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She was showered with boiling milk .... what a savagery

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Another sad story in Mogadishu. Savagery never ends in that city. Illaahay ha u naxariisto marxuumada. That is all we can say na'mean.


Gabar ka soo jeeda degmada Afmadoow oo dorraad galab jirdil loo geystay ugu dhimatay Muqdisho



( Suuq lagu iibiyo caanaha oo ku yaala inta u dhexeysa Isgoyska Al-Baraka & isgoyska Kaasabolblaare ee degmada Hodon ayey dorraad galab haweeney ku sugnaa suuqaasi waxey jirdil xun u geysteen gabar ka soo jeeda beesha uu ka soo jeeday Aadan Gabyow (Allaha u naxariistee) ee degta magaalada Afmadow oo magaceeda lagu sheegay Hibo iyaga oo gabadhaasi la dhacay baangad, kadibna ku rusheeyay caano karkaraya, iyada oo gabadhii loola cararay isbitaalka Madiina oo ay habeen hore ku geeriyootay waxaana meydka gabadhaasi shalay lagu aasay trabuunka.


Gabadhan oo aheyd haweeney wareejin jirtay buskutka ayey inoo sheegeen eheladeeda in ay aheyd qof marmar uu qaban jiray xanuunka qalalka wax xoogaa ahna madaxa lagaa jiray, waxaana haweenkii dilka geystay la sheegay in ay ka soo jeedeen mid ka mida beelaha hubeysan ee Muqdisho iyada oo aysan jirin cid wax talaabo ah ka qaaday haweenkaasi geystay falkaasi.


Dhacdooyinkan ayaa waxey ka mid yihiin kuwa naxdinta leh ee sanadahan dagaalada sokeeye ragaadiyay Muqdisho, iyada oo aysan jirin cid dabagal ku sameysa dadka geysta falalka dilka ah.

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Sad story , muqadishu and south is home of crimes . people are killed every our , its verey sad when you look back when muqadishu were verey peaceful place, and how muqadish are now home of crime , you will be killed for been from wrong tribe .



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Guraad, the USC supporters who did this crime will never be asked a question, and that is the worst part na'mean.

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Cawralo, please stop the name calling and the personal attacks on our website.


this is a warning.



Somalia Online


[ March 06, 2004, 06:57 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]

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Brother BLRZ , true you say , people in south need some one from north(somaliland and puntland) to lead them and show the the right way.

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I disagree, Ballerz, this tasteless crime should not have to happen to any Gender, whether it is a man or women , no one. And what are we learing from such incidents, that Muqdisho is a Savage City, with bunch of Looters, Rapers and Hatemongers.When will it end?.

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Another sad story in Mogadishu. Savagery never ends in that city.

Brother Mobb Deep, walaahi with all sincerity i say this to you, do you now see why some would be inclined to believe you have tribal tendencies?


Ok, we all agree this is a tragedy, but in the current climate of Somali politics where we all know and agree that certain cities generally mean certain tribes for most, it would be most wise that one refrains from making such generalising comments.


For example, I’m sure you would get offended by an individual who claims that Bossaso, Garowe or any other Puntland city was the Somali city of homosexuals and they were full of the grotesque qawmu luut simply because of the case of the two dykes. For one to make such comments would be disgusting, vile, inappropriate and undoubtedly tribal orientated because we all know that such comments are false and these cities are full of God fearing Somalis who would never commit such xaraams.


So now do you see how the generalising comments that you have made about a Somali city can be fitted into the same category, it may not be as inflaming to you but it is for some others and the bottom line is, it is just as bad.


As much as some like to portray Xamar as the capital of evil, we all know the city is booming nowadays (just like Kismaayo, Hargeysa, Bossaso etc are- wouldn’t want to be accused of anything ;) ) and inshallah complete peace will be achieved all across Somalia.

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Rahma Wrote "For example, I’m sure you would get offended by an individual who claims that Bossaso, Garowe or any other Puntland city was the Somali city of homosexuals and they were full of the grotesque qawmu luut simply because of the case of the two dykes. For one to make such comments would be disgusting, vile, inappropriate and undoubtedly tribal orientated because we all know that such comments are false and these cities are full of God fearing Somalis who would never commit such xaraams. "


Walaal, that incident you refer to has never taken place. It was false info released by those who have tribal hatred towards the god people of the Punt.

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Walaal it probably never did, but it was just an example, however I could easily replace it with tribal wars (as I’m sure happen, they do all over Somalia). The point I was trying to make is that some individuals have set out on the mission of trying to ruin the good name of certain cities because of the majority clan which inhabits them- for directly attacking the tribe would only have them labeled as tribalists.


I wouldn’t mind so much if one was to make such a comment once for we are all guilty of generelisation at times, however whenever it is a reoccurring thing against the same city (as clear in the case of Guraad and Mr Oodweyne) then it is only natural for things to start smelling fishy, to start smelling of the foul stench of qabiilism.


Bottom line is, I believe we are saying the same thing in essence, it’s about time people were more cautious about what they say for it could seem to others that they are using the city masquerade to try and attack other Somalis simply because of their qabiil.

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