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umu zakaria

Xaawo taako and Caraweelo

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They were famous, probably the most famous somali women in history so who were they? queens, rulers or just a talented woman who made sure they were remembered for thier feminism and male oppression yes male oppression, i like how it sounds.


I want know more abt them so what do u know about them besides casterations and the huge statue.


am curious, that is all. EID mUbarak in advance btw.

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loooooool cara. If it sounds logic why not. Btw it says u know as much as ME marka just admitt and let us be buddies in search of ......



loooooooool aah Alla ciyaal balad baa ileen la wada ahaa so basically no body really knows them.

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I don't think Carawelo was the fanatic she's often portrayed as, but a woman who showed Faraxs their place [right along side of women, not infront of them] back at a time when woman had no voice. A woman we should all emulate really.


It's unfortunate though after 100 plus years, we still have a long way to go in improving the Faarax relations in our society. icon_razz.gif


Xaawo-Taako on the other hand, was fighting for a different cause; Xornimo. Tuff, great and courageous ladie.


PS: Come to think of it, there was no statue for Carawelo, why have they never minted a coin or issued a stamp in her honour? Arrggggg, MEN!!! :mad:

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^^Aderkey C/lahi Yusuf aan u sheegaa, he'll make the coin and the stamp in memory of Carawelo...How's that?


Kix kix kix...

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Kookkat adigu mashaqaad noqotay maalmahaan. wali alluu profeminism yahay adeerkaa looooooooooool.


whichever way, we should honor caraweelo.


Cara I wonder if ur name means caraweelo?

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Nephy, I totally agree with you. I bet she was a perfectly decent and progressive ruler but people (read: men) insist on defining her illustrious career by just ONE unpopular policy icon_razz.gif


Oh and killing your grandparents is an absolute no-no unless it involves stabbing your grandmother to death to steal her throne :rolleyes:


Is it any wonder we're in this quagmire? The curse of grandmatricide has never been cleansed from the national conscience. I tell you the only way to put things to right is if the rightful heir of Queen Caraweelo were to step forward and humbly accept the crown for the good of her nation.




Umu-zakaria, why as a matter of fact it is. It's a family name!

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Careweelo was the embodiment of evil trapped in the body of woman who was naturally self- loathing and obviously over-compensating for her deficiencies by indulging in the awful act of infanticide and was peculiarly sadistic considering her obsession with male parts.And as ruler her despotic nature lead to her infamy as most tyrannical genocidal ruler in land inhabited by democratic though unfortunately very undisciplined and warlike pastoralists.



As for Xaawo Tako, she was fine human being, a TRUE patriot, and RARE jewel in nation filled with treacherous people (read Yeey,Geedi, and anyone who opposed the Sayid and SYL struggle).Unfortunately and I'm ashamed to admit, I don't know much about her humble beginning or the path that led to her to her final heroic end.IA, her story should be written and taught to the young boys and girls of her beloved Somalia.

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As for Xaawo Tako, she was fine human being, a TRUE patriot, and RARE jewel in nation filled with treacherous people (read Yeey,Geedi, and anyone who opposed the Sayid and SYL struggle).Unfortunately and I'm ashamed to admit, I don't know much about her humble beginning or the path that led to her to her final heroic end.IA, her story should be written and taught to the young boys and girls of her beloved Somalia.

Waa ayaanxumo in Xaawo Taako laga qorin buug taariiqdeeda dhabta ah. Inkastoo haray, which was perpetuated by that statue of hers and the large school in Xamar named after her [there are other schools named after her as well, from Boorama to Jubbooyinka] -- still few facts are known about her short life.


According to some sources, Xaawo Cismaan (Xaawo Taako) -- Eebba janadiis fardowso haka waraabiyee -- was a Reer Waamo; she was a fierce nationalist in '40s. She preached nationalism to her fellow lady friends, sold off the meagre personal possessions in order to support the then nascent SYL and other nationalist groups. She also exhorted her fellow sisters to sell whatever they can afford, oo xaafad xaafad ayee qaaraanka u aadi jirtay. She finally ku shahiiday bravely in the very struggle, during the Dhagaxtuur massacre.


The martyrs massacred that day, including Xaawo Taako, in early 1948 were protesting against the return of Talyaanis and voicing an immediate independence of Soomaaliya or if not possible, the then new four powers to control Soomaaliya the next decade -- namely Mareykanka, Ruushka, Ingiriiska and Faransiiska. Talyaaniga, being defeated and licking its fresh wounds the just ended world war -- and along with their few dhuuni daba'dhilifs Soomaalis, whom they bribed -- did not like that. They wanted to come back.




A depiction portraits Xaawo Taako's statue, along with Siidka's, Dhagaxtuur and Daljirka Dahsoon, honouring the day SYL was founded, Maajo 15 [May 15].


We should not also forget the people who fought against the colonial Talyaanis at Lafoole, as the very name gives reference to the bloody battle close to Afgooye. Also Sheekh Xasan Barsame, another Siidka-like halyeey.

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Maansha Allah. I love xaawo taako. pity we cant find her full history. Hope some1 writes a book someday soon IA.


Bilan is that true? how can a somali kill such a brave wadani lady. Whoever killed her, I hope inay naarta ku waaraan IA.


Soomaalis ilaa buunka laga yeeriyo dabo dhilif lagama waayaayo.

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