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Do you really think marrying indho yar is a good idea? think before u answer

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OG Moti   

Darman well said bro, i have been in the philippines for more than 6 years, man the chikcen with her blood he told u .. is not as he said, if u hear how they do it u will call 911 for ur little indho yar puck ass.. or animal rights organizations, man they beat the shit out the chicken till it internally bleeds, they say it will test better, sick asses and by the way all philippinos beleive that theory works except the muslims and the Vegs.

DEar S.O.S i am glad Darman made the mistake before i did, calling u a guy, i would done the same cause ur name represent either gender, anyway dear it is all Asians eat shitty food, u mentioned many countries who has weard delicasies but dear here in asia indho yar world all their food is weard. Example last night i went to this wedding it was huge wedding guess what not sigle food was eatable by me, man they got shitty food, man S.O.S i am here dear ask me about it, Asians could eat human and laugh about it...

Mr. Che Guavara bro u know how i feel man .. i might announce a revolution on Asians.. and man me too i heard the calooley stuff but i think not all somalis eat that shit, and beside even those who do they dont eat it all the time, it is once in a blue moon, so do never compair guys asian and somali delicasy far different than each other.. but the good thing for Asian is they never starve unlike Africa where starvation is common thing and it is not just because there is no food it is because they can not eat the shit that Asian could eat, man for god sick look at the poor cat.. and that is nothing compare to what i saw in my own eyes, baraanbaro hasheegin, dogs ha sheegin, animal skin hasheegin and much worse, ouch S.O.S girl please visit Asia and i will take u staight from the airport to the market we can buy a kilo of baranbaro on the way, and then maybe u will then realize what we talking about here looooooool anyway like the man said our Queens pasta and sigaar will be great.. lool peace 1 love

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