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Amethyst, I am concerned about the potential abuse and mishandling of 10-15 yr old girls. He knew just what to intice them with----an island...other little boys with their cooties...what 10-15 old girl wouldnt jump at the chance to be free from home and their parents' watchful eye?


Very clever. But not good enough.

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errm, and whom are these damaged women getting their groove on with? Other women? :rolleyes:


If men faced the same social dilemma after they'd done the deed/damaging they'd ALL be lining up to get re-enhanced since they're so preoccupied with junior.


:D Too funny. I'll go to the camp. Car ka ii raaca. Hehe.

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Which concerned, self respecting parent would send their child to an institute for *jaariyadaha*? :D


p.s. Wicked signature Femme. top.gif

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I forgot to mention it's FREE.

Candidates live and study for free. CHD believes education is the key to future and eduaction at any level benefits society and should be provided at no charge.


Funding will be provided through Investments that have already been put in place.

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Hmmm...such scathing remarks. I wonder, are you lot pissed off because u wont be able to qualify for the programme? Yes, I'm refering to the age range. :Dicon_razz.gif



See Barwaaqo's post on the "Sleeping around" topic for a definition of "Female Genital Enhancement Surgery".

UD, you're confusing Bishaaro with me, I think.

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Does anyone feel like this is "Dhaqan Dhumis"? I mean since when did we take our youngsters to an island away from family to amend them to the ways of our lives?


About the FGME... I think its not about isolation rather taking the time out to talk to your child about sex... coz its mandotary in this foreigner lands.. Because no matter wat the parents hide, the society they livein exploits so.. why not educate your child about sex according to your believes and your conception of it instead of making it a taboo?


Just imagine...if someone told u not to think of something or even mention it.. aren't gonna get curious to know just wat all the fuss is all about? I mean its in our nature to be curious of things we can't see or touch... so make it part of your child's life to accept that sex is indeed part of life. U can explain to your child..


U can't get into middle school without attending primary and u can't attend primary without attending kindergarden... so u can't have sex without getting married.. and u can't get married without growing up.... u c... u gotta break it down for ur child... I don't think isolation is the way to it.


May be the hush hush method worked back in Somalia coz the whole society played as a team.. but not in the western world...


Anyways that is my thought.

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heheh..UD.I will put some investment into this program if you tell me the ROI? are we taklin about 10, 20, 30 % return??


Some Risks in this venture worry me...what about if these young girls come back pattin for the other team?? or they all come bck and they jump on every movin farax?? reminds me of Catholic Girls Only Boarding Colleges!!!


Hopefully you have accomodated such risks in the forecast and projections.



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