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Is-Aamin Warran

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Who wants to take the hot-seat!




Yes, my fellow sol political posters. This thread or new proposal is designed to 'help' understand us 'each-other' more by honest description of our make-up of political dogmas and believes!


So, many of us don't know each other and where our political viewpoints originate from or what our current political stance is, which often leads us to finger-pointing and absurd allegations labelled against us, without any substantial evidence!


Lately our forum has turned 'ugly' aswell due to accusations and counter-accusations thrown against each other!


That's why, I've developed a new 'mechanisim' in which we can sort out some of our differences by actually 'asking' each one of us (the most serious players here on Sol or representatives chosen by groups) to 'clarify' their postition and what their political viewpoint and stance is, for later archiving inshallaah! This new meachanism is in the form(at) of Hard Talk or the BBC's question time!


It would be a 45 min questions and answers session, where you by have the chance after being informed earlier on who will be the interviewee to post your questions through a pm for that person to answer!


Rules of engagement!


1. Interviewee must answer all the questions asked in a discreet and polite manner!


2. Interviewee can veto 'freeze' a question he deems 'difficult' or does not want to answer for an period of 24 hours, however if the time elapses he has to answer the question fully!


3. The Interviewee will be 'rated' according to his performance using a scale from 1-10, where as 10 is the highest mark!


4. After satisfactory performance of the Interviewee deemed so by you the audience and judge, the interviewee get's the chance to 'ban' a member of this site from posting or participating in threads for an intial period of 24 hours!


5. The overall best performer or interviewee will be given some sort of a price including a five day posting of his likes without being poltically challenged or opposed and the biggest price being, that he can 'ban' someone of his likeing (dislike) from posting an entire timespan of a week!


I hope you come along and make it work inshallaah! This would be 'great' in terms of members being able to express themselves and their views! Also many of us in here try avoiding questions they deem 'too difficult' or they don't want to answer, but in this is-aamin warran they'd have to answer precisely those difficult questions they try to avoid like in Hardtalk and the BBC's Question Time!


After that we actually would know, where some of us stand politically as I see to many folks in here who are mere political opportunists without a real agenda. Actually it would expose many things including stuff/feelings some of us try hiding!


P.s. Isaamin-warran is the name of the game and the term is patented inclusively to SOL Political Forum!

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Surely IS AAMIN WAREYSI might be the correct term?


I like the idea, but how do you enforce it and also, who would be evaluating the performance?


PS: I nominate myself to be the ultimate judge who deliberates this without fail! as I will discharge my duties effectively but with some bias!!!! Vanitas vanitatvm; Omnis vanitas

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sorry double post


And I support sophist as the chair of this debate finnaly something constructive out of cambridge :D

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Sophist and Liqaye, I take your points on view!


Sophist the name can be changed, on a agreed basis! That's out of question, Isaamin wareysi can be adopted, if the majority wishes so!


Evaluation would be left to you the audience! However a panel of experts could also be nomiated! But I would like each and everyone of us to be given the chance to evaluate! A third way would be a full evaluation panel that has in its charter to also consider and respect, what the majority of the audience thinks i.e. they have to take that into consideration aswell in their judgement!


Enforcing it will be a question of organisation! May I suggest for the folks in here to vote for an interviewer amongst this distinguished crowd of ours! Popular vote will determine, who will be given that post/responsibility!


There will also be votings on who will be the chairman/woman or panel of this project! Preferably someone who is 'neutral' and 'fair'! Chairmans or panels responsibility would be to determine questions that seem inappriopiate like questions on 'someone's character or personality' that is absolutely not to be addressed!


Past vingeances or personal vendettas should not be reflected in questions and the chairman/woman or panel should sort those questions out! Only fair and 'valid' questions of a Political nature should be addressed!


Time, early announcements of the interviewee, collection of questions and other issues would have to be notified by that same panel!


Maybe a set day/time, using SOL's Quick reply option would make it work! Time allocated would be 45 minutes!


Question will be posted, interviewee refreshes window, see's and answer's question etc!


But other things could be agreed on, if someone has got other suggestions/preferences! It's all consultive and everyone is welcome to take part in 'constructing' this project!


Criticism very much appreciated! The floor is yours!

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Originally posted by Abu M.M.:

No, we can't sit down with Door Knobs and


Drop-outs let alone trusting them. No sir, we


reject this.



Viewpoints and accusations kulaha. No one is accusing anyone. Maybe catogarizing and sifting/seeving iga dheh. Door knobs vs patriotic Somalis umbaa loo kala baxay.Unprincipled flipfloping flabs vs Manly principled Somalis. There is no beating around the Bush. No ammount of sensible and inteligent debate will pump sense into say Duke or Naxar or Captain Xalane. It’s a waste of energy,resources & most importanly a waste of useful brain resource on their opponents.


Here is a simple but bright idea: All in favor of Xabashi occupation of somali soil shout YAY[Or was it YEY?] & all not in favor proclaim and proudly shout NAY. Hadaa wa salaam!

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This is actually good idea as it will give us chance to ban some members of this forum if only for a 24 hour period. :D


And I bet majority of the ones Castro refers to as door knobs would have hard time answering questions as it will require for them to use part of their brain that no longer functions.


I mean how can any door knob participate in this without questioning their allegiance? And exactly what causes them to stand behind murders [aka warlords] based on their gene pool without pausing a second to stop and think of what it is they are supporting.


So how does this work again, do we pick on someone or will someone volunteer cuz I already have my questions ready.

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Abu M.M ofcourse you would reject it! Reason being that your opportunistic nature would surface very quickly in any kind of questions!


It is all good and fine sitting in our comfortable surroundings and houses and making 'political anaylsis' of the situation without any 'pressure'! Some in here would be in danger of 'loosing' their respect in SOL because questions would be furious, difficult and over all live and in real time! Wow that scares the hell outta you!


How many of your leaders Abu M.M have made mistakes whilst answering questions? Subsequently they were refuted by their superiors the same for ministers representing the TFG!


Only then if you 'allow' yourself to be questioned will your true self be revealed! No spin whatsoever! I guess if you got something to hide, you wouldn't want to do it, so no surprises there!


A man who refuses to be questioned on his 'views' and political stance, shouldn't be trusted at all!


Some of us want to go to 'Jihaad' whilst being fearful of simple questions, that's really more worrying because a man who is confidant and self-assured would not reject to be asked a few questions!


Not even the courts rejected it, because atleast they had an agenda although some of their agendas were questionable more than others! But atleast they had the strength and mental will power to defend their political views without intimidation or fright!


If you're not frightened and have nothing to hide, then obviously you have nothing to fear of but if you afraid of being caught ignorant or a mere political opportunist then stay where you're!

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