
Why Somaliland’s hard-earned peace and stability is at Risk?

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2 hours ago, Arafaat said:

“And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance, In order that you may not transgress (due) balance. So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance." (Ar-Rahmaan 55:7-9)

The principle of "Adl" conveys the notion of "Equity" and "Justice", and making two things equal with the underlying idea of equal distribution to be of exact standard neither less nor more maintains the balance and equilibrium and ensures stability.

Somaliland elites have become far removed from ‘Adl’, while it once was known for having a degree of social ‘Justice’ which formed the the basis for the peace and stability in the region, today it’s elites publicly and shamelessly distribute their sense of  injustice and complete lack of fairness. The same elites supporting SL troops fighting against the people in Las Anod are calling for SL restraint and diplomacy in Gacan Libaax, one couldn’t have thought of a more ugly and naked form of moral and social injustice and decay. 

There are exceptions though, such as MP Casoowe and thinker Jamafalaag, but if those kind of reasonable voices are not heard and followed and SL doesn’t reverse its current course soon, then I fear for what is to come of SL. 

Article; Divided into we and they, Somaliland will be history, Jamafalaag.


If you look a little deeper, those who are now howling about peace are the ones who have a vested interest in keeping the system in place.

LA conflict was not affecting their pockets and the boys who are dying there are not theirs. But Gacan-Libaax threatens their livelihood hence why it needs to address quickly,

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2 hours ago, Arafaat said:

“And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance, In order that you may not transgress (due) balance. So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance." (Ar-Rahmaan 55:7-9)

The principle of "Adl" conveys the notion of "Equity" and "Justice", and making two things equal with the underlying idea of equal distribution to be of exact standard neither less nor more maintains the balance and equilibrium and ensures stability.

Somaliland elites have become far removed from ‘Adl’, while it once was known for having a degree of social ‘Justice’ which formed the the basis for the peace and stability in the region, today it’s elites publicly and shamelessly distribute their sense of  injustice and complete lack of fairness. The same elites supporting SL troops fighting against the people in Las Anod are calling for SL restraint and diplomacy in Gacan Libaax, one couldn’t have thought of a more ugly and naked form of moral and social injustice and decay. 

There are exceptions though, such as MP Casoowe and thinker Jamafalaag, but if those kind of reasonable voices are not heard and followed and SL doesn’t reverse its current course soon, then I fear for what is to come of SL. 

Article; Divided into we and they, Somaliland will be history, Jamafalaag.


Those who killed our officers won't walk away without paying the price.  No body gives a shit of the salaadiin .   We Will remove them by force. These are their cousins in the police their message is very clear " ina biixi is arki maysaan, inakaa is arkayna"   diplomacy iyo waxaas kooxdan cadawga kalkaalaysa kuma dayeyno.  Xabbad baanu madaxa Kala dhacayna.  

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2 hours ago, Game changer said:

Those who killed our officers won't walk away without paying the price.  No body gives a shit of the salaadiin .   We Will remove them by force. These are their cousins in the police their message is very clear " ina biixi is arki maysaan, inakaa is arkayna"   diplomacy iyo waxaas kooxdan cadawga kalkaalaysa kuma dayeyno.  Xabbad baanu madaxa Kala dhacayna.  

At least you’re consistent in your calls for war. But what is your end goal? Where do you see things going if the barrel of the gun is the only language one speaks with each other?  

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3 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

If you look a little deeper, those who are now howling about peace are the ones who have a vested interest in keeping the system in place.

LA conflict was not affecting their pockets and the boys who are dying there are not theirs. But Gacan-Libaax threatens their livelihood hence why it needs to address quickly,

This abwaan talks about how Somali man are 6 kind of types, 2 of whom used to take part in decision making and leadership (talada geedka) (these were nin raga and nin raga kalkaal) and 4 types that used to be left behind and were not fit for ‘talada’(riffe, riffe kalkaal, udub ama qori site iyo Ana way kana). 

Today throughout the Somali peninsula it seems that things have reversed and leadership is the hands of the 4 types that were not fit to lead or take part in decision making, and they are overwhelmingly holding a tight grip on power and ensuring exclusion of those that are capable of leading and mediating in matters of peace. 

So, these who support and champion the current system are at the same time worried about the peace, while they are incapable of understanding what’s a threat to the peace and what ought to be done to keep the peace. And even though they preach peace, while at the same time they not ready for any changes to the current system in which they obviously thrive. I think these will be the biggest losers, as they will loose twice.

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5 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

If you look a little deeper, those who are now howling about peace are the ones who have a vested interest in keeping the system in place.

LA conflict was not affecting their pockets and the boys who are dying there are not theirs. But Gacan-Libaax threatens their livelihood hence why it needs to address quickly,

Yes LA is too far, and those dying are kept from the public, and they don't care how many they loose in SSC, mostly from very poor families.

The fat cats in Hargaisa, Gacan Libaah is direct threat

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On 8/12/2023 at 8:02 AM, maakhiri1 said:

Ucid used to act right wing

I think Ucid changes colours according to the mood of its leader.

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7 hours ago, Arafaat said:

At least you’re consistent in your calls for war. But what is your end goal? Where do you see things going if the barrel of the gun is the only language one speaks with each other?  

Peace.   Markad wax iska celiso baa lagu nabad gelinaya.  

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18 hours ago, Game changer said:

Peace.   Markad wax iska celiso baa lagu nabad gelinaya.  

But fighting on behalf of who against who, Government against a clan, clans against clans. I find your position quite confusing, conflating different hats each time. 

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6 hours ago, Arafaat said:

But fighting on behalf of who against who, Government against a clan, clans against clans. I find your position quite confusing, conflating different hats each time. 

Maxaad isla yeelyeelaysa  dawlada reerkayaga samaystay. Cidii dawladayada soo weerar taana waa Cid reerkayaga u jeeda.  

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15 hours ago, Game changer said:

Maxaad isla yeelyeelaysa  dawlada reerkayaga samaystay. Cidii dawladayada soo weerar taana waa Cid reerkayaga u jeeda.  

Waxay u eegtay inaad adigu is yeelyeelaysid. Sadaam Xuseen dawladdiisii reer ayaa samaystsay, tii Siyaad Barre sidoo kale, tii Qadaafi sidoo kale, tii Tigreyga sidoo kale. Kulligoodna reerihii samaystay waxay ku riyoodeen inay dagaal ku difaaci karaan. Mudane waxaan kugula talinayaa inuu caqligaagu shaqeeyo. Colaadda dhulkeena ka socotaa ma'aha video game aad madaddaalo ka dhigan karto. Adigu haddii aad dhul shisheeye dugsanayso dadkaagii ayay fitnadaasi damqaysaa. Waxaad ogaataa dalka shisheeye aad nabaddiisa iyo horumarkiisa dugsaysid in ragga asaaggaa ah ee dhulkaa u dhasay ay dhisteen adna kaagii ayaad rabtaa inaad dumiso. Ilaahayoow garaadka ha naga qaadin. 

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8 hours ago, Tallaabo said:

Waxay u eegtay inaad adigu is yeelyeelaysid. Sadaam Xuseen dawladdiisii reer ayaa samaystsay, tii Siyaad Barre sidoo kale, tii Qadaafi sidoo kale, tii Tigreyga sidoo kale. Kulligoodna reerihii samaystay waxay ku riyoodeen inay dagaal ku difaaci karaan. Mudane waxaan kugula talinayaa inuu caqligaagu shaqeeyo. Colaadda dhulkeena ka socotaa ma'aha video game aad madaddaalo ka dhigan karto. Adigu haddii aad dhul shisheeye dugsanayso dadkaagii ayay fitnadaasi damqaysaa. Waxaad ogaataa dalka shisheeye aad nabaddiisa iyo horumarkiisa dugsaysid in ragga asaaggaa ah ee dhulkaa u dhasay ay dhisteen adna kaagii ayaad rabtaa inaad dumiso. Ilaahayoow garaadka ha naga qaadin. 

Caawa hadaynu Sool  uga baxno berrina Sanaag bay kuugu imanayan huwantu . Mana jirto wax damaanad qaadaya inay halkooda joogayan hadaynu dib uga soo baxno.   Arod bal adigu waataase intad u tagtaan xal Ka keen.  Waxaanu difaacayna waa  nabad gelyada dadkayaga iyo dhulkayaga. 

Dawlad lala dagaalamaya ma jirtee reer keena oo dhan baa duulimaad lagu Yahay , oo weliba kaaga lagu sii yahay iyo ceerigaabo hadii jilicsanaan lagaa dareemo.  Anagu dhinacayaga oog ilaa lascaanod waa buffer zone kana bixi mayno  nabad gelyada HJ baa Ku jirta.   Adigu fiyoore kusoo dhaweey markay ceerigaabo kusoo galaan " bada cas , bada madaw "    adeer intad xoog leedaha lagaa baydhaya.   Rag ama waran kaagu ha galo ama weedhaado ha gasho.   

Sideebu inan yari Bax noo odhan karaaba meelaanu 30 sano Ku tabcaynay , taa qudheeda wax laga dagaalamo ah.  Sharaf tayada , karaamadayada, nasabadayada iyo dawlad nimadayada buu caayey.   Markaad waxaas oo kale yeesho maalinta danbe cidwalba kuusoo xaar tegaysa oo sida eyga bax Ku odhanaysa.

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Anigu waxan aaminsanahay xitaa hadii lakala baxayo waa in loo maraa wado sharciya , oo Ku salaysan Afti ama axdi , waa inay cadahay xuduuda dhuleed ee qabiilka doonaya inay somaliland Ka baxaan, sidoo kale waa la address gareeya the issue of somaliland independence. Fihiima idin shuuftee naga baxa  wax rag loola yimaado maaha. Weliba ilaa burco agteeda bay sheeganayaanba.   What's the point Aanu waxaano hub iyo ciidana u samaysanay hadaanu Bax Ku tegayno.   


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The 25th of August is marked as turning point in the pages of history, in many ways the last 6 months showed us that Somalilands issues are far more structural in nature, rather then solely an issue of wrong leadership, bad decisions makings. The last months have showed us that even in Somali politics principles and ideologies matter, even though we tend to think it’s all personalities and personal choices, and that decision making, outcomes and directions are guided by the principles, beliefs and ideas one holds. 

The current ruling elites in Somaliland, more then any previous leaders, consist of those that are truly closest in sincerity to some of the core chauvinistic ideologies that have come to influence the most populistic narratives and loudest notions and voices in the public debate and politics of Somaliland. And perhaps have equally influenced similar narratives and populistic sentiments in other parts of the peninsula and among other regional and clan constituencies. Even if others parts or groups are claiming moderation, it does not adequately demonstrate the actual difference between these groups, as the core remains the same self serving clan driven populistic ideology. It is not enough to assert the numerous and very real divergences between clannish groups in Mogadishu, Garowe, Baidoa or Hargeisa.  

Therefor the true task at hand lies in fighting ideology with ideology, as the political set of beliefs don’t easily die in battlefields, and neither do they just end with the careers or life’s of politicians. The obligation, then, is to undermine the foundations upon which this clan driven chauvinistic popular ideology has drawn and to lay to rest the focus on personalities, clan relations and dynamics, incidents and eras which provide fodder for legitimacy of extremist self serving ideologies to hide behind, and with which to deem their actions as normalcy and natural part of the Somali way of life and narrative.

Henceforth this begs for serieus soul searching where we wrong and seriously reflect upon the false beliefs, divisive ideas and wide-held popular narratives that have been subversively been planted and propagated over the decades amongst the Somali people.  

P.S. And even though we could have discussed this as a separate topic in overall Somali politics, not necessarily coupled to either Somaliland or developments of the last months, nevertheless I am doing so as this offers a concrete case for learning and reflection that marks the futility of and end game of this ideology tangible. 

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