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The Al-shabaab Bashing Bandwagon

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It seems with Abdullahi Yusuf gone and the Ethiopian army withdrawing(or already withdrawn, I'm not sure), the political entity known as AL-shabaab has been making huge gains, controlling a large part of southern Somalia much like the Islamic Courts Union in 2006. Also, as with the ICU in 2006, we are seeing a large number of people coming out of the woodwork with statements and accusations that are hateful at times, with various reasons as to why they don't support them, such as:


"They are only using the diin for their own political gains."


"They are biased towards certain qabiils."


"They rule through fear, and that is the only reason why there is peace and stability in the regions they control."


Another disturbing thing I have noticed is the name-calling towards them, such as "xayawaan", "Taliban", and stating that the Ethiopian army would be a better option. Not only are these statements disheartening, but the members who are saying them is also something I find shocking. I thought we were above this kind of childish name-calling. How can we say we're better than the ones we speak against when we use names like the ones we've said?


Keep in mind that I do agree that we need to be critical of any government or political group, and that we should have the right to do so without the fear of repercussions from those groups. I also do not condone the recent stoning of the teenage girl who was allegedly raped, nor do I condone any actions which go against what Islam teaches, whether it be such things as qabiil favouritism or suicide bombings. But we also need to remember that we shouldn't attribute those acts to Al-shabaab automatically unless we know it to be 100% true. Just because it says in the newspaper, doesn't mean it's true.


Our prophet SCW told us in a hadith to make 70 excuses for your brothers and sisters, but for a lot of us, we don't seem to be even thinking of an excuse. Al-shabaab is bad, and nothing is gonna change my mind. This line of thinking is wrong in my opinion.


So anyways, to conclude, I have a couple of questions for the members of SOL, and I would like to hear as many opinions as possible:


1. Why do we seem to criticize those gov'ts and groups who claim to fight for Islam and implement sharia law, more harshly than those who don't? Why is it that we seem to expect them to be perfect?


For example, it has been claimed that Al-shabaab members stoned to death a teenage girl for adultery, while it was later found out that she was actually raped. Why is it that we are calling for their heads and calling them all kinds of names, while for example, we don't bat an eye when someone wrongly convicted of murder, fries in the electric chair in America? Is it because we don't expect the gov't or the police or the courts to give a sh*t because they're not representing any religion, and we should expect mistakes to be made?


2. My other question is more for my own knowledge. Honestly, I haven't paid much attention to Somali news since the ICU got kicked out in Dec 2006 and I don't really know much about Al-shabaab, other than that they came from the remnants of the ICU. So what I'm wondering is, who are they? Do they even have a leader? What are their aims, other than bringing sharia law back? Do they plan on taking back lands such as Somali Galbeed and the NFD in Kenya? I can't be bothered to look them up on the internet, I'm feeling lazy these days LOL So anyways, enlighten me, my friends. smile.gif

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it's really sad to see some somalis calling hiv eithopians who raped somali women as saviours while mocking the only fighting force fighting for somalia.



because of al shabab today, somalis have no worries about getting killed by eithopian animals

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Cadaan who supports and who is against Al-shabaab purely depends along tribal lines and politics.

Yesterday ( when A.Yusuf) was there his supporters were crying foul of Shabaabs and anything and anyone tat opposed him ( one even termed them Al-Kebab, he tacitly does no more ). But today those in power or soon to be do not want Al-Shababaab to spiol the party hence why they they say there is no need to fight no more.


as to your 2nd question there is very little known about the motives of Al-Shababaab or who funds them. They have money tat is certain but they also have a strong madhab that means their fighters firmly beleive they are on the straight path but some have questioned theirr ulteria motives and are suspicious of the secrecy that surrounds them.

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Norf, wili Yeey maa ku riyootaa? :D



Cadaan, my only issue with AlShabaabulXayawaaniin is their lack of knowledge of our diin and how they use it for thier criminal activities...


Walahi, as much as I love to see some sort of stability, regarless of who's in charge, I just cannot digest in diinta been loo wato...NEVER! Nothing we see/hear/read is ever 100% for sure, unless you're presently there to witness the actual crime being commited...Unfortunately, reading/listening to the media is all we have to go on...And worst of it all, Somali media...As for the he said/she said stories we hear, that also depends on who (qabiil wise) is conveying the message, who (qabiil wise) is the criminal, and who (qabiil wise) is the victim...In the eyes of Somali (majority), tolka are never the criminals...

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Resistance bro/sis which ever you are, just because we don't like Al-shabaab doesn't mean we liked Cabdulahi Yusuf. I personly want the best for the somalis in Somalia today but I don't think Al-shabaab are the ones that will lead the people of Somalia to peace. They will make things worser than they are already and take the country to 50 years back if it isn't already.


I really think Somalia's only hope is for the educated somalis from abroad countries to go back and re build a system. In the 60's all the somalis that ran our country were young somalis that where educated abroad. They brought back what they have studed and did their best to build the beautiful country we had. Alshabab is not the solution of Somalia is the next face of the problem and hope fully the last since they have no one apposing them for now.


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Al-shabaab will bring nothing but honor and pride to Somalis. Only the enemies of our nation wish to see their demise.


Cadaan, I had the luck of listening of the father of the stoned girl, posted here and was harshly critical of them but please give the liberators their due credit. Prof. Samatar was on Al-Jazeera this week hailing as a long-awaited victory the group's determination to begin the long journey to emancipate our minds from tribal bigotry and behead the enemy that perpetuate our weakness.


I was against the Islamic courts and its new personality Ahlu Sunna for employing our religion as a political tool but not the Shabaabs and their message to bring justice and peace to Somalia. They have no chain of order or command but their main aim is to trust Allah and rid Somali towns, villages or any nomadic settlement of thugs, goons, and tribal militias under the command of Ethiopian-supported warlord. Just as it's rightful to protect one's land and be a master of its own destiny, let them rule through the commandments and prohibitions of Allah Taala. Bless them

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Originally posted by Norf 2:

Disgruntled Yeeysters ya Cadaan!

does he know what a yeyster is? Norf have yu not being paying attention to poli section? majority Yusuf supporters have a had change of heart and now is shabab is good, whilst tfg is bad. :D

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Not sure I trust you there, Cadaan. Your words show sympathy to Al Shabab. I don't trust them too. In fact, I don't trust anyone. Only HE President D Riyaale.

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the man who has parties for his wife, sends his kids to european univesities while the people run to yem to libya etc to escape the harsh life.



may he burn in hell forever. what hsa this man ever done for the country. if the somalis living in the west stopped sending money to somaliland,


the people will die. no economy or jobs. somaliland is ruled by a warlord and a traitor.



as for al shabab haters you guys are not fit to clean the boots of al shabab fighter. They want allah's laws to be carried out in somalia and defend the country from occupation. You guys will never reach their deeds at all.

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You're a very pale imitation of Kashafa, son.


Everyone knows that Al Shabab don't wear boots. Wearing boots is probably haram in their books. Dacas all the way. :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

You're a very pale imitation of Kashafa, son.


Everyone knows that Al Shabab don't wear boots. Wearing boots is probably haram in their books. Dacas all the way.

dacas, hmph, explains their lightening quick attacks. they are very mobile. smile.gif

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