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Are You Suffering From Prayer Deprivation?

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^^^ lol... maya laakiin waa ku sigtay anoo maskiinka ka wal walsan sida eesan goosaheega ugu nixi doonin. Calaashaan asaga dhan maskiin koo qasab lagu soo karshay uu u egyahay adba fiiri.. waa uu soo kaduutay suu u oonaaye markii la karinaaye ka waran.. adna manixaanka saa u qabti si jeesto jeesto eh aa afka u gashaan..xaasidun waxasad aa tahay..bushima gaduud waaxid.......



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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haye hada hilib halaga naxo aa keentay miyaa :D

Waxaas waxaa waaye jacaylka ku galay aan u malaynaa ee Nuur warkiisa yeel duqa isdhiib hal mar gacanta dhiibo!

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^^^^^lol....... ani ilahey in aan ka baqaayo ee ogtahay qoftaan nooh oo dhinacaas ee iga soo duqeysay..inama caadi ma ahan.. laakiin the good thing is wax jaceel la dhaho meeshaan ma jiraan.... jaceel oo siiro eh aan ku jirnaa nooh.......calaashaan fara kaduud........



Wareer Badanaa!!

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asalaamu alaikum


tuujiya brother i can see that you are interested in this girl however, you are not sure how to approach her. But, as long as you let her know your intentions are honorable i dont think anything will go wrong. Believe me since she is really a relegious siter, when she sees that you are straight forward, she is going to be upfront with you as well. walaal qofku wuxu jecelyahay qofka xaqiiqda u sheegaya , oo u sheegaya intentionskiisa. diintana haday taqaano saad sheegtay , hadaad u sheegtid in aad allah dartii u jeceshahay, way ku sheegi meshaad ka taagantahay, yacni haday rabto in ay sheeko kula bilowdo, sheeko ku saleesan in allah darti isku jeceshihiin barina xalaal guur ah iyo reer hadii alle nisiiyo. intasa iga talo ah. :D i hope i helped u out, dont want to make things worst , i hope she doesnt kick yr *** when u tell her how much u care abt her icon_razz.gif may allah forbid that, but some relegious sisters try to avoid those issues for some reason or the other.Go figure! Honestly i am relegious myself, but talking and getting to know a brother is fine , as long as u avoid doing things that allah had forbid us from doing.


wa salaamu alaikum

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^^^^looooooooool tnx abaayo.... Adiga oo kale waa aqaan nooh.. kuwa cabaayadaha xiran oo "ISNA" ama "IKNA" ka shaqeeyo ilaahey korkaaga ama jalbaabkaaga raxmad haku shubo aamiin dheh.............. Abaayo you help really..laakiin aniga ilaahey dartiis iyo aniga darteeda aan u socdaa not ilaahey dartiisa kili........ laakiin your right I just had problem with the shukaansi stuff nooh..sidaa sheegtay straight up looma noqon karo because waxaas sheeko balad ma ahan nooh..shuqul ciyaal balad aan la galay ani ileen qof dhan oo weyn straight up sidaas iyo sidaas baan doonayaa kuma orankartid yaaqee...kistoo luuq luuq in lasoo maro aan ka danbeenaa sidii filin asasiino camal..... Marka hada sidaa sheegeysid aa la sameynaa.........


Nur ma jirtid adi...gabartaan walaashee eh aaba ku dhaanto...shukhulka gabarta afaraad lagu guursado aa adiga ii soo tuurtay..koow iyo labo iyo sedex xitaa ma ahan..yaab aa leedahay shiikhoo...laakiin ducadalee ha iga baqiilin waa ku tuugaa...isoo kordhi kistoo...........



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Asalaamu alaikum,


lol kulaha kuwa isna ka shaqeeya icon_razz.gif . I am actually in university aint working yet, but yeh maybe when i finish undergrad. i will apply teaching position down there just teasing. walaal Tuujiya, if you dont want to be upfront with her, how do u expect her to know if you are interested? did it ever cross your mind that she might be interested bt waiting for you to take the 1st move? i honstly dont know what you got to lost if you told her the truth? are u afraid that she rejects you :mad: ? but even then so what? i mean she aint the only girl out there :rolleyes: ? there is so many other girls that will come in your in the future so go for it tell her " walaal waan ku jeclahay, waxaana raba in aad waxila qabatid "...

:D wa salaaam


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Ninkan Tuujiye wax ka quuq badan! Adiga ma rabtaa inaa aroostid gabadha, amase haa amase maya? Dhubuq-dhubuq kaloo u dhaxaysaa ma jirto.


Edit: I'A I'll come back for the OT.

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Originally posted by M.M.:

quote: " walaal waan ku jeclahay, waxaana raba in aad waxila qabatid "...

LOOL Aaliya tan kawaran bal "Ukhti Fi^Allah Alle dartiibaan kuu jeclahey" then gadaal kagga dar "walaal aabe telephonkiisa isii bal" ...khalaas
O'L skoolkaatahay maxaan idhaa! icon_razz.gif


Adeer(Atheer),whatever happend to the oldfashioned "Abayadis,telefoonka igu qabo" lol ;)

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"Abayadis,telefoonka igu qabo" lol

LOOL Faraax-oow, were you at karmeel mall last weekend coz I remember hearing this same phrase while walking by this dude and before I look at him, dhirbaaxo aaba luggu qabtey macalinka instead of the number


Allow ceeb astur arkaas adi muu ahaa Pierre?

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Originally posted by M.M.:

quote:"Abayadis,telefoonka igu qabo" lol

LOOL Faraax-oow, were you at karmeel mall last weekend coz I remember hearing this same phrase while walking by this dude and before I look at him, dhirbaaxo aaba luggu qabtey macalinka instead of the number


Allow ceeb astur arkaas adi muu ahaa Pierre?
:D:D waxaa la dhahay Alooceeb astur hadaad maqasho ceebi ma asturna!

Tuujiye ciyaarta iska dhaaf iyo luuqluuqa ee gabadha waxaa dhahdaa Ukhtii aan dhamayno sheekada

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Asalaamu alaikum,


kulahaa "aabe telephonkiisa isii bal" :rolleyes: , wara ma waxa rabta Tuujiye gabadhu in ay ka dhaqaajiso. We definitely don’t like when we are treated like an object own by some one :mad: . Telephonka isii baama laqaatay. But, I don’t think he should start from there , at least not with this religious sister, she might take it the wrong way :( . It would be much better if he acknowledge his feelings to her at first and ofcourse eventually he will get her number.

Anu koley nin i yidhi waan ku jeclahay ee sheekada ila bilow wax la qaban laha mid dhahaya aabo numberkiisa isii albaabkaan ka soo qafilan lahaa. icon_razz.gif

wa salaaamu alaikum

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Waxaad qortay:


How do I be who i am but little closer to the deen and keep this sister with me?


Saaxibow, marka hore qofkaad tahay kistoo yaraad nooga sheegtay, nin xun ma tihid, gabartana waxaad noo sheegtay iney jalbaaban tahay, marka sheegada runta ah waxaa waaye:


1. Adigi kistoo Ziyo-nimo ahaa kugu jirto

2. Gabarta aad ey diinta u heysataa

3. Adiga shukaansi aad gabarta ku bilowdey oo diin laga hadlayo

4. Adiga weli jeceyl oo darbiga-madaxa-loogu-tumo ma ku haayo

5. Wadaadnimo iney gabarta ku gelisana waa ka baqee

6. Mana ka samri kartid, kistoo wax yaraa qalbigaaga galay, haddii kale ma na wareerin laheyn.



Saaxibow, kistoo inaad is dabcisid waaye, its not going to be the end of the world haddad wadaad noqoto. Gabartana warka u cadee, being wishy-washy ma fiicna, gabdhaha Somalida ayaamahaan aadey nooga caqlibadan yihiin, isjir saaxiibow, nin nasiib badan aad u egtahay haddey run tahay waxaad sheegtay, adiga isbaddal, gabarta muuqaalkeeda wexey sheegeysaa in qalbigeeda fiican yahay.




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TYJ:... Adi kaalay warkaada ila qabso miyaa??? kir makasee geed yahee socodkeeda aad u qabtid "geberimaanyo jiis eh"........


Hodman loooool.. adi sheeko lagu dag dago ma fiicna yaaqee see kaa noqotay? horta farsamo saxan in wax kaste loo qaato ma fiicnoo? hadii ee farsamada kaa haleysan tahay, banaan cidla ah aa ku dhiiqoonee yaaqee..fudeedka jooji.. Bajaq yaasha adigoo kale eh waxee u gacan galaan koo kabaha ka waaweyn ilaali bushimo gaduud yahee........... abaayo ISNA is part of MSA (Muslim Student Association) so I was guessing that you waz them girls with the black cabaayad that run around york university helping around

but yea, your right I'm gonna make a big move tonight..wax kaste waan usuu kala dhig dhigaa and I hope I'll see the true face that she hides nooh... I will come back with the news..good or bad..yaaqee..... I'm never cared about rejections..I don't like the feeling right at that moment when is happening, but I move on fast..I don't have hard time finding woman..I just get the wrong


Nur, Brother that help nooh.... I know waxaan sameynaayo yaaqee..anoo gacanta kuwato aan u tagaa..gacanta ku wato hadalkeyga iyo danaheega aan ka wadaa not wax kale......... SO I will do as you say.... wadaad nimo kama cabsadi brother..see camal..waqtiga hada jira wadaada eeba u shidantahay barxada yaaqee....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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