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Abu iyo Ibn miidhan

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There is no need for ina hebel.....if we would just stick to one last name ...instead of moving the last name with every generation.

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How is it conforming to other cultures? aren't these abu's and ibn the ones conforming to other cultures?


weren't you suggesting Ina would be a great thing to use since the mauritanians are doing it too?


I am just saying how about Geedi's, Waaberi's, Haybe, Roobdoon etc as our last names instead of some Arab name whose meaning we don't even know.

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Somalis always referred to them selves ina or ilma hebel and is something you come across in somali poetry too often.(Hence we were oral society in the olden times). So when we started writing we should have stuck with our traditional ways of referring to each other. As for the arab names, well many cultures borrow names from other cultures and Semites are the leading name donors like it or not. You would probably ask your self if David, Joshua, John or Benjamin were a genuine European names or borrowed names like Abdul and Hassan and etc. Also there is nothing wrong if you use the traditional somali names like Caraale iyo Ciid and of course some somalis still do have those names.

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Well why don't other cultures borrow our names, instead of us borrowing theirs?

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Be an influential culture first and conquer the world with force or ideas, then others will name them selves after you. But persistent knife wielder who have a habit of molesting each other, I am afraid no one would want to name them selves after such people.

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We are naming ourself after arabs, because they have conquered us? are we weaker then them when they are conquering us? are they superior to us?

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^^Arab names tend to have religious meanings. Muslims tend to name their kids after people who have made an impact of Islamic history. Thats just something that we should accept. I love Somali names and hope to find unique ones very soon IA.

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What is ME on about...THe abu/ibn or the newbies in SOL? What is wrong with so-called Surweel-gaabs joining,are we that far from the deen to be intimated by so-called religious cyber-avatars? Shaydaanka iska naar Mr ME.

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cabdiyo cabdiyaay....horta tan iiga jawaab.


carabtu Abu iyo Ibn diin ka hor ma la bixi jirtay?


Ta labaad qof muslim ma ahaan karaa, hadii magaciisu uu yahay Jack, mise waa khasab in qofkaas loo bixiyo magac carbeed?


1. so carabtu hadii ay la bixi jirtay ibn iyo abu before islam…..then it’s their culture and has nothing to do with diin.


2. if someone can be called jack and still be a muslim. Then being a muslim doesn’t have anything to do with what your called.


Marka diin iyo dhaqan carbeed ayaa meeshan laysku khaldayaa.


And it seems to me like peasant pointed out, that by having Arab names we are accepting cultural inferiority.

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mr. me,


There are Arabic names of actual everyday people and then there are names of Islamic greats.


Abubakar, Omar, Cali, Cuzmaan etc..



Ibrahim, Ismail, Nuux are also Prophet names thus it's not so much of imitating Arabi culture but imitating the great people that have established, spread this faith that we believe in, Islam.



I don't see what you seem to have against naming yourself after great people of our history.


Muslimnimo is what is all about. Somalinimo is a narrow view point.

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^^ Arabs did not just conquer you with force but in this case with ideas and the religion of Islam which you adhere to, originates from Arabia. Thus you are a Muslim today because of the Arabs and Mohamed(PBUH) being the son of an Arab. I don't know why you would be more concerned about Arab names, when you borrowed far more important things like religion from them. Hey Me i am curious. Were you part of those Somalis molested in the Persian gulf and who are allergic to anything about Arabs?

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loool...Religion is brought to us by Allah. Just because Prophet Muhammed pbuh was an Arab doesn't make 'em special.


ps. I have nothing against Arabs.

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There internet nicks for a forum, saxiib. Maxa inferiority iyo deen iyo Carab meesha keenay? Why are you called "ME? That's an english name! Why don't you call yourself ANIGA? What about other posters with non Somali names? Like NGONGE,a ZULU-souding name?

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Peasent what has being molested got to do with this discussion? Come on matey, you can do better then this :D wax iska celi.



Badacas: Thanx for the clarification that you have nothing against Arabs smile.gif . But anba carab ma nebci, Soomaali ayaan jecelahay and if Arabs are trying to infiltrate and destroy our culture we should fight them as hard as we are fight the Xabash.


Soomaaliya is a Somali Country and the Somali's are Somali’s...simple as that, no carab iska doon ama xabash daba dh*lif ama gaal iska doon.


Maxaa noo diidaya Soomaalinimadeena?

Diinta been maxaa looga sheegayaa? Diintu nama dheheyso Cimaamad cas xidho ama abu isku bixi. Marka maxaa diinta been looga sheegayaa si anaga naloogu lumiyo, dhaqankeenana loo burburiyo?

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