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Gabaygan waxa tiriyey Maxamed Xirsi Guuleed 2008-05-13. Waa farriin ku socota umadda Soomaaliyeed guud ahaan, gaar ahaan aqoonyahanka iyo siyaasiyiinta faraha kula jira xal u raadinta mushkiladda umadda iyo xoraynteeda. Magacaabidda hoggaamiyihii maxkamadihii islaamiga Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, kama dhigayso gabayga mid isaga gaar ugu socda laakiin waa tilmaan cad in Sheekh Shariif ugu horreeyo dadka la hoga tusaalaynayo. Farriintani waxa ay xambaarsantahay sawirka dhabta ah ee mushkiladda umadda iyo mawqifka saxda ah ee ay tahay in laga qaato dabaylaha siyaasadeed ee hadda dhacaya. Maxaa ka soo bixi kara shir la nooc ah kan hadda Jabuuti laga wad-wado???.


Wuxu yidhi:

Damacyada is maandhaafsan iyo danahan kooraysan

Damaqiyo xanuunkaan qabiyo diifta igu taalla

Kala daadsanaantayda iyo duullanka i saaran

Dunidaysu kay kaashatiyo kala dayowgayga

Dabinnada la ii qoolay iyo dalaq ku hayntayda

Dawakhaadda iga muuqatiyo daaladhiciddayda

Dalanbaabi socodkayga iyo dib u hayaankayga

Halkii laygu soo dilay haddeer, samo ka doonkayga

Didmo orodka xiiqayga iyo daw ka lumiddayda

Waxan doonayoo ii dhaw iyo diirad li´idayda

Demanaanta qoomkayga iyo cadow dadaalkiisa

Dublamaasi beenaadka iyo daacadnimadayda

Shirar aan dawaba keenahayn daba wareegooda

Waa waxan la daandaansanee diirku ii gubane

Dibnahaygu waxay leeyihiin duhur cad eedaane

Dareenkay ayaan sheegayaa, diidmadaan qabo´e

Waxba yaan la ii dudin runbaan daah ka furayaaye


Doodyahan Shariifow adaan kuu danleeyahay

Docdaadaan walaaloow ka baqay daad ka soo gala´eh

Ninkii maalmo lagu diirsadee lagu degoow heedhe

Ninkii shacabku wada doonayee, daba socdoow heedhe

Waayadan dareenbaa na galay diilalyiyo ciile

Iyadoo dalkaagii dhammaan cadow ka doobyaayo

Iyadoo nin doorkii hurdada lagu duqaynaayo

Iyadoo ducaaddii sidii duunyo loo qalayo

Sideebaad u dooyeysataa damalka hoostiisa?


Adoo dawlad iyo xooglahaa nimankii kuu diiday

Ma haddood daciif tahay ayey darajo kuu quudhi?

Miyaad dagantay sawtaad ogayd dakharka kii geystay?

Sideed ugu dacwootaa kuwii dooxatada keenay?

Boqolkaa dirays ee nin qudhi tolay dawaarkooda

Ee adiga kuu kala duwani waa dun waaxida eh

Waa duul iskala qaybiyoo dani midaysaaye

Waa kii qorshaha soo dejiyo kii debberay maalka

Iyo kii laguu soo diree, koray dabbaabaadka

Iyo kii dawada siinayee dhab u daryeelaayey


Waa niman waxay doonayaan sii dejoo garane

Nabadda ay haddeer kaa dalbeen, daacad haw qabine

Dib u gurasho iyo waa sidii xeelad dirireede

Daabkii masaartoo kalay kula damcayaane

Marka hore distoorkay ku odhan daaya waa sahale

Marka xiga ducaadday ku odhan daadi waa badowe

Marka xiga nindoorkay ku odhan dayri waa halise

Marka xiga dilkiisay ku fari kii u sii darane

Dembigey faleenbay haddana kaaga dhigi dawwe

Dabadeed aday kugu dulleyn goob darxumo weyne


Doodyahan Shariifoow adaan kuu danleeyahaye

Walaaloow dagaalkani ka wayn dawlad iyo reere

Walaaloow dagaalkani ka wayn duullan xabashaade

Walaaloow dagaalkani ka weyn dano Maraykaane

Walaaloow dagaalkani ka weyn dib u heshiisiine

Waa diinta nebigaaga iyo damac inaad laasho

Diirkaa madow inad nacdoo kii cad darajayso

Waxa dunida khayraad dhexyaal inad ka daaduunto

Dabadhoon inaad noqoto iyo loo dirsade liita

Ama inaad ilaahay dartii, diiddo amarkooda

Oo aad dil iyo weerar iyo filato duullaanba

Labadaas dariiqbaa ka furan degelkii Soomaale


Doodyahan Shariifoow adaan kuu danleeyahaye

Nabad doontayaa iyo colaad duub u xidhataaba

Kuma degayso xaajadu ciyaar doorkan maanta ahe

Waxay doorashadu saarantahay daw cidhiidhayahe

Dar-Allaan walaal kuu baryoo, ruux dun laad tahaye

Ka deg faraska aad saarantahay waa mid noo darane

Ka deg faraska aad saarantahay waa mid kuu darane

Ka deg oo kac oo orod midee, xoogga diriraaya!

Maxamed Xirsi Guuleed

Voice of Youth

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Originally posted by Cawaale:

Dib Dib u gurasho iyo waa sidii xeelad dirireede

Daabkii masaartoo kalay kula damcayaane

Marka hore distoorkay ku odhan daaya waa sahale

Marka xiga ducaadday ku odhan daadi waa badowe

Marka xiga nindoorkay ku odhan dayri waa halise

Marka xiga dilkiisay ku fari kii u sii darane

Dembigey faleenbay haddana kaaga dhigi dawwe

Dabadeed aday kugu dulleyn goob darxumo weyne


Doodyahan Shariifoow adaan kuu danleeyahaye

Walaaloow dagaalkani ka wayn dawlad iyo reere

Walaaloow dagaalkani ka wayn duullan xabashaade

Walaaloow dagaalkani ka weyn dano Maraykaane

Walaaloow dagaalkani ka weyn dib u heshiisiine

Waa diinta nebigaaga iyo damac inaad laasho


BRILLIANT POEM! The Sheikh is told all, and it is upto him to either succumb to the temptations of the flesh or to face the hard fact, take heart and follow the noble cause of reliberating Somalia from occupation and saving the somali nation from imposition of wicked values and extermination of core moralities that underpin our identity and unique standing as a nation!


A stark choice indeed.

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This poet is utterly ill informed, if not ignorant, about the political realities and dimensions of Somali conflict. I also found a bit malicious and mean to suggest that Shariif is in the current negotiations for worldly rewards. And there, beneath the counsel he so didactically offers to Sh. Shariif, lies a profoundly misguided sense of nationalism this poet exhibits. On one a hand he seems to be aiming at noble objectives in his call for these negotiations to halt. On the other, he suggests no alternatives other than the tired line of argument that says: let us continue fighting Ethiopians and her allies until we liberate Somalia. And that line of argument, sadly, ignores the root cause of Ethiopia’s triumph in Somali affairs and refuses to reason as to why Somalis failed to recover from the civil war.


Shariif is leading in the face of many adversities. Defamers, a group which this poet is inching ever closer to be member of, will inevitably try to slander him! But Sharifs' integrity, especially as long as he is in the affairs of exacting sulxu to revive his fallen nation, is hardly impeachable…


Allow waayo noo daa.

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^ Typical Somali, with little patience. It has been only two years, and somehow you already look tired of fighting Ethiopia. In another countries, people fight for the cause they believe in for decades if not more. But do I expect that resilience from a somali? NO.


Waan daalay ee si kale ha lagu dayo, is the catch word for my people.

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^^With all due respect, you dont know what you are talking about!


Baaluqe ismood wiil hadduu, buuryo-goys yahaye

Bisqinbaa nin weyn kugu dirtoon, biidna kuu tarine

Shansho iyo baruuriyo hadduu, badhi wan weyn yeesho

Baraar habartii loog kama baxshoo, gowrac kama baajo

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^I fail to see the relevance of this otherwise excellent poem to our discussion. Ofcourse, I see the motive for its production here. It is an ostentatiously parade set up to show off your exhibition of mastry of Somali art.I envy that. Or perhaps, via that, is intended to assert one's supermacy over another! Or could be a not-so-veiled admonition of what is to befall on me should I mess up with the Maestros. Beyond that, it hasn't answered the fundamental theme.


Who is the Baaluuq and who is the Baraar? On what grounds did you come up with the catagorisation? Waa yaaab!! Ma adi unbaa is mahadiyay???????????

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^ Now do you seriouly think the specifics matter?Or We have changed the session to Somali Poetry 101? In which case, the 'teacher' here might be surprised!


There is no connection or whatever,saaxiib. There is nothing to mystify. You only wanted to say, 'you are not a match for me, beware!'. That is the connection you seeem to think is not understood. At least that is the ESSENCE of the poem you quoted. Falaadhi gilgilasho kaagam go'do. Now that you found found yourself cornered, you try to play with Etymology of poems and Semantics.


Nin is faanshay waa ri' isnuugtay, Am I right, teacher? And that tells a lot about the personna of an individual.


Or If i may be generous to you and give you a way out, Perhpas you mean Somali's are insignificant in the face of the mighty ETHIOPIA? Taasbaba ka sii daran!!

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^Waxaan macno lahayn baad ku nuux-nuuxsanysaa maantoo dhan waryee. Waxaa laga celin la'yahay waa hoggaankaaga ixtiraam sow maaha?



The poet implied waxaan rag ahayn baa rag maaga . And i agree for being Diaspora warrior you are, the verses I quoted described your kind as well. In your comfort in the west, you have the guts to insinuate that Sh. Sharif is into this peace talk thing for his own benefit. He’s an appeaser, you imply. During their puberty, young boys do any thing to be perceived like a ‘man’. They talk tough and exhibit all sorts of risk taking behaviors. It’s in that period of youthful discretions that the poet referred to! If quoting few verses meant to you that I have somehow shown literary superiority, that’s your conclusion adeer. Like anyone else I am entitled to cite Somali poems when appropriate. And I could not be reasonably held responsible for your hurt feelings as a result of few verses. Perhaps you were naturally predisposed….


Still you don’t know what you are talking abtigiis. You may not aware what Sharif is up to. You seem to be ignorant about what he and his team want to accomplish. You don’t know their strategies. You are just a cyber warrior who wants to be relevant…a feel good pulse I must say, but be careful with how you formulate your critique adeer.

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^ I am not obliged to respond to your conjectures on how old I am, where I am, my feelings, my level of understanding of Somali/Sheikh's Politics. Those are all assumptions and warrant no response. Indeed, I never wanted to be pushed to that walll to utter some of my prejudices that I know have no foundations. But I sense a pattern of 'I Know all, waa lagu yaqaan' syndrome manifesting itself here, unbeknown to you. That is quite atavistic, I guess.


On the issue at hand, Sheikh Sharif's dangerous move would have divided the opposition if he had pursued that line. Perhaps, as a TFG-loyalist, you may be (you are) happy about it. But, don't expect me to be oblivious to the dangers of his unwise move. I am not surprised if you clap for his indiscretions. It is natural. Who wouldn't relish the downfall of his enemies? Perhaps you see it that way. For the success or failure of the useless TFG is the ultimate measure of Somali nation's revival for you. I don't share that.

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^^TFG loyalist! Aha Allow ma iri inaad cuqdada la bugto. You see it only took you few posts to validate my initial assumptions about you. Since you readily proved to be what i thought you were, i have no need to compensate any of my previous assumptions at all.


Allahu akbar.

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Doodyahan Shariifow adaan kuu danleeyahay

Docdaadaan walaaloow ka baqay daad ka soo gala´eh

Ninkii maalmo lagu diirsadee lagu degoow heedhe

Ninkii shacabku wada doonayee, daba socdoow heedhe

Waayadan dareenbaa na galay diilalyiyo ciile

Iyadoo dalkaagii dhammaan cadow ka doobyaayo

Iyadoo nin doorkii hurdada lagu duqaynaayo

Iyadoo ducaaddii sidii duunyo loo qalayo

Sideebaad u dooyeysataa damalka hoostiisa?


Adoo dawlad iyo xooglahaa nimankii kuu diiday

Ma haddood daciif tahay ayey darajo kuu quudhi?

Miyaad dagantay sawtaad ogayd dakharka kii geystay?

Sideed ugu dacwootaa kuwii dooxatada keenay?

The high-lighted last line is all it boils down to. Futile exercises, Shariifoow.

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waa maxay cuqdadan aad i daba wada. If I make a wrong judgement, just say so and correct me. Armaad adiga tahay ka ciddi dawlada ka hadashaba moodaya inuu reer u jeedo. And i don't mind your initial assumptions about me. I know who I am. And I know you would have felt sorry had you known me. Taas halkaa ku daa, laakiin ogow if I was wrong about your affiliations, you were also wrong about me on many other parameters. It is just that they are not as obvious as where ones loyalty lies and you cannot be proved wrong here.


Ta kale, your predatory nature is scary. You read through my replies and pick one phrase and then go crazy with soundbites.

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^^I am not a predator adeer. I just have attention for details when they matter. An this time that caprice of mine has been validated.


The reason I pick some of your replies is simply because most of what you write are half-truths that does not warrant a response.

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