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Death of a nation!

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Wonderful piece sent to me by a friend-of course it took a woman to think of it.


Let's hope we all learn a thing or two from this lady.



Death of A Nation


Dear Somalis Lost in the Diaspora


Aristotle once said, "If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost." I will let you ponder of that notion for a minute. No, really let it sink in. Perhaps before I begin my thoughts that will be dismissed by most of you as the ramblings of a misguided youth, I should clarify that this is directed at Somalis scattered throughout the western world.


Why Do I address you? Because you are the ones that sit peacefully in foreign lands while you're homeland is being wiped out of existence, me included of course. What can a humble being possibly say that has not been said by my fellow man? A nation filled with promise, hope, and splendors will never see its full potential, because it's war mongering inhabitants choose to live and die by the sword. Why is this? What will it take for you to open you're eyes?


Now you are probably pondering why I choose to speak out about this subject at this present moment, when this issue has been amongst us for some time. Allow me to settle you're query.


I recently watched the video that has been circulating around the cyber world. The video in question visually illustrates our so called representatives acting like mindless hooligans who have never witnessed anything remotely civilized. Yes, I said it. The Issue, you ask, that was the cause of such dismay was whether or not we need African peacekeepers to ordain law in our beloved nation. Yes you heard it Right, African Peacekeepers. I'll let that sink in for a minute too. African peacekeepers? Please tell me you too have also just witnessed the unconcealed irony in this Notion. Is that not the biggest Oxymoron ever uttered by Homo sapiens? AFRICAN PEACEKEEEPERS!!! Ok, ok, forgive me for the repetitive use of these two words; it’s just that never in a million years would I have suspected that these two nouns would be used in the same sentence. Now I have truly heard it all.



How Sad Has Our situation became, that we need other Africans who are in farther more hopeless situations, to come in and monitor us. Are we that ill-fated? Is the notion of peace in Somalia so scabrous, that we need other nations to step in? Wait not just any other nation’s people. It's not as if they proposed UN peacekeepers, we are talking about the IGAD. How comical. Incase, i have lost you; allow me to give you a brief background of the IGAD. Basically another useless organization composed of nations such as Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti, Uganda, etc. So the proposed theory is that these nations will come in and teach us how to be civil, and keep the peace sort of speak. Can anyone else see the transparent satire here? Nations that spontaneously have civil wars like it's going out of styles are teaching us to about Peace? Hmm, this should get quite interesting.


Let’s examine these so called nations that so selflessly offered their services to us. There is contestant number One; Uganda, home to the infamous LRA, I'm sure their extensive knowledge of peaceful and stability can be of use to us (insert sarcasm). Maybe they can enlighten us how to massacre thousands at once without the world noticing, and sell our children to the slave trade. Perhaps Sudan can be our saviors, no wait a minute, aren’t they in the middle of genocide? What about Ethiopia? If u can overlook their minor indiscretion; aggressively contributing to the conflicts in Somalia.


Give me a break, we might as well sell our nation to Bush Junior and let it be an army base. Think about it, the star spangled anthem is quite catchy. I for one would like to see a McDonalds on the streets of Bossaso. Get a grip, if this is the best solution we can come up with, why not. Asking The IGAD to help keep the peace is like asking Michael Jackson to baby-sit you're kids, or seeking martial advice from Scott Peterson. So my misplaced Somali brothers and sisters, Isn’t about time we took some action? If this is not an outcry for us to step in, I don’t know what is.


I maybe young, infact I can hardly remember Somalia when I left it, but I will tell you this, Somalia is our home; it is our heritage, our land, our history. Let’s do something about it. To my fellow youth, educate yourselves, the sword can not save our homeland, but the Pen, my friends. Education is the greatest weapon, a weapon so profound it can eliminate any vengeful warlord. Our generation is the future; we have seen what the ones that preceded us have accomplished, Death and destruction. We can choose to make a difference not only with words but with unadulterated actions, Or in the words of an unknown character in the movie black hawk down, “We can sit by and watch a country destroy itself On CNN,†You’re Choice. I for one have made mine.




By : Idil Abdisalan Farah

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The young sister is thousand times wiser, far-sighted and more reasonable than hundred of these self-styled intellectuals advocating for the phony African peace keeping forces to intervene in the muddled affairs of Somalia. They are definitely selfish and maybe have some hidden agendas and motives. Maybe Warlord Yeey promised them piece of the pie of the Arab handouts and African loot the government officials will soon misappropriate to inflame more violence and wars.


Let us look what global security organization groups report for the two IGAD nation that so far promised to send their troops to Somalia.


Uganda is the first African country that will send its "peace keepers" to Somalia. Below is the reality in Uganda. Ironic isn’t it. and then , we have Sudan who will also send their "Peacekeeping troops" to Somalia. This is the Most absurd suggestion ever declared in the history of Human beings. Sudan is a country that has been violating the rights its southern tribes for centuries. It is a country where still there practices of slavery. It is a country where a real genocide is still going on. How such a repressive government could send peace keepers to Somalia is beyond me.


Uganda Civil War


Allied Democratic Forces (ADF)

Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)

National Army for the Liberation of Uganda (NALU)

Uganda National Rescue Front

Uganda National Rescue Front II

Uganda Salvation Front/Army

West Nile Bank Front [WNBF]





Darfur Liberation Front

Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM)

Sudan Liberation Army (SLA)

Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)

Sudan Civil War

Satellite Imagery - Darfur

Satellite Imagery - Ardamata Camp

Satellite Imagery - IDP Camps

1596-1916 - Darfur Sultanate

1985-1990 - Civil Conflict


Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)



Greater Darfur Region Crisis

Darfur Information Center

Darfur Relief and Development Association

Reports: Peoples - Darfur

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Is there no hidden agenda with the opposition of foreign troops?

Is it truly a case of not wanting frontline states sending troops to Somalia? Why does it matter so much?


I personally was under the impression that all sides have used Ethiopia (for Ethiopia seems to be the bogeyman here) for years. All the supporters of all sides were aware of such “cooperation†(in the case of some, they even supported it). Why the need to make a big deal out of a few soldiers now?


The men in Somalia (or Nairobi to be exact) are playing a political game. They’re using all the weapons at their disposal to triumph. What is your game?


The supporters of the “government†on this forum are using badly veiled excuses to stand up for their kinsmen. They know that most readers can see right through such excuses (well, most of them know – I saw signs of intelligence there). However, I suspect that it’s so they can state a point; they are Somali after all (you simply have to boast).


Where does that leave you and the many detractors of this “government� The two blocks in here seem to be of equal strength, so why don’t you all come out and clarify your positions. This business of opposing foreign troops out of simple patriotism is either dishonest or shockingly naïve (likewise the business of vigorously championing them).

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NGOON, I must give you credit on the above post. We Somali’s are evolving politically, you are right for some its their region, identity clan or defending their position and the beliefs they hold.


On the death of the nation article, I must commend the author. The sister gets high marks on effort but fails on research. As ever its emotive piece of creative writing that fails to arouse any feelings it left me disappointed as I gained nothing outside the talk of the laymen.


The nation is not dead nor will it die as long as the Somali’s continue to exist , and exist we do.

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ngonge youre absolutely right. both sides are of the same stanky coin. both want something to gain, even if it damages the nation.


but what is interesting is that the few ppl that are objective and or free from a hidden agenda all see the need for foreign troops.


i am personally for foreign troops and against ethiopians. not becuz ethiopians are our socalled ancient enemies. ppl who think this way are losers. but becuz ethiopian presence simply causes trouble, trouble created by these very same losers.

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Idinka, NGONGE right waaye haku dhihina. He already believes his fart smells like the finest of Paris perfumes. Always disagree with him or he'll get a bigger head than he already has HAHA


Just felt like messin' with the Suju kid.

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Hahaha i also think this brotherman thinks hes the world. maybe im wrong, but the point is that i like his honesty. you cant blame a brother for that. waan ogahay sometimes a lil bit of that clan bitty bitties come on the surface, but hes doing a good job trying to supress it.

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