ Often some of the Kutir-kuteen news turn into reality, I have seen it in the past so I will not be ruling out the possibility of this news is real!

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if that happens some of the most ardent TNG supporters on SOL will change their tune ;)


to the TNG supporters on SOL, would you support a TNG without A/Y as the president and ...... will you change your position on the Ethiopian occupation ?


be very careful how you answer because I will quote you when it eventually happens and you show true colors !

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Geelka, there is no way Duke will come here and say he will support TFG without odey Yey.


Duke supports Yey and Yey only. TFG is just a front for him.

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wuxuuna khilaafkaasi sababay in qaar ka mid ah warbaahintu qoraan
in Gabre uu dharbaaxay C/llaahi Yuusuf,
waxaana tan iyo wixii xilligaasi ka danbeeyey si weyn isugu soo dhowaanayey Jen. Maxed Siciid Xersi (Moorgan) oo ku magacawnaa lataliyaha C/llaahi Yuusuf ee dhinaca milateriga.

Another sort of 'dharbaaxo' kutiri kuteen.

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^^ Why is it a problem if Abdullahi Yusuf got b!tch-slapped ? Why the rush to try to 'bury' this story ? Haa isku mash-qoolinin, there are far more important and relevant matters happening should you wish to comment on it.


The dharbaaxo story may or may not be accurate, the only people that can confirm it or deny it are Yey, Gabre, and the people present in the room during the meeting. Every single last one of them being habitual liars oo run-sheeg laga sugaynin. Marka, consider the dharbaaxo incident as factual and let's move on. If he wasn't slapped, then he was scolded, which are one and the same. Nin la canaantay oo madax-wayne isko sheegaayo waa nin loo dhameeyay.

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Dowladaas Somalia oo ay cid walba ay ku jirto , dadbaa u arka iney tahey dowlad hal Qabiila.


Idinkee idin taalaa, laakinse meeshani maahan meel ay soo galaan dad aan waxgarad aheen. :D

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Originally posted by Geel_jire:

if that happens some of the most ardent TNG supporters on SOL will change their tune


to the TNG supporters on SOL, would you support a TNG without A/Y as the president and ...... will you change your position on the Ethiopian occupation ?


be very careful how you answer because I will quote you when it eventually happens and you show true colors !

No need to be careful. You can find the obvious -- and expected -- answer on inta.

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^ :D enlightening walaahi.


raga qaar damiirka ku yar........ xataa ka xishoon mayaan shalay waxay ku hadlayeen maanta inay wax ka soo hor jeeda la soo shir tagaan.......... ragan diinta inay ka baxaan baa dhow.......... siday qabil uga daba jajabayaan kan la yidhaa Duke baa ugu daran xataa waxay gadhsiisay inuu saxaabi uu ku tilmaamo munaafaq.............. horta maalintaas ka dib maba aragee talow ma anigu iga dhuumanyaa ?

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Duke maaba saan loo aaminsanyahay ani waa yaabee? Wey-O-Wey...Viva Duke shirts amaa mardhow lasoo gashtaa...Isuma jeediinaa, intaan ka badan waad is ceebeynoysiin...Dabagalka saan ah obsession buu isubadalaa... ;)


If what Duke thinks/says/believes means this much to you guys, walee cirkaad roob ku ogtihiin...Duke this, Duke that, Duke baa saan yiri, Duke baa saan qoray...DUKE, DUKE, DUKE...Amaaba qaarkiin Duke ku riyootaan? Bal is yara aayariya...




**Waves at Jimcaale** :D

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Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

Dowladaas Somalia oo ay cid walba ay ku jirto , dadbaa u arka iney tahey dowlad hal Qabiila.

Adiguba sow Somaliland sidaas uma aragtid ??? :D


Well, then let it be ,,

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