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Must-watch video for our resident dhabodhilifs.

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In my campaign to provide treatment for our homegrown dhabodhilifs this side of cyberspace, I am proud to present the latest installment of dulinimo-rehabilitation and Islamnimo/Somalinimo enhancment: A highly engaging discussion about the situation in Somalia by a panel of them crazy bearded cimaamad-wearing maniacs: Somali scholars. The last 2 minutes are especially telling so perk up and pay attention.


At the end of viewing the video, the dhabodhilif patient should experience a sharp reduction in treasonous thought-patterns and a noticeable decline in providing justification for his/her infamy. The first step in treatment after all is acknowledging the disease. Once the patient is aware of his evident dhulinimo and the precarious edge his faith(and life) veers on, s/he can move on to the second phase of treatment.


This can be done by pondering upon the main points advanced by the Shuyookh. To normal healthy people(ie, non-dhabodhilifs), these discussion points are naturally-occurring beliefs, secreted by a healthy conscience and active frontal lobe(naasiyah), but the diseased suffer from a malfunction where the conscience is buried under the hubris of chronic qabyaalad and where the frontal lobe is damaged by repetitive exposure to poisonous rhetoric(anaka vs ayaga, etc). This, in turn, causes the patient to have almost no scruples or awareness of moral contradictions. Hypocrisy becomes second-nature to them and universal moral imperatives get discarded without a moment's thought.


This video is intended to work as a laser beam zapping away the foggy veil of dhabodhilifia from the patients brain. We have full confidence in the ability of our staff and the success of our operations.


. Bisinka qabso. Daawasho wacan.

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Originally posted by Seekknowledge:

The dude has history amnesia does he know at all about the first hijra? who helped the muslims against the pagans of arabia? Does he know that somalia would not be a muslim country if it wasn't for the help of ethiopia?

And "Itoobiya" existed then? Miyaa? What will the misinformation be next? Muslims wouldn't exist today had it not been that then king?


Waaba la isla qumanyahay. Always finding tiniest excuses for Xabashis. Waxba haku gamban Asxaabtii to justify what Xabashi are doing now. Yaab badanaa.

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The dude has history amnesia does he know at all about the first hijra? who helped the muslims against the pagans of arabia? Does he know that somalia would not be a muslim country if it wasn't for the help of ethiopia? By the way why are they suddenly wearing the arab customs and not the somali attire. Why they never had these types of so called conferences when their own were raping and killing and looting ..... still looting..... :mad:

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Originally posted by Seekknowledge:

By the way why are they suddenly wearing the arab customs and not the somali attire.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...Carab aa wax ugalay nooh...LOL


Odayaashaan wareersan oo meesha inee is maaweeliyaan oo isa sasabaan usoo fariistay kala garaka dhaadheer wexey sheegaayaan aaba iska yar...I watched it from the beginning to the end, just to humour myself...Wax ee soo kordhiyeen aaba iska yar, same old bullshidh bey meel la soo fariisteen...Where the hell were they for the past 18 years? Xabasho this, Xabasho that eeba meel lasoo istaageen...War Soomaali iyagaa is dhameeyn jireen oo is xoogi jireen oo is dili jireen looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong before Xabasho imaan Soomaaliya...Mise that is justifiable? Sheekoy ku nacay...

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Kuusha, Xabasho Soomaaliya iyo Soomaalidii ayee kusoo duushay. Xabashi Soomaali ma'aha. Diin, dhaqan, af iyo isir iyo ab midna ma wadaagno. Waa cadow neceb jiritaanka Soomaaliyeed, oo isweydiis malaha taas. Su'aal maaka qabtaa tan, xaqiiqdaan?


Haddee Soomaali isdagaalaan, isdilaan as bad and sad as it is, af iyo meel ay iskugu imaadaan ayee jirtaa. Xabashi meelna. Soomaalina 18 years kaliya dagaal ay isla galaan ma ugu horeynin, but boqolaal sano, ama ah isku dagaalaan ceel, war, geel, dhul daaqsi, beer ama qabiil gaar ah, waligeed wey jirtay. Laakiin those Soomaalis back then, it never occured to them inay shisheeye soo wataan, shisheeyana ma'ahee shisheeyihii ugu necbaa Soomaali -- waa Xabashi -- waligood taas kuma dhicin. And at the end of the day, wey heshiin jireen, oo geed hoostiis xaal lagu kala bixi jiray, without cuqdad inay isku haayaan iyo wax kale. Laba walaalo haddee diriraan, iyagee u taal see ku heshiiyaan, and they mostly do it. Xabashi walaal ma'aha, saaxiibna ma'aha, wax uu Soomaali u yahay ka ahayn cadow soo jiritaan ah ma jirto.


Marka ma'aha in lagu celceliyo intee la jiray 18 ama 20 years. In la isku samro oo la iscafiyo fiican. Soomaali isleysay, isdishay, isbaabisay, sax, we do all know that, oo qof walba oo Soomaaliyeed taabatay. However, maanta is different. Very, very different. The very presence of Xabashi's occupation in Soomaaliya -- and particularly in Xamar -- is threatening the very existence of Soomaalinimo, the very word of Soomaali. Taas mid damiir Soomaaliyeed u dulqaadan karo ma'aha regardless whatever Soomaali isku sameyn jirtay ama isku sameyso.

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Kuusha, Xabasho Soomaaliya iyo Soomaalidii ayee kusoo duushay. Xabashi Soomaali ma'aha. Diin, dhaqan, af iyo isir iyo ab midna ma wadaagno. Waa cadow neceb jiritaanka Soomaaliyeed, oo isweydiis malaha taas. Su'aal maaka qabtaa tan, xaqiiqdaan?

The very sad part is Soomaali iyagoo intaas dhan wadaagaan bay waxyaalaha qaarkood ee isku sameeyaan kadaran yihiin 'cadowga' wuxuu ku sameeyo...Adiga su'aal maka qabtaa tan, xaqiiqdaan?


Soomaalida aad ka hadleyso oo leedahay geed hoostiis bay kukala gar bixijireen, waa Soomaalidii hore - not waxaan hada jira...Weyna tahay in 18kii ama 20kii sano aan soo dhaafnay lagu celceliyo, sababtoo ah 18ka sano xaadir baan soo ahaa, aana arkaayay, maqlaayay waxa eysameynaayeen...Markeey intey guryo u dhacaan bililiqeystaan, hooyooyinka iyo gabdhaha xoogaan, dad aan waxba sameyn la dilo, waxaaso dhan waa Soomaali...Marka this BS oo Xabasho baa cadowgeena ah waa riyo aad ku jirtaan eekakaca hurdada...Somali's number ONE enemy waa Soomaali...Iyaga and iyaga alone...Qabiil intuu jirana, walaa wadaad gardheer, walaa Soomaali kale aan waxba ka tareyn...


Alla dadku Soomaali damiir xumaa oo dadnimo darnaa...Uf... redface.gif :mad: redface.gif :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Waa yahay, intee qabyaalad jirto tiri. Taas qof diidan maleh, su'aasha waxee tahay, maxaa lagu joojin karaa qabyaalad?


Do you also think Xabashi la keenaayo and their occupation will eradicate that, the qabyaalad? Their very presence ayaaba poison sii ah, not a cure. That, my dear sister, waa dhab haddii la iska indhotirin.


Maxaa kale oo xal ah rabtaa, noo soo sheeg horta. Maxaa xal ah oo Soomaali u rabtaa, haku riyoon inay Xabashi xal kuu keento, taas meel iska dhig, ee xal Soomaali maxaa rabtaa. Wixii dhacay waa dhaceen, as tragic as it is, waa inaa ka gudubnaa, oo isku samirnaa, iscafinaa, maadaama na wada taabatay masiibada, oo dad ka badbaaday maleh. Waxa nagu dhacayna wax anaga unique noo ah ma'aha. Every nation and country did experience [and are experiencing] wax nagu dhacay, na heysatana.


Teeda kalena Xabasho cadowgeena inay tahay xataa kuwa keenay u adeego waa ogyihiin. Taas xaqiiq jirto oo dhab ah waaye.


Damiirxumada kuwa Xabashada keenay and kuwa justifying their actions ayaa ugu horeeyo, abaayadiis. Kuwaas damiir iyo dareen Soomaaliyeed wey ka dhimatay, waa Soomaali iska nool, iska sheeganaayo.

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Super. The panel discussed momentous issues of large importance. Negative tribalism, unity, return to practical Islam to mention few.


The title of the discussion, as I understand it, is a question: what are our interests? It was not a dood but rather a panel discussing ways and means yo end the Tigre presence in Somali soil.


As an objective and informed observer, listed below are the nuggets I gleaned from the distinguished Somali scholars' take on the question. Their knowledge in everything Islam imparts authority to the discussion, this layman who confesses certain amount of ignorance assumes. Their wisdom:


1. Ethiopia is no friend of Somalis.


2. Ethiopian government is dominated by minority group and as such they don’t have, in the long run, what it takes to occupy Somalia.


3. Poor, divided, and sitting on an oppressed masses, dictatorial and totalitarian Tigre regime's days are numbered.


4. The consensus of this muxaathira read: we have to unite if we are to amount to something.


5. Negative tribalism is the “thing” -- as they put it – that impedes progress in all areas under their consideration including muqaawama -- the "thing" is thriving on the Somali conflict.


6. Practical Islam – meaning practicing the faith as opposed to mere chanting of kalimah – is what it will take to get to the promising land.


7. The ‘unity” is “the” essential ingredient in waging a successful campaign against the root cause of our malaise (negative tribalism) and foreign interferences bent on dividing us into opposing camps in order to exploit our divisiveness.


8. In response to Mustafa’s weighty remainder of lack of unity being halka iyo hawshu iska qaban la'adahay the next scholar that followed him on the mic exhorted him and more importantly us to not despair. He confirmed and validated, nevertheless, the need for unity in the face of monumental challenges staring poor, divided, exploited, tired, and desperate Somalis in the face.


Put it in other way the theme seems to be “A house divided against itself cannot stand” Weighty and important point lost on our cyber green berets waging unwise and divisive keyboard jihad, with passion no less, like no other.


Amen to that for it is the truth of the matter.

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Odayaashaan wareersan oo meesha inee is maaweeliyaan oo isa sasabaan usoo fariistay kala garaka dhaadheer wexey sheegaayaan aaba iska yar.

hahahahahhaha, kixkixkixkix@KK. You never fail inaad mar walba ooyin iga keento saan kugu qoslaaye.



Kasha, kasha mey kudheheen.


I actually was going to fire up that video and watch it from beginning to an end, just like kk, but it didn't end with me finishing the video.


The 1st speaker said something in these lines and immediately I closed the youtube page:-


Taaariiqta lama sheegin, iney muslimiinta africa kuloon ineysan wax u qabatay, iney wax u tartay, majirto, iney waxyeesho mooyee.

Waayo, he was looking around in the audience to see if someone can correct him, seemed to me he was repeating a hearsay.


It was also evident that history class wasn't the choice of curriculum in indho tigid tuulo where he hails from, so sad.


Kasha, if I can advise you once more. Please, do tone down a bit, I don't want to see you thrown out for losing your temper over nothing.


Take it from me, someone who has had her share of outbursts in the past, I do want to keep you around here, and unlike emporer and CO.


I want you to continue to point out to me how silly your kabaab radicals sound more and more everyday.


PS:MMA, word is yey will land in tdotO in september, but my question to you is, would u be the sirhan sirhan of somalida?

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That's Sheikh Cabdrihman Abyad( the first one), a very knowledgeable man on the history of Ahmed Gurey, Sayiid Muhamad, SOmalia etc.........



@Seek Knowledge, Somalia wouldn't be a Muslim if it wasn't for Ethiopia? I never heard that in my life!



It's also rather ahistorical to only point the Abysnian King during the Hijra, who happened to be a good Muslim and yet forget all the history thereafter between the Abysnian Crusader Kings and the Muslims of the Horn!

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

quote:Odayaashaan wareersan oo meesha inee is maaweeliyaan oo isa sasabaan usoo fariistay kala garaka dhaadheer wexey sheegaayaan aaba iska yar.

hahahahahhaha, kixkixkixkix@KK. You never fail inaad mar walba ooyin iga keento saan kugu qoslaaye.



Kasha, kasha mey kudheheen.


I actually was going to fire up that video and watch it from beginning to an end, just like kk, but it didn't end with me finishing the video.


The 1st speaker said something in these lines and immediately I closed the youtube page:-


Taaariiqta lama sheegin, iney muslimiinta africa kuloon ineysan wax u qabatay, iney wax u tartay, majirto, iney waxyeesho mooyee.

Waayo, he was looking around in the audience to see if someone can correct him, seemed to me he was repeating a hearsay.


It was also evident that history class wasn't the choice of curriculum in indho tigid tuulo where he hails from, so sad.


Kasha, if I can advise you once more. Please, do tone down a bit, I don't want to see you thrown out for losing your temper over nothing.


Take it from me, someone who has had her share of outbursts in the past, I do want to keep you around here, and unlike emporer and CO.


I want you to continue to point out to me how silly your kabaab radicals sound more and more everyday.


PS:MMA, word is yey will land in tdotO in september, but my question to you is, would u be the sirhan sirhan of somalida?
Alot of insights into a video you didn't watch, eh? Sheikh Cadbrixaman Abyad is very knowledegable( probably moreso on Islamic History in Horn Africa); you can't accuse him of not going to history class. Refutation of what they said based one evidence and rational thought? Same goes for walasheen Kool Kat! These are Ulema who have been doing a good job inside and outside Somalia for the last 17 years: they dedicated themselves to helping and teaching SOmalis the Deen over the past 17 years. Probably did more than most you clan warlord heroes, peeps!



Baashi, good points, lakin it seems some ppl are more interested in the clothes they are wearing or what reer they are haling from! :D

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Correction the Abyssinian King was a good Christian King. It must hurt you bad to see a christian dude helping muslims while your own somali brothers rape and kill their people?

Seems this self appointed Sheikh knows about Ahmed Gurey and Sayidka but lacks the history of islam. He started with a question presumably a challenge to the audience to come up one historical fact about ethiopians helping muslims. I just answered his challenge. By the way even the Prophet (saw) made dua for them. I challenge the Sheikh to come up with one dua the Prophet (saw) made for somalis :D

Instead of imagining the problems in somalia are ethiopian made he should concentrate in the causes of our problems and that is SOMALIS ARE TO BLAME :mad:

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You poor baby@Abuu geelka, did I touch a nerve or what?


Listen, I don't want to take anything away from anyone who teaches the children, whether it may be religion, history, geography,social studies, afka kacaanka, as long as someone is teaching them.


What I will not stand for is killing our volunteers, regardless of personal beliefs.. Our volunteers are helping these children by teaching them, the same way your wadaado spend 17 yrs doing the same thing, but do you see anyone killing your wadaado for making a 7 yr old turn radical? Why should they take the life of an innocent man and a woman of somali origin?


Because they said so? What would you have said if the same kabaabs you are defending were to be slaughtered to death for making children fight their wars?


As far as you are concerned, your wadaado can't do no wrong@abu geelka.


What did the lady of the somali origin do to the wadaado, except take time out of her life(she has one just like u and I have a life) and instead put her life at risk by going back home so she can do the work you or I are not doing.


How dare they kill someone who is there to help?


Soon, the aid workers will be next in line, because they will probably be accused of feeding bacon to the masaakiinta, then next and next.


You want us to sit around and dance for them each time they take a life and when amxaaro fights back, you want us to condemn them?


What, tell me, what do you propose we do?


Incase you dont have a proposal @brother abuu geelka, I have one for you.


The solution is for somalida is to make no demand, other than to invite the world, anyone who is willing to help, to come and intervene.


We need to be watched at all times, because the one time we said we would get along if only we get rid of certain someone, it failed, we didnt get along and 18 yrs later, we are saying lets get rid of the axmaaro and we will talk again.


Do you actually believe anyone buys that? Amxaaro out and lets sit down?


More excuse for more bloodshed, so I say, let the amxaaro or any foreign army who wants to come, come, period, end of story.


Somalida will get along only marka madaxa looga istaago, ala siyaad barre style.



PS:Anyone who sees what I am saying as absurdity is a damn fool.

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SN,The Negus converted to Islam, as is evidenced by Islamic sources.



And no it doesn't hurt me that a Xabashi-Christian King helped the companions of the Prophet(saw) of Islam. Yet,you and those others whom accuse the good Sheikh of being ahistorical seemed to have missed his clever choice of words, " dowlada Ethiopia". Simple history dictates that there was never any dowlad called Ethiopia until the colonial era. I believe it was some-time in the early 20 the century that the Amhara and Tigray ruling elites changed the name of their empire from "Abysnia" to " Ethiopia". Ethiopia, meaning people with burnt faces was a Greek word used to refer to many peoples living in the East Africa, who of course had dark faces and seemed weird to the Greeks. They changed the name because " Xabashi" was symbolized by Tigray and Amhra, whereas EThiopia could be used for all the peoples they had conquered( with help from the British, etc). The Xabashi Rulers even paritcipated in the conference at Berlin and Menelik wrote letter demanding that he be put in charge of the SOmalia, Oromo and so on and so forth!



As for the stuff about the Prophet supposedly( saw) making dua for Ethiopians:


If we use your reasoning, it would mean that the Prophet (saw)made dua for Somalis since Oromia and Somali Galbeed are today considered( by the International world) part of the nation known as " Ethiopia". Therefore, one needs to be very careful in translating what the Prophet( saw)in context to the ABysnians who helped his companions. The Prophet( saw) also said that a Xabashi would attempt demolish the Kaba. Does that mean Somalis are better than Ethiopians because SOmalis won't be the ones that attempt demolish the Kaba?


Now back to my point, the Sheikh said Dowlada Ethiopia and by that he probably means that Ethiopia rulers such as Menelik, Haillesallese, Mengistu and today's Zenaawi! Menelik and Haillesallese were both very anti Islamic and also Anti-Somali. It was the latter who arrogantly claimed that: Somalis are nomads who don't deserve to be given a government. He also asked that Southern SOmalia and Eritrea should be part and parcel of the "Ethiopian empire". And I haven't mentioned He banned the Arabic language.



Yes, the Negus( may Allah have mercy on him) did help Muslims, but a whole load of Xabashi Kings have made it their goal to control the entire peoples of the Horn of Africa, namely, the Muslims and the Somali regions up to the coast of Benadir. That is the point we are trying to make, and the events in SOmali Galbeed and Somalia witness the great fact: Abysnians aren't here to help us!

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