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Somalia's Transitional Institutions Snap

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Ninkaan indheergarad qatiimi ah waaye, oo Soomaali badan badanaa dhaamo when it comes to Soomaaliya's siyaasad and suu u arko xaalkaa ku jirno. His timely analysis, faalooyin, is always wonderful and I concur much of them.

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He is one of the so-called Westren experts!! They only remember when Africa was their play ground where they used to create fictional political games. He is another cyperwarlord from one of the best colleges in the USA. His analysis and researches don't change political evolution that is taking place in Somalia or Africa. May be he is in the payroll of AL KABEB or Anarchist groups.

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^^maybe you are on the payroll of the Mickey Mouse?



Xiin, you have never rationalized why Somalis should accept and legitimzie the warlord entity? Even after they have caused such massacres, brought Xabashis to the nation , whilst their soldiers still continue rapes, banditry, checkpointism and all out moryaanism in the land. Remember these are the men that ruined SOmalia for the last 20 years.



How contradictory of you to lecture about the suffering SOmali people living under trees, yet at the same try to force us to believe that the very entity( TFG) that caused this mass suffering are just good old Somalis, who will simply change their ways if Sheikh Shariff shares bower with them.

The problem is not just Ethiopians, even after they leave, the warlords will probably be doing what they used to.



And part of the plan from the powers that be is transfer the war(when Ethiopians leave) to Somalis , hence the reason why there are talks of clan elders being bribed and talk of sahwatul Anbar style alliances being planned with big-boy money in the halls of Nairobi and elsewhere. Djibouti accord was a part of this grand plan( see how the ARS was divided into "moderates" and "hardliners"?).



The will be no peace in Somalia till you want to force the entity known as the TFG on Somalis. That is even you use Islam to argue your case or have some Sheikhs claiming that they are good old Somalis who were in error. Hadi ay toobad keenan and ask forgiveness from the people sincerly or they are completely disbaned, meaning they can't claim legitimacy, whilst new elections are called, then that is a different case.



Embaghati 2.0(which is exactly what the Djibouti accord is) is doomed to fail from the onset, because,as Dr Weinstein points, it is just another case of the solution being enforced from foreign hotels. Sheikh Shariff might be sincere on this one, but he is completely relying on the goodwill of Arabs, UN and Ethiopian promises.



But if you want to force the TFG as the legitimate entity and make all other actors must give up their arms to them( as the Djibouti accord strongly suggests), then, my friend, waad riyoonaysa, walahi! Remember, nearly all SOmalis supported the TFG for the sake of having any sort of government although they consisted mostly of notorious warlords. The same mistake can not and will not made by Soomaalida xaqa wali ku taagan.

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I agree with Brofessor_Geeljire, that the same mistake cannot be made again.


These warlords turn somalia into a zoo and if that was not bad enough they brought in the ethiopians to try and colonise the somali people.


Thank Allah that were are musilms and have fierce fighters such as the Islamic courts and Al-Shabaab that are willing to confront the huge well armed ethiopian army to stop the somali people from being made into slaves just like the Oromos in ethiopia have been made into slaves.


The TFG has proven to serve the interest of outsiders especially ethiopia and the united states.

They were an instrument used from the start to punish the somali people.

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:D:D @Brafasoorka Geelka.


Adeer, it's the reality on the ground that points that tfg is part of the conflict. Xiin only acknowledges that fact.


We can all wish them away. But they are still here adeer, and as long they exist xiin believes that they must be brought into the peace process.I dont think that's forcing this entity upon somali people!


You can be angry with this entity, and what it has done. I however choose to think sidii la daba qaban lahaa dadka, adigu aarso adeer.

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Acknowledging that they are part of the Somali conflict and saying that they need to engaged is one thing. But isn't the same thing as a bunch of people who spend the days chewing khat in Badiao and serving the highest bidder should be giving another mandate to continue as a legitimate authority, is something else, saxiib.



Doesn't the Djibout deal recognize the TFG warlords as the legitimate authority oo ka masul ah umada Soomaaliyeed?



You probably wont say that from your own mouth, but it is essentially what you've been arguing for. That is, given your constant promotion of the Djibouti accord as the salvation for Somalia.


Moreover, Somalia has seen its fair share of blue helMET and warlords tragedies- Djibouti accord is merely another attempt to continue that tragedy.


The only difference(sadly) is that this time sHEIKHYAAl and dad diinta yaqaan are trying to convince the gullible masses that to live under blue-helmet killers, African Union Mecenaries and genocidal warlords is a compromise and a salvation taken from the Sunnah of Muhamad Ibn Abdul Muttalib. Inalilahi Winailayhi Rajicun! Peacey Rali Ahow!

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^^What exactly are you laboring to say? And what's your alternative to the Jabbuuti Accord?


Jabbuuti deal recognises tfg for what they are; a somali entity that speakes for and represents for Somalia in many international and regional stages(whether that's fair or not is neither here nor there). More importantly Jabbuuti deal recognizes that the nature of conflict as a somali one in its most elemental way.


Two things angry men like you have difficulty to grasp.


Nin walaalki geed ugu jiraa geesi noqonwaaye

Gacantii ninkii li goynayyaa waa gumudantaaye

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"maybe you are on the payroll of the Mickey Mouse?"


I will rather be Mickey Mouse payroll than incosent killers such as Al Kabeb and Anarchist.

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Guys, Leave emotions at home, cry and wailing will NOT solve anything,and will NOT bring peace to Somalia.


Somalis are in war with each other for over 20 years now, and there is a great mistrust, By saying TFG does not exist and is void will change the reality on the ground.


Somalis must move forward and get out of this viscous circle, Never ending cycle of voilence.


And again baroor diiqa hala joojiyo, ICU is over, We must deal and and face on the situations on the ground, wether we like who is involved or not, at the end of the day, It is innocent Somalis who will suffer on this prolonged war.


Hebel baa khaldan, kooxdaas baa khaldan, iyo far far ku taag Soomaali baa ku dhamaatay.



I 100% agree here with bro Xiinfiniin.

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@Sunaari, perhaps they also taught at the Mickey Mouse Collaborationist School of Mickey Mouse that a American Professor with a seemingly Jewish name would be under the payrool of an Islamist group? :D


Dabshid, not another lecturing about innocent people. Why don't give that lecture to Mudane, Tribal hero,Abdullahi Yusuf?


Xiin, there is no other alternative to Djibouti, other than to continue negotiating with the world and other Somali groups. It is sad though those that had the capacity to negotiate with the world put all their eggs into basket and were duped into dividing their own ARS movements whilst legitimizing xukumada Gumesiga. I think they should have asked for an Ethiopian withdrawal whilst promising that they would not attack TFG, when the Xabashis leave. That means not legitimizing TFG, rather simply recognizing them as SOmali entity that will be talked to and part of any future Somalia adminstration which will be decided amongst Somali Clans, religious leaders, elders and civil Society, inside Somalia, not Djibouti Asmara, Nairobi or Adiss.



Though It does seem there is no way of going back on the Djibouti agreement and Shariff seems deteremined to ignore his own groups,risk a permanent fall-out, which means the Djibouti acccord is a fallacy for the following reasons;



1. As I said before; no peace till you try to force the warlord entity as a legitmate xukumad.


2. UN troops have been completely biased and commited various attrocities; they are the ones that diplomatically paved the way for the Ethios to invade. The African Union Troops that Shariff sadly describes as "being better than XABASHis, have shelled SOmalis, sheltered warlords, gathered intelligence to massacre Somalis and we know the history of previous missions to Somalia. Markay Gabdhaha yar yar kufsadan, what will you say: this is lesser of the two evil,ya? If the UN troops are sadly attacked and Bombed, who will be responsble, ya Xiin?


Those are just two fallacies. A few simple questions, Xiin;


1. WHat do you envision the UN troops as doing when they arrive? If Shariff signs a bower sharing agreement with xukumada gumsiga, do you think he will arrive freely under Somalia or under UN protection? What makes you so sure this isn't a trap to set SHeikh Shariff against the hotheads within the Jihadi movements?


2. What do you envision the notorious warlords as doing once Habashis leave? WHat if the warlords are attacked even after Shariff signs a "bower sharing" agreement with them?


p.s., I'm not an angry man! :D I love peace and want to see it just as you do. But I wouldn't delude myself into pasting articles praising the likes of Cade(the tfg one), calling for foreign troops with a notorious history of abuses, adandoning calls for Sharciga Ilahay, legitimizing a xukumad Gumeysi, whilst at the same claiming this is WHAT the Prophet(saw) would do. Moreover, you Djibouti accord seem like peace itself; another fallacy!


p.s. Djibouti accord recognizing Somali conflict as a Somali-one is not rocket Science nor a new discovery, although we mustn't forget that extrenal actors have also fuelled and heavily participated in the Somali Conflict.

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Anarchist dream is to see power vacuum where they can re-establish their anarchist franchise business, but you know what that is not going to happen at least this era, wait another goverment collapse some time 20 years down the road, you may have some luck when weak leader assume the power and let it down the nation. AL-KEBAB and arachist will be Somali history footnotes, so don't set your expectation too high for now!

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Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire:


Xiin, you have never rationalized why Somalis should accept and legitimzie the warlord entity? Even after they have caused such massacres, brought Xabashis to the nation , whilst their soldiers still continue rapes, banditry, checkpointism and all out moryaanism in the land. Remember these are the men that ruined SOmalia for the last 20 years.

You forget that Xiin is silently cheering for his uncle, the same way NG was silently cheering for the SNM.


Let us all wait for his coming out day. :D

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Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire:

Xiin, there is no other alternative to Djibouti, other than to continue negotiating with the world and other Somali groups.

^^That, my good friend, is a profitable saying. There is no alternative to dialogue with the other side. War is not an option for Somalis today.


The rest of your post is a peculiar mix of emotion-laden questions and misplaced feelings about what has transpired in the past. I want you to deal with the present. TFG is a reality. And so is Ethiopia’s presence in Somalia. If you can manage to see the big picture of things, you need to deal with these two realities. What makes your logic missing just like a broken tooth in a comb is that fog of emotion I pointed before.


As for xiin wanting to legitimize a warlord government, A & T, yaa Doctor Geelle, said as much. Labadiina inaan mar idiin jawaabo rabaa haddii alle idmo because I sense some level of desperation in the formulation of your argument.


Hase yeeshee bal qisadaan ila dhuuxa:


Waxaa jirey nin markay rag is qabtaanba yiraahda, war nabiga ku salliyya. Dadka intooda badan marka nabigey ku sallinjireen, intay salliga waddan buu isna gar heli jirey. Maalintii danbe baa ninkii iyo nin kale is heleen. Sidiisii buu yiri war nabiga ku salli . Ninkii baa yiri, war nabiga waligay baan ku sallin jiriyye anaga iyo nabiga adigu hana kala dilin .


Adeerayaalow, aniga iyo shareecadda yaan lakala dilin :D oo haddaad doodaysaan dawlad secular ah baa sharci laga dhiggayyaa xaajadu ma taagna ee saa u ogaada. Rather dad is dilay baa la heshiisinayyaa cadowga ka faaideystayna waa laga saarayyaa meesha.

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