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Edward Said's legacy and the Palestinian question

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The article is available here:




"Edward Said...was one of the most remarkable thinkers and intellectuals of our time."


"His major break with Arafat's leadership came with the signing of the Oslo Accord in 1993 that had "nothing about the end of occupation [and] nothing about settlements of Jerusalem. 'According to Said, Arafat had simply stopped caring for his people and Oslo was nothing more than a "victory for Zionism.' Arafat answered back by banning Said's books in Palestine."


"...his analysis of Palestinian society. For him the main problem lies in the fact that the 'intellectual class - teachers, doctors, and lawyers - never stood up to Arafat.' There are study centers in the West Bank "but people aren't taught about Israeli society." With the absence of role models and understanding of their occupiers the Palestinian people are also at fault."


"Said spent 30 years as a professor in English and Comparative Literature at New York's prestigious Columbia University..."


"No matter how utopian it is, Said presses for living side by side as citizens, not separate nations."


Were this ideas about Palestinians and Israelis living together in a Utopia a bit far-fetched or realistically possible?


And of his fallout with the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat - was Said correct in rejecting the 1993 Oslo Accords that later became a 'victory for Zionism'?

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So what is the point here brother.I not familiar with Said Edwards but i care less of Israelis and Palestinians.They both make this world more dangerous than is necesserarily.

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Wind.talker sxb thanks I know Edward Said, I was taking Global Studies class last semester and we read his book and couple articles that he wrote. I don't know if u hear this book called "Orientalism" by Edward Said, and honestly I liked it so much that I have read it twice.


check this site,,,,,

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