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Above poster: Its hard to tell whether you'r so excited 'bout Somaliaonline, or you'r simply doing it for the heck of it - Either way Let me be the 1st to Welcome/Tell you the rules of the game.


Pretty much most of the Nomads you see in here are very intellectuals who contribute their wisdom and knowledge to the forums - Am sure thats part of your visits too (?).


There are also "Moderators and Admins" who keep the loose ones on a leash - Simply, there's no room for -ve traits/badmouthing/personal attacks etc.


Plenty Nomads like myself, have virgin eyes and ears - And when there's nothing decent to hear/say, we simply Zip it.



God Bless.





"He tried to be somebody by trying to be like everybody, which makes him a nobody."

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W'sup Sudectrezz,


I just have a hard time when you say that "the poor brought it onto themselves". Ok let me ask you this, who has it easy: the child born into poverty...or one that's born into a wealthy family? The answer is so obvious right? So tell me who has to work twice as hard to get out of the vicious cycle, the poor one or the rich one? Who needs support and encouragement to succeeed to reach a dream? Yes everyone is born equal into this world in God's eyes, laakin we're also born into a world that helps us along the way. That's why we got families. "It takes a whole village to raise a child". Now of course am not going to blame the rich for the misfortunes of the poor. Doesn't society have a duty to help those who cannot help themselves? And believe me majority of folks born into poverty don't want to remain in that state for the rest of their lives. I think these difference existed and will always exist.....maybe there's a lesson to be learned in all of this. Maybe its meant for us to see that this world is nothing but a temporary passage to eternity, a test,and that having lots $$$ isn't the thing that will ultimately make us happy or satisfied with our lives. I have a feeling what you are refering to people from HERE, and maybe you generalized it without realizing. You want stats...hmmmm, how about I do my research and get back to ya on that. Girl, if I sound like am jumping all over the place, pls forgive me am in the middle of exams and am not all there. I am, I looaf u too!!!


SoulLady: Hey sista, I know we side-tracked...I apologize!!!


Peace in the Middle-east.



"The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. The one who kneels to the Almighty can stand up to anything."

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Soul_Lady, I couldn't have said it better. Much respect to you.


We work so hard to get this site to where it is now and I don't think that anyone of us ( Nomads) is going to let someone post vulgarity and personal attacks against others. We give people warnings and time to get used to the rules here and if we still can't accomplish peace here, we simply ban the troublemakers.


One advice to Seduc.


There is so much negativity pouring out of your mouth young woman, but please tone down your rhetoric. Debate, discuss, but don't insult.


I have no choice but to delete your posts and all the negetive posts against you.




Somalia Online Team

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Libax-Sanka-Tabte: Thank you.


Already Lost my interest of the discussion! Shall hopefully regain soon. cwm1.gif



God Bless.



"He tried to be somebody by trying to be like everybody, which makes him a nobody."

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Hmm maybe that explains why most of my negative messages were erased. Intresting. Soul lady, thanks for explaining it to me, but you might want to tone it down dear, your not explaining a basketball game or anything complicating, okay? good girl...


the somalionline team member..I'll make deal with u...u stop erassing my messages, and I'll start being sweet...okay? kool...But if I don't agree with anything...I'll direct it.


Tamina...You have a point, concerning where the poor due to their unfortunate cycle suffer and have it bad. Yes I really do understand macanto. That makes me reevaluate my previous comments. However this doesn't mean my earlier presumption is completly without sense. All I'm saying is everyone is equal, so one shouldn't sit by feeling sorry for themself's and let time time pass by. They are poor, yes, very understandable. Some were born with poverty, others were born with a silver spoon in their mouth's. Others have it good, while others are misreable. I don't mean to sound insensitive, but so what. Its not the end of the world. It is still manageable. The poor can get a job. They have hands and legs. They are not hopeless. The poor should get a job. There are some of them with talents and unbelievalbe qualities. They can make it, as long as they put some work into it. Ofcourse there are some people who will refuse to give them a position, wether its a law firm, or the local k.f.c. There are also others who would kill the opportunity to help those who can't help themself's.

Ever heard the saying " quitters never win, and winners never quit" thats one of my favourite quits, and it applies to everyone, wether they are rich, poor, or both.


I luv ya too girl....


If I missed somthing, feel free to let me know...



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