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Is this guy(c/yusuf) politician or Gang Nassib leh?

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Gang Nasiib



He is just Gang that dials for Adiss Ababa troops everytime he gets in a little bother. Maybe if he achieved those things without calling for Ethiopians perhaps he would be judged differently. 5 wadaad oo kitaabo iyo ak47 sita buu Ethiopian uu wacday!

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a) Destroyed the fabrics of the first ever armed opposition group, SSDF, formed by Somalis against Barre's regime - and narrowed it down to as a tribal organisation.

b)Led the the Somali soldiers that together with Ethiopian troops captured Balanbale and Goldogob - where the Ethiopian flag was raised.

c) Again through tribal influence and manuevering ( as he did in the destruction of SSDF as a national organisation) took over the authority of Puntland from the founding fathers such as Bartacad, Mohamed Abshir et al.

d) to over through military force with the full assistance of Ethiopian forces the Puntland State , and chased the out the elected incumbent elected president Jama Ali Jama. He used Ethiopian troops to kill those who were close to him tribal wise.

e) As head of a puppet regime created by the Ethiopians, the TFG, Yeey was brought into Xamar inside an armed peoples carrier - and has since given blessing and legalised in his own terms the atrocities by the Ethiopian regime against the Somali and still ongoing.


I fail to see where the politician and military status is related to a charecter like Yeey. He has never achieved anything nor build anything except destroy them.

Currently Yeey exists within the equation of Ethiopian presence in Somalia and the American backing to counter the emergence of Al-Qaeeda sympathisers in this corner of the World.

Take Ethiopia out of the equation Yeey would have never gone back to Puntland let alone Xamar - he would have still been stuck in a council house in Camden, London.

Yeey, above all will always be remembered for leading the Ethiopoians capture 'circole officiale' - their nemisis of the 77 war.

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a) Destroyed the fabrics of the first ever armed opposition group, SSDF, formed by Somalis against Barre's regime - and narrowed it down to as a tribal organisation.

b)Led the the Somali soldiers that together with Ethiopian troops captured Balanbale and Goldogob - where the Ethiopian flag was raised.

c) Again through tribal influence and manuevering ( as he did in the destruction of SSDF as a national organisation) took over the authority of Puntland from the founding fathers such as Bartacad, Mohamed Abshir et al.

d) to over through military force with the full assistance of Ethiopian forces the Puntland State , and chased the out the elected incumbent elected president Jama Ali Jama. He used Ethiopian troops to kill those who were close to him tribal wise.

e) As head of a puppet regime created by the Ethiopians, the TFG, Yeey was brought into Xamar inside an armed peoples carrier - and has since given blessing and legalised in his own terms the atrocities by the Ethiopian regime against the Somali and still ongoing.


I fail to see where the politician and military status is related to a charecter like Yeey. He has never achieved anything nor build anything except destroy them.

Currently Yeey exists within the equation of Ethiopian presence in Somalia and the American backing to counter the emergence of Al-Qaeeda sympathisers in this corner of the World.

Take Ethiopia out of the equation Yeey would have never gone back to Puntland let alone Xamar - he would have still been stuck in a council house in Camden, London.

Yeey, above all will always be remembered for leading the Ethiopoians capture 'circole officiale' - their nemisis of the 77 war.

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Abdillaahi Yuusuf, is a true hero politician man. He is a decisive,charismatic Leader. He is a militery man,politician, and very wise as well.

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Abdillaahi Yuusuf, is a true hero politician man. He is a decisive,charismatic Leader. He is a militery man,politician, and very wise as well.

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