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the reason for Somalia's standstill: Gabiil and politics

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Admittedley i dont know much about somalian politics, but from my modest knowledge of the status quo, it seems to me that gabiil and politics should not go together in the persuit of stabiltiy and political reform and reconciliation in somalia. Perhaps i am stating the obvious, if i am, my opologies, i know many of you are well read, more then me for sure.


having both ie gabiil and politics, presents itself as a dangerous mix.

If the political infrastructure of Somalia is to be established , it should be formulated under the ethics of Islam and constituted outside the boundaries of Gabiil relation, it is only then we can see our economy developing, because money and business will be directed not at a specific gabbiil area, but where the market is most welcoming


Even in economics, its not valid to have a gabiil system, if economics goals are aimed at affecting certain gabiiil interests, it will blatantly not be favourable in the longterm .


What is economically viable and profitable has to be intended for the greater population and the general market , irrespective of their gabiil affiliations.


Politics and economics are forever intertwined, and, it is soceity that has the potential to change both of them, my theory: once the somalian society averts from the gabiil mentality (no at all , but to the extent it becomes racist and unislamic), it is then that politics and economics will be determined by general fairness and consultation.


im probably talking crap. However, my farther, with his critiscms, thinks for once i may be on to something. he is secretly suprised that i have managed to form a thaught which for once does not include me or bags, shoes and what shade of lipstick i should experiment with next time i go to a Somali wedding. lol - Jaamal-11 will know what im talking about. lol


what do u think oh ye nomads and aliens?

what is the formula that somalia is desperately missing in achieving peace?

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somali needs sincere men and women, who expect nothing for their actions are willing to give all they got for the sake of Allah and the improvement of the ummuh, everythang else is secondary.



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they need to stop being so damn stubborn, that is the worst thing besides qabill. they can be so pigheaded, that they only see their point of view and how that will benfit them, instead of looking out to a wider community. everyone wants to come into power, everyone wants to rule, they all think that they're ideas are the best ones, and when they dont get it their way, it's whup out with the diplomatics (if there were any to begin with) and in with the guns and bazooka's.

They need to have some more organisation in their politics, because its all over the place at the moment, and ppl should stop worrying about which clan should rule next and which not,a nd concentrate more on how to educate all them children that can't tell a book from a sheep. That's how i see it anyway.

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Ijabo sister, I know what you're talking about. Laakiin just like you am still asking as many questions as always. Hopefully, I will find asnwers sooner than later.

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