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Automatic and Altered Assumptions by Association

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The person with the glasses is kinda like the butterfly, nobody ever suspects them.


Theres an old slogan that goes in the lines of nobody ever suspects the butterfly.


Butterflies, these beautiful creatures are seen as too beautiful and light to ever do any bad. The idea behind the butterfly is it can get away with murder and mayheim and no one would ever think it was the butterfly who commited these heinous acts.


You can apply this frail-innocent beauty full of good or naivety to certain groups of people. Such as people with baby faces who usaully get labelled innocent, like the butterfly, they get away with a lot. The ones that get away with even more wrongdoings are people who wear glasses.


Since, I have a baby face(I swear I look like I'm 12! the face, the body everything about me screams 12 year old) and I happen to wear glasses I get away with a lot. I can make the stupidest remark knowingly with my glasses on and people will think I have a cynical, but paradoxical way of looking at things and poking fun at them. However, I take my glasses off and say the same outrageous remark with the same hint of sarcasm.

Now, since I longer have my glasses on, I'm just another retard. The sarcasm is completely ignored and they take my silly remark literally.

If I make a funny face with my glasses on...I'm being deep and profound by being silly as well as smart. However, if I take my glasses off and make that same funny face....I'm automatically slow or insane...or just being retarded.


People have told me with my glasses I look very professional, sophisticated, intelligent and I know what I am doing and what I want out of life.

Without my glasses I'm this regular average or under average joe schmo that doesn't know s_ _ _t.


My glasses create this illusion of sophistication, maturity, professionality as well as the much coveted intelligence. I've gotten jobs based on my wearing glasses (the professional aspect they see in the glasses I guess) where if I were to go to the interview without my glasses I wouldn't get the job. It's sad to think that something so simple as a pair of glasses can alter people's perception of me.

When I put my glasses on I'm smart automatically. Without them I have to be twice as smart and twice as funny. When I take them off I'm no longer seen as intelligent ( I am lacking glasses)...I'm just seen as average.


The point that I was trying to get at with this mad rambling of an observation is:


For innocence, just like everything else, we have general stereotypes. Because I am clean-looking

no tatoos and non-threatning to most people. I'm seen as innocent. I also embody the glasses and the 12 year old looking aspect of innocence. Because of this I can get away with tons of foolishness , silliness and crimes against humanity.


My glasses create an illusion of 10% naive and frail innocence and 90 % witty and profound intelligence.


Which can be bad or good depending on what side you look at. If you look at the down side you are stuck in a label or stereotype. Being this person who's automatically intelligent no matter what they do. Which is good because no matter what idiocy you'll be considered a genius even when your not. Even if you need glasses because you have bad vision which you got from staring at the sun for too long. People will still think your intelligent without ever getting to know you.


It's funny something so small that's essential to how I see, by helping me see, is what other peoples ideas are built out of in relation to me.

By just looking at me. So, when I bought my glasses (The frames being $90 and the lenses being free) I didn't just purchase a pair of glasses for $90. I bought the illusion of intelligence, profound humour and witty charm with the glasses. All for the good price of $90.


I think that's a pretty good deal, profound humour alongside the illusion of intelligence for $90....what I mean to say by all of this is I can't afford to look like an fool all the time.






This is an article I wrote in my journal last night in the wee hours of the morning.

If the article wasn't straightforward enough on how we make automatic and altered assumptions of people based on asscioation to general perceptions and stereotypes. Then, I apologize for my muddled way of thinking.


So what are your thoughts on this topic?

replies anyone?

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On the subject of glasses:


Well most people assume that those with glasses have lost their eyesight due to excessive reading! Bookworms you know? Therefore..they must be intellegent, well-rounded people.


Even when if you see a small child with tend to think.."oh how cute! A child prodigy".


And it totally depends on what type of glasses one wears...some just look silly...these humungous glasses..and while you try to listen to what thier saying...a thought runs through your mind "how does thier nose and ears handle that weight"! And their extra-large bulging eyes staring at you *shivers*


First impression due really count...its all about appearance and how you present yourself. If a person doesnt know you..thats what your judged on. Hence..dressing up for job interviews..Looking more sophisticated and "smarter" than you really are.


Glasses, hijabs, tailored suites, job...etc.

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femme fatale: LOL! don't make fun of those with the coke bottle glasses and bulgy eyes ...I'm one of those people!....( ah man another person to add to my to kill list!) :D


that is very true...the general connotations we have in our heads of what we think of certain people....glasses=smart....old=wise....bother=annoy..... although its sad that we have to alter ourselves from what we are comfortable with.... in order to get a job... or to be taken seriously....


Legend of Zu:

lol! I always laughed at that too a pair of glasses can really change who I just changes how I look.... just like with super man and clark kent ...he becomes a totally different person ...just with a pair of glasses.....


hopefully no one will catch my drift that I am superman (takes glasses off and flies away to save the world) ;)

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To be honest, I used wear plain non-prescription glasses to interviews to make me look smarter. It is amazing how easily opinions are formed based on a bit of deformed plastic.


However, I soon realised certain things were assumed and expected of me. If I said something particularly clever, people were kind of indifferent about it. Like it was the kind of thing they expected me to say, rather than understand what I was saying.


I decided that I didn't need accessories to illustrate my intelligence. I could surprise people with my remarks, catch them off guard or get back at them for thinking I was just a dumb bimbo.

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Glasses? Girls, you're a couple of years behind. Try coloured contacts - does wonders for your image and perceived persona.


**Admirably sports her grey coloured contacts ** :cool:

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Gaurdian and Protector: I like my glasses....

they have this unusaul shape and they take up half my face..... its the crazy crack baby effect I'm going for :D

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^^^your sig-is totally crazy :D kreepy kid-cool.


you can wear glasses now to 'illuminate' your intelligence icon_razz.gif -but when you get old they will wear you out :D -think about it!

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I'm already old

seriously don't let the boyish good looks fool you I'm really 9000 years old


and besides after you reach 7000 you start going deaf I'm blind and going deaf

what a great combination

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Originally posted by Kreepy Kid:


I'm already old

seriously don't let the boyish good looks fool you I'm really 9000 years old


and besides after you reach 7000 you start going deaf I'm blind and going deaf

what a great combination

May Allah have mercy on your and your family then-Amin :D then you must be from the "HOBBITS" era-cool :D

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