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Against the Saudization of Somalis

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What do you guys think of this article? It was from AwdalNews and titled "Against the Saudization of Somaliland" but could be applied to all of Somalia. I thought it was interesting. Peace.


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Here is a related article talked about in editorial Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue-BBC


"Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.


In a rare criticism of the kingdom's powerful "mutaween" police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday."

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for a minute a i thought that i was reading Newsweek, or Times, it is typical article that westerener's(or wanna be) would write,before he writes anything he needs to learn the difference between saudi and islam, he can hate them if he choose to do so, but saudi's did not invent the dress code, and if 1900's somali women use to walk around half naked and now they cover up then we should thank Allah not complain, but apparently the writter has another opinion.

"It is time we have to speak out. If we don’t do it today, we won’t be able to do it tomorrow. Because there will be no tomorrow as our country descends into 7th century Arabia." in 7th century people were much more civilized than they are today. "I wrote this out of my love for my country and my people. This is my battle cry against oppression, particularly against women, in the name of religion and I would never have forgiven myself for not writing it". cajiib!!!!! everyone who wants to be famous has to talk about poor oppressed muslim women!!!,old one he needs to come up with new idea.

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“You all know me,” he said “but what I am going to tell you today is something that you have never expected to hear from me. I am a new prophet,” he said. The people were frozen. The teacher said that he was told by God to reform the Islamic religion and that anyone who believed that Mohammed (PUH) was the last prophet should read the Quran again.


“It is here,” he emphasized, raising the Quran book that was in hand, “I am not fabricating a new thing. My name is mentioned here in the Quran and all you have to do is to read it carefully.”


After having read the above aLL i can say was: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: !



As for those poLicemen they shouLdnt have done what they was just pLain crueL/inhumane and immoraL---akhaass they shouLd have more compassion towards peopLe not to mention those young girLs.I beLieve that they shouLd have handLed the situation aLot differentLy...they shouLd have deaLt with their 'inappropriate' dress code after the ordeaL was deaLt with but unfortunateLy nothing can be done now as it is too Late for them.

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This is politics that attepts to get political mileage from any issue that can be remotely exploited in the urge to garner support.

IN this case "islamic fundamentalism".

If you are in doubt the heading of the article is SAUDIZATION OF SOMALIA instead of something like the liberal/permissive/indegionous theological discourse of somalia under threat.


I agree with Bulo whole heartedly why does this man attempt to paint the jahiliya of somalis in the 1900's as a Local version of islam (which it was not), we have our traditions that separate us from the Habashis who's help incidentally he is trying to garner, but according to our religion any tradition's, that conflict with islam should be abondoned fut-a-fut.

Even this lair of demons called saudia arabia eradicated female infanticide, a long held and widely respected traditon in some tribes.


Another thing that always amuses me about all of these intellectual handy job men is how little they know about the religion.



So i suggest we leave these pseudo intellectuals to continue with their nonsense.



As for the saudia arabia article if it is TRUE and all extenuating circumstances have been brought to bear (was the fire recognized as an inferno, or did the mutaween think that there was enough time to cover the girls)

They must be brought to a court of law and chrged with criminal negligence and let tbe thruth be known, and this article like all articles does not clarify the aftermath of the incident.

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The article wasnt as bad as i thought it might be the actual term saudization of somalis has a foul smell of westernization, indeed something you would have that that the Orientalist Bernard Lweis would have come up with

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Why do we always stand either extreem left or extreem right? where is the middle ground (UMMATAN WASADHA) (MIDDLE NATION) which is mentioed in QURAN :confused:

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"we all know what happens when you are in the middle of the get run over"-Harry truman.


Unfortunately brother muraad that is the case in this day and age, and we must all defend our religion not with words of equanamity and resonablness but rather with all we can muster, because such people as the writer will use all that they can muster to destroy and corrupt it.

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Liqaye Thanks Bro. but the problem is not only to be extreem right or left but there are many other problems including who is leading us to that path?


Do you think that we've honest learders for both directions?

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This article is right in warning us from turning into a sort of wahabi colony. It's rather unfortunate some members cannot see the merit of this article because their own political stance is clouding their judgments. Discrediting the author as pseudo-intellectual or claiming he seeks support from the big bad wolf, cause of all somali problems "the Habashis", will not help you appreciate some of the merits of this article.

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Hence, we shall never have models and beauty queens to publicize the beauty of our women down the catwalks of Paris, New York and London. It may be worth to mention here that on the several occasions that the name Somali caught international media, other than civil wars and Black Hawk down, were associated with women. It was Iman, that Somali model, who made the name Somali synonymous with such exotic, unique and Cushitic beauty.

Somebody needs to get their priorities right. This is just another 'educated' chap who adores western decadence trying to use the three dead foreigners to champion his own silly agenda.

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I quit reading the damned thing when he said this:

Somali people continued to wear the qaydar, the dhuug, the Maro Somali, the dhacle and darayamuus, the guntino and Islam was always there where it should belong; their heart, and not on their clothes.

-------Hes definetly misguiding ppl and what islam preaces!


Ppl like this should be condemned-

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This article is right in warning us from turning into a sort of wahabi colony. It's rather unfortunate some members cannot see the merit of this article because their own political stance is clouding their judgments. Discrediting the author as pseudo-intellectual or claiming he seeks support from the big bad wolf, cause of all somali problems "the Habashis", will not help you appreciate some of the merits of this article.

We all have political stances, including the writer of the article, and you do for one as you use the word Wahabi to describe what...........

And personaly i dont think that habashis are wolves far from it I believe that they are parasaites that survive on the weakness of their host.

Ohhhhhh i guess I didnt read where the article was from lander But i dont wish to side track the argument.

:D merits of article ;)

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This man is claiming that Islam and the somali Culture have lived in harmony for years until now? What he fails to understand is that if you have a pure heart( as he claims) then you should have no problem falling all the laws of Islam.



May be some pictures from the good old days, before modern fanatics reduced Islam into a jealous guardian of Harem’s (women) hair, cheeks, arms, shins, feet, voice and smile.

it is this obsession with sex, this concept of viewing women only as an object of sex, created for man’s libido relief, that turned women’s body into a thing of shame. The concept is that just like one cannot display sex organs in public, women as objects of sex, not human beings with intelligence and rights, should always remain under cover. Hence, we shall never have models and beauty queens to publicize the beauty of our women down the catwalks of Paris, New York and London

why is he making it seem like these "fanatics" have re-invented islam? that it is them and not Allah who has forbidden any human, male or female to show off their cawrah.



All the Arab girls of all nationalities look bubbly, tossing their beautiful uncovered hairs and showing off their latest hairstyles. Even those with head covers threw it lightly on the shoulders or barely on the back of the head. They even sometime waved hello for me or for my son. The two Somali girls, however, were fully shrouded with black from head to toe. One could barely see their eyes and they even wore black heavy socks on their feet. Their unique Somali features wrapped into a shapeless form, their shy and modest smiles buried and a kind of heavy footed, reptile shuffling replacing their elegant, Somali-only, rolling hip-walk.

Good lord!! :rolleyes:



A girl should either be in the grave or under a man’s custody

This has no basis in islam, It is infact a belief deeply rooted in the somali "culture".



“Shaydaan aanad arkayn,

oo shaambinaaya agtaada,

waa naag shaadhir hagoogan.”

May God give him peace in his abode, because had he lived until today, Abdi Shube would have probably been stoned to death.

lol...acuudu bilaah.


To me this article is pure has no basis in logic or fact.

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Anybody who wants to be a Wahabi is welcome to Saudization, but leave me and my own alone! I don't want my sister or mother or wife to be in forced jail and to suffer just bec of Wahabi culture. We are not from the Saudi family, we don't want to be like them. We are a broad people and Muslims in our own unique way, therefore don't mix Wahabi culture and Islam they are two different entities!

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Do you even hear yourself?

this isn't about whabism and you know it. Its just a weak attempt by weak minded people trying to make excuses for their lack of adherence to the laws of Allah.

First educate yourself on what Islam is, then and only then can you argue about what is and isn't islamic.

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