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Alshabab targets Mogadishu Airport

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This shows  that shabaab is a power to be reckoned with. That they would smoke out the paper govt hiding in the bunker had it not been for the 30000. African Union troops American mercenaries and American spies if they can attack Mogadishu airport they can attack any where in and out Mogadishu 

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Lets just say that not every terrorist attack is the work of Alshabab. Farmaajo/Fahad duo are also engaged in subversive activities to take out opposition. 

It is a dog eat dog world. What you see is just the bubbling on the surface. 

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It is the same scenarion. Al Shbaab thrives in these transitional times. No one is minding the shop THree months before the election and another three months to form the government is the deadliest time in MOgadishu. Former intelligence chief C/raxman Tuuryare said, " the majority of murders and bombs in Mogadishu are either business related, politics or both.

Having seen how Al shabaab killers were eliminated in Mudug recently, I do believe a competent intelligence service and few qualified dectectives could smkoe out the urban mafia paying poor kids to put bombs in cars or shoot innocent by standers. 

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6 hours ago, galbeedi said:

It is the same scenarion. Al Shbaab thrives in these transitional times. No one is minding the shop THree months before the election and another three months to form the government is the deadliest time in MOgadishu. Former intelligence chief C/raxman Tuuryare said, " the majority of murders and bombs in Mogadishu are either business related, politics or both.

Having seen how Al shabaab killers were eliminated in Mudug recently, I do believe a competent intelligence service and few qualified dectectives could smkoe out the urban mafia paying poor kids to put bombs in cars or shoot innocent by standers. 

Have you wondered ever since Rooblaawe Baahane brought back tuugadii Imaaraadka with their fake 'aide' in qaraxyadii iyo weeraradaan soo kordheen? Tuugii meesha loo dhiibtayna waa xaaraan ku naaxii 30/30 iska hurdo.

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Puntland oo ka warbixisay khasaaraha dagaalka ka dhacay Af-urur

Axad, Maarso, 27, 2022 (HOL) - Puntland ayaa sheegtay inay 12 ka mid ah dagaalamayaasha kooxda Al-shabab ay ku dileen weerar ay saaka waaberigii ku soo qaadeen deegaanka Af-urur oo ka tirsan Gobolka Bari.

Saraakiil katirsan ciidamada Puntland ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in khasaaraha dhinacooda uu gaarayo dhimashada shan askari iyo dhaawaca ku dhawaad 10 askari oo ciiddanka Daraawiishta ah.

Dhinaca kale, kooxda Alshabab ayaa sheegtay inay 25 askari iyo saraakiil ciiddan ay ku dileen weerarka ay kusoo qaadeen deegaanka Af-urur.  Waxay baraha bulshada soo dhigeen sawiradda iyo magacyada qaar kamid ah askarta iyo saraakiisha ay dileen.

Alshabaab waxay sheegtay inay cagta mariyeen saldhigga Af-urur, islamarkaana ay la wareegeen gaadiid dagaal, balse ma jiraan warar madax bannaan oo arrintaas xaqiijiyay. Inkastoo mid kamid ah madaafiicda ay kusoo tuureen saldhigga Af-urur uu haleelay mid kamid ah gaadiidka dagaalka.

Waa markii labaad oo Alshabaab ay weerar toos ah  kusoo qaadaan deegaanka Af-urur oo 70km u jira magaalada Bosaso. Alshabaab ayaa sanadkii hore weerar xooggan ku qaaday xabsiga Bosaso, halkaas oo ay kula baxday maxaabiis uga xirnaa.


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Axad, Maarso, 27, 2022 (HOL) - Puntland ayaa sheegtay inay 12 ka mid ah dagaalamayaasha kooxda Al-shabab ay ku dileen weerar ay saaka waaberigii ku soo qaadeen deegaanka Af-urur oo ka tirsan Gobolka...


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Time and again some folks here parrot and link Somaliland to Alshabab - totally unfounded of course, just a scapegoat for their incompetence.

This shows how Alshabab is funded and why this group is not going anywhere anytime soon. It runs a state within a state. It is probably the only entity that collects taxation from Raas Kambooni to Raas Casayr near Xafuun.


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