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Mr. Somalia

Somalia: Is it a pure envy or a deep-rooted enmity against Puntland?

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By: Omar Mohamud Dholawaa


Well before the establishment of the Puntland State, the Puntlanders were always determined to create an environment that is conducive to peace, stability, and development and had been at all times giving welcoming to anyone who sought sanctuary in Puntland regardless of their clan or sub-clan.


Despite the recent history of Somalia where many people had been victimized in the South, Puntlanders and Puntland’s successive governments have shown a social and cultural maturity based on forgiveness and forgetfulness of the past, and they created successfully a comforting environment where everyone is welcome.


Many people including laborers, business people, politicians, and very recently reporters have temporarily stayed or permanently settled in Puntland where they felt protected. Today, the businesses of some towns in Puntland are dominated by a people who originally came from distant territories particularly Bay and Bakol.


Consequently, this situation has resulted the younger generations of these areas to become bilingual. Surely, these people could not prosper and settle vividly without the open hands of the locals.


After the creation of Puntland State of Somalia in 1998, Puntland’s successive governments have been politically engaged to restore the Somali dignity and bring back Somali’s legitimate role of the international community. Recently, the current president of Puntland Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud have lobbied vigorously, in his speech to the American congress July this year, for Somalia to be saved from the present turmoil.


Moreover, Puntlanders were always happy to support their brothers in the other parts of the Somali territories so they can emerge from the chaos and the calamity that falls on them. In the past, many high profile individuals, many armed men and their military machines were dispatched to the South to save its inhabitants. This effort was pure and legitimate gesture. Unfortunately, the saviors have been seen as treacherous alien from another planet and their energy and efforts were wasted in favor of the continuation of the anarchy and the human catastrophe.


Unfortunately, instead of rewarding Puntland for its international, national and local efforts to support every Somalian in anyway possible, some minority but tenacious individuals have shown restlessness and become insane about Puntland’s social and political progress in the national and world stage. Others have even questioned the God given rights of Puntland’s Federal system policy (Federalism system is constitutional). Most of these ill-fated efforts have been made after Puntland’s delegations were candidly and cordially welcomed both by the leaders of the countries they visited and the Somali Diasporas in these countries. Now, the question that I would like to leave for the reader to answer is: is it a pure envy, or a deep-rooted enmity against Puntland and Puntlanders? Or just ‘tall poppy syndrome’. au

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Sorry to burst your bubble sxb but when you see that song on Universal TV and it goes Ku Dayo Puntland.


What exactly can we learn from Puntland? Its a rotting mess. Ka Jaawabi my question!


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I say it is just simply raw envy on your part and others! ha ha...


Don't forget, amigo... “Envy is a pain of mind that successful men(Puntland) cause their neighbors(Shankaroon land & Anarchyland)”




I don't care much for the song, but if you wanna try to be like us-- well then...


1. Ku dayo, our peaceful co-existence with one another and fellow Somalis!


2. Ku dayo, our patriotism and loyalty to Mother Somalia!


3. Ku dayo, our unity!


4. Ku dayo, our against all odds mentality to seek what is rightfully ours!


Saaxiib, the list is endless... :D

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I am not hater personally. I give credit where its due, however puntland seems to be asking for more credit then it is worth and produced. You can call it raw envy or whatever but You and I and all somali people know that PL is a clan-state with no rule of law, with no territorial integrity. It has hyper-inflation and full of pirates that have shamed all somali people. It is the gateway for the exodus of somalis and others leaving east africa, often dying before they have reached their destination.


It is in limbo, it is neither an independent country like Somaliland nor comes under Sharif hotel jurisdication. What is to hate therefore.


Have you ever been to Puntland Mr.Somalia?

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See all the points you've raised are baseless.




PL is a clan-state with no rule of law,with no terrorial integrity

No it is not. The Puntland populations consists of every single solitary clan, sub-clan and tribe that calls itself Somali. Heck we got, Yemenis and Oromos from far away lands that call Puntland home. So don't believe the hype Marx.


And your other point about rule of law. Thanks to God, Puntland has made great strides in that department and everyday it continues to improve. We have had 4 different heads of state in the short 11 years that the state was formed. And each president stepped down peacefully after his term got finished. Now if that ain't rule of law, then I don't know what you would call that. Maybe the example of Riyaale's strangle hold on power up north should be considered rule of law? hmmm? :D


Now, as for the state's territorial integrity, you've honestly soiled your pants on that one. The Las Anod issue( which I presume you base you whole argument on) is simply an internal matter with the inhabitants of that city, which rightfully have grievances that need addressing. And right this very moment, the administration is doing it's level best to fix the problem. After-all, it is a peaceful resolution that we are after.




It has hyper-inflation and full of pirates that have shamed all somali people.

In case you've been hiding under a rock for the last couple years, there is a global economic recession that is taking place. But things are getting better in the finances of the state. Now as for the pirates, I do agree with you on this one. They are indeed a blemish on our integrity, not only as Puntlander, but as Somalis too. But saaxiib, don't make an ant hill into a mountain! Criminals exist and thrive in almost everywhere around the world. But what matters most, is what the authorities do to remedy to control their vices. The Puntland government has invested a great deal of monies and effort in the fight against these vagabonds. And insh-Allah, their days are numbered.




It is the gateway for the exodus of Somalis and others leaving east Africa, often dying before they have reached their destination.

So too is a rich country like Libya. Puntland's location is both a blessing and a curse. For the last half century, the horn of Africa region has been a tumultuous one, with constant droughts and conflict. So it is only natural for people to migrate away from such violence and poverty. Puntland's prime location near the oil rich sheikdoms of the middle east, makes us an ideal transit point. Granted, some criminals have taken advantage of the misfortune of these folks, but the security forces are doing their best to stop them.


And finally...


it is in limbo, it is neither an independent country like Somaliland nor comes under Sharif hotel jurisdication.

First of all, I don't know what you've been smoking but their's no such thing as an "independent country like somaliland". Now, Puntland is an integral part of the Somali republic. So technically, Sharif hotel's jurisdiction does apply in Puntland-- but with a very important caveat attached- federalism. The Somali constitution calls for a federal government, and as long as Sharif hotel respects that, he will ALWAYS have loyal subordinates in Puntland.


Marka, Marx-- Ku dayo Puntland, ina-adeer. :D

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Originally posted by -MARX-:

I am not hater personally. I give credit where its due

Is that so? Not a hater huh, but you will give credit where it is due. Then tell me something you will give Puntland credit for. You just said you will give it when it's due, however you have never given it credit or compliments on a single thing. So I ask you, what does it deserve credit with?


I have been to Puntland many times, I can say that I never felt danger once, I enjoyed every minute of it. I travel by myself at night in every major city, from Bosasso, Gaalkayo, Goldogob and back. Absolutely loved it, that's why I keep going back. I was there in December and Januaury of this year, GREAT TIME. The only time I didn't like it was the day I had to fly out. All I ever heard through the media/sol members was how bad it was and how things were crumbling. I never saw it, I am pretty sure the people who speak bad about or the previous admin have never been to the state during that time. If it was so bad they wouldnt'have lasted their full term. But that's another debate.....regardles s, Puntland was an AMAZING experience, I hope that people who haven't been their for a long time(2-3 yrs) go back. They will never believe that this is the same state they they left especially Bosasso.

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lol...Luv the song I mean laxanka iyo qaabka jaanta iyo luuqda la iskula helayo...guess what I very much agree with it where says "BADDEENNA ILAALIYOOOOOOOO" if only the next line would be "BURCAD KU SII DAAYAYOO"...waah

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

waar maxay la ooyayaan ? ,,,,,,,,,,

Waa la heesayaa...makugu socon la'dahay...adna iska cammiro middaadii illeen waa ninba ceesaantii ceel keenye...maxay ahayd...? "Soomaaaaaaalilaaaaa aaand" nyahow horta magacaan iska bedela oo u bedela....Soomaaaaal i la'aaaaaaan!

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