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Puntland Parliment passes 2009 budget

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Barlamaanka Puntland oo ansixiyay Misaaniyada 2009

7 May 7, 2009 - 2:16:11 PM


Barlamaanka Dowlad Goboleedka Somaliyeed ee Puntland ayaa si rasmi ah u ansixiyay Miisaaniyadda 2009 ka dib dood iyo falanqeyn dheer.


Gudoomiyaha Barlamaanka C/Rashid Maxamad Xirsi ayaa furay kulankii Khamiista halkaasoo ay joogeen 52 Xildhibaan iyo mas’uuliyiin ka socday Wasaarada Maaliyadda oo hormuud ka ahaa Wasiirka Maaliyadda Farax Cali Jamac.


Maamulka Madaxweyne C/raxman Maxamad (Farole) ayaa Sabtidii u soo bandhigay Barlamaaka miisaniyadda cusub ee sanadka 2009 iyadoo Xildhibaanada dhexdooda ka socotay dood dhowkii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay.


Sideed Xildhibaan baa ka hadlay shirkii Golaha Barlamaanka iyagoo soo hadal qaaday arrimo dhowr ah oo ay ka mid yihiin: kordhinta mushaarka shaqaalaha sida ciidamada amniga; welwel laga qabo isticmaalka bacaha iyo daryeelka degaanka; iyo kordhinta mushaarka Maxkamadaha.


Wasiirka Maaliyadda oo la waraystay muddo sedax saacadood ah ayaa ka jawaabay dhamaan su’aalihii Xildhibaanada isagoo u sheegay Barlamaanka in dhamaan shaqaalaha Dowlada loo kordhiyay mushaaraadka.


Tusaale ahaan wuxuu xusay mushaarka askarta Dowlada isagoo sheegay in Miisaaniyaddu u qoondeesay kordhin mushaar gaaraysa 80% taasoo oo ku tilmaamay wax aan dunida laga aqoon.


Intaasi ka dib Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka wuxuu fasaxay Wasiirka Maaliyadda iyo dhamaan mas’uuliyiintii iyo shaqaalihii la socday.


Markii Xildhibaanada isu soo laabteen ayaa waxaa laga codsaday inay u codeeyaan

“madax cusub” oo lagu soo daray miisaaniyadda 2009 sida madaxa la dagaalanka kontrabaanka.


Laakinse Xildhibaanada ayaa ka buuqay in la ansixiyo miisaaniyadda oo dhan iyagoo sheegay in marka hore Wasaarada Maaliyadda ay soo badasho codsiyadii ka yimid Barlamaanka.


Gudoomiyaha Barlaamanka ayaa doodaasi ka dib ka codsaday suxufiyiin goobjoog ahaa inay ka baxaan Hoolka Barlamaanka isagoo dib ugu yeeray Wasiirka Maaliyadda.


Warar hoose ayaa sheegay in Xildhibaanada ku baraarujiyeen Wasiirka inuu balanqaado in dib loo qoro dhowr qodob oo ku xusan Miisaaniyadda gaar ahaan kordhinta mushaarka Xildhibaanada.


Intaasi ka dib ayaa Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Puntland si wadajir ah u ansixiyeen Misaaniyadda 2009 iyadoo dhamaan 52kii Xildhibaan ay ansixiyeen.



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Somalia: Puntland Parliament unanimously passes 2009 budget

7 May 7, 2009 - 1:57:15 PM


GAROWE, Somalia May 7 (Garowe Online) - The regional parliament in Somalia’s semiautonomous Puntland State has unanimously passed the 2009 budget after six days of negotiations, Radio Garowe reports.


Parliament Speaker Abdirashid Mohamed Hersi opened Thursday’s session, with 52 MPs and officials from the Ministry of Finance led by Minister Farah Ali Jama present.


The MPs opened debate on the new budget, which was formally introduced to parliament on Saturday by Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed “Farole,” the president of Puntland.



Puntland parliament leaders

Eight lawmakers gave speeches about areas of concern in the new budget. The debate touched on many topics: increasing government employee salaries, including the security forces; environmental concerns such as the banned use of plastic bags; and increasing salaries for the judicial system, including the Magistrate Court.


Finance Minister Jama was grilled for three hours and he answered most of the questions calmly and reasonably, telling lawmakers that the new administration has already increased the salaries of all government workers "by a percentage unheard of in the rest of the world.”


As an example, he cited salaries allocated to members of the security forces, which were increased by 80% from the base pay of 2008.


Sticking point


The Ministry of Finance officials were dismissed and the lawmakers took a twenty-minute break.


When the MPs returned, Speaker Hersi asked lawmakers to pass or reject “new sub-sections” on the 2009 budget that were not present in the earlier budgets, such as new funding allocated to fight against contraband.


All the new sub-sections were passed by majority vote, but lawmakers opened renewed debate about ratifying the entire 2009 budget.


Speaker Hersi politely asked journalists to leave the parliament building and he called Finance Minister Jama and the Ministry team to return to parliament.


Government sources said the lawmakers privately grilled the Finance Minister about guaranteeing minor changes made to the budget, especially the change that increased lawmakers’ salary base.


The 2009 budget was then passed unanimously, with all 52 MPs present voting yes.


Puntland, located in northeastern Somalia, is a federal state within Somalia and recently held a peaceful parliamentary election where Dr. Abdirahman Farole become Puntland's third elected president since the region's creation in 1998.

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Dukey what is this years budget total?

I think it was something like £19million last year, but I did not follow much this year.

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Puntland has been on the move,we need to follow up, and i can't wait the Big Meeting that is going to happen in Minneapolis in July,2009. War Reer Puntland dust your Resumes cz you are needed to contribute Puntland's future. see you in July

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^^^^Indeed, the Puntland community is by far the largest in the US, I know for a fact they have great numbers and influance in the Twin cities, its time they worked hard to lobby for the states development both politically and economicly.


Marx, adeer the Pirates money has gone to the private sector and its not needed. The Faroole plan of creating a new navy will transform the state and our sea is very important hence the worlds attention.

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Puntland parliament leaders

Eight lawmakers gave speeches about areas of concern in the new budget. The debate touched on many topics: increasing government employee salaries, including the security forces; environmental concerns such as the banned use of plastic bags; and increasing salaries for the judicial system, including the Magistrate Court.


Finance Minister Jama was grilled for three hours and he answered most of the questions calmly and reasonably, telling lawmakers that the new administration has already increased the salaries of all government workers "by a percentage unheard of in the rest of the world.”

Viva Puntland

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