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Soamaali baan ahay...

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Markaan ku iri waad warbadantahay waad xanaaqday laakiin runtaan udhowaa. See, hadda habaryar baad i leedahay!Habryartay ma noqon kartid. Hal qolo keliyaa habaryar ii ah meeshaanna ma joogaan!

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^War soco, i was feeling sorry for you markaan habaryar ku iri...Sheekaaba wadaayee...Adookale horta habaryar umba noqon karo...Bal qofaad tiri waad warbadantahay oo adi kaa yaaban ka waran...Warbadnidaa habaryaroow, bal yadha aamu...

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^^ :D:D


calm down kooleey, habaryarahay dad la heli karo maaha! Maanta meel uma socdo. Shaqadii waa isasoo taagtay. SOL baan ka shaqeynayyaa adeer dadbadan meesha war uun lasoo dhooban oon rabaa inaan kala yareeyo. Adiga bas waaye mar haddaad habaryar i tiri waan iska kaa dhaafayyaa...

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San-ku-neefle ma oggoli

Inuu iga sarreyn karo

Kind of makes me sad to think of "what-it-used to-be" - maanta waxaa la marayaa heer san-ku-neefle xaarka laga dhaqo.


Well done, Mr Labo.

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Sharmaakow inadeer, ma noolayd! mise islaantii baa guriga kugu xirtay oo is tiri yaanu meel xille ka dhicin.. ;)


Ngonge, Iga raali noqo sxb,waxaad soo qortaba si kalaan u qaataaye - it is inherent laakiinse waan joojin!


KK, heedhe Geeljire ku qooraanseye xishoo gabar baad tahaye!


Xiin, ina adeer reer miyi si lagu noqdaa wey adagtahay balse waan metelayaa. Meel ladegoo ka wacan maanta ma jirto.


Nephthys - Allaylehe abidkeen maanteynu ugu liidanaa. Alla haynoo gargaaro!

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Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood:

, heedhe Geeljire ku qooraanseye xishoo

Axem, Axem, wiilkaan magaciisa ka helo, anigu ma xishoodo dee...Qofkii iga xishoodo uunbaanka xishoodaa...Anyone else can kiss - well you know what... :D


Serenity, porcupine Kooley ladhoho waligey ma maqlin, laakiin Kooley cali banjar haa...Kooley calibanjar, bahalaa kalagooyay - maluga heesi jirinoo horta...Maxaa horta loogu soo kor shamuumi jiray, maskiitan qeelada iyo sabciska ey kabaqoso waxaa la dhihi jiray wey dheeloysaa... :D Ohhhhhhhhh, the good old sweet dayzzzzzz...Wadankeena allaha noo hagaajiyo...

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Continuing on with the translations of Somali Poems, here is another great Gabay.




This letter dated January 1904, speaks of of the tragic battle of Jidbaale where so many Somalis lost their lives. Though the Dervishes lost a thousand men in the Battle of Jidbaale, yet the opposing forces led by the British Army also consisted of thousands of Somalis, many of whom lost their lives on that day. Speaking of this battle and other battles the Dervishes engaged in, Ismaciil Mire composed the following poem and speaks about the gravity of the situation.


History has it that Ismaciil Mire and his friend Maxamad camped at some people’s hut one night and a woman charged towards him and accused him of several things, including killing her sons, looting her camels and so forth, in order to set the local men against him in retaliation. Ismaciil Mire was at the time the leader of some regiments of the Dervish army, being the second in the chain of command after the Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan. Relating the tale of the woman and her accusations as well as shedding light on the conditions of the battlefield, Mire said:




Gelin dhexe xalaan Maxamadow, geyrtay oo kacaye

Gam’ina waayey hadalkay i tidhi, gacallow naagtiiye

Adigay gabley tidhi markaad, geyshka wadateene



Midnight last night, oh Maxamad, with a jolt I awoke


And I couldn’t sleep, my dear, of what the woman told me


You murdered my offspring, she said, when you with your army came


Waxay tidhi adaa igu gondolay, garangartaan iile

Waxay tidhi aday guridhigoo, ma lihi gaadiide

Waxay tidhi adaa gelengel tubay, garayartaydiiye


She said that you have tied me to this uninhabited wilderness


She said you have rendered me home-bound and I have no camels


She said you have, in the deserted fields, left my flock of goats


Waxay tidhi guyaalkii adaa, gaajo ii dilaye

Waxay tidhi gurboodkii adaa, geesaha u dhigaye

Guhaadeeda aan jirin bal aan, gabay ka soo qaado


She said you have, over the years, starved me to death


She said you have killed all the youth


Of her false intimidations now, let me recite a poem


Gumburo iyo Cagaarweyne iyo, geedkii Daratoole

Goobtii Jidbaaliyo Xargaga, guuldarradii joogtay

Gembigii ka dhacay Ruuga iyo, gudurigii haagay


At Gumburo* and Cagaarweyne* and the tree of Daratoole*


The location of Jidbaale* and Xargaga*, the defeat that prevailed


The turmoil that took place at Ruuga* and the Guduri* that feasted


Gabooddeeda Beerdhiga wixii, la isku gooraamay

Maydkii gabraday seerigay, Good ku tumanaysay

Gawarkaad maraysaba laftaad, galayaxaa mooddo


The tragedy at Beerdhiga* and the bloody slaughter that ensued


The death that filled the grounds where Good* had trampled upon


On every bank that you tread and the skeletons that dried


Gob ninkii ahaan jirey wuxuu, gibil madoobaadey

Giddigiis naflaa’iga wixii, gobolba meel aaday


When the noblest of men became emaciated with hunger


The entire population, when every region scattered to a place


Dayuuradaha gowliyo wixii, samada guuraayey

Daarihii gelgelintaa noqdiyo, gebiyadii ciiray

Wixii guuldarriyo hoog ka dhacay, dunida guudkeeda


The planes that roared and the things that travelled the sky


The buildings turned to rubble and the walls that collapsed


The defeat and devastation that overwhelmed the world’s pinnacle


Gembiyo jahaadkii arlada, gaday wixii joogay

Gaaliyo Daraawiish wixii, uunka kala gaadhay

Keligey ma wada geysannine, la isku geeryooye


The destruction and holy war that engulfed the earth’s inhabitants


The infidels and Dervishes and between the people what occurred


It’s not only I to blame, for both parties suffered countless casualties


Geyigii rogmaday oo dhan baad, guudka ii sudhiye

Waxbana hay gurraynine dembaad, galabsanaysaaye

Gartaa maaha naag yahay inaad, ii gilgilataaye


All the ravaged land, you have saddled on my head


So accuse me not, for you are only accumulating sin


You have no right, o’ woman, to threaten me


Gashi kaama qabo oo ma layn, gabannadaadiiye

Gambana kaama furan baan u fili, gulufyadaydiiye

Naa gefkiyo beenta daa yaadan gelin, godadkii naareede


I owe you no blood money, and your sons I did not kill


And I don’t think my regiments robbed you of your scarf


So stop the transgression and lies, o’ woman, lest you dwell in the pits of hellfire



Guduri = a bird that feeds on corpses


Gumburo, Cagaarweyne, Daratoole, Jidbaale, Xargaga, Ruuga, and Beerdhiga – These are areas, stretching from the vicinity of Laascanood, and scattered all the way from the Nugaal valley to Burco, are the sites where the Dervishes engaged in battles with the British forces. It is in the battle of Jidbaale where they suffered most casualties. An anonymous man was cited to have said…



Abidkeyba meel lagu jabaan jiqila buurnaaye


Dagaalkii jidbaaley ninkii joogey baan ahaye


Ilaahay I jecelaa muxuu jiray arwaaxdayda



I have always dwelled in the horrible places of defeat


I was the man present at the war of Jidbaaley


O’ how God loves me for he has protected my soul



p.s I have removed a few lines from the poem containing tribal names simply because some people have the tendency to read tribal names out of context - oh! and it is against SOL rules! ;) The lines i have removed though shed more evidence of the disaster that struck the Dervishes on the days of their battles.

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Laba-Xininyood, your clansmen were leading that war in Jidbaale. lol


Keep it coming. Your translation is excellent.

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

Sheekha, isboorko waaxid...Hus baa lugu yidhi...


Labo_Xiniinyood (gosh waaba ka xishoonaa inaan magacaaga qoree), thanks walaalo...It is very beautiful and powerful...

lol Kool Kat, you remind me a similar reaction of my cousin to a friend whose moniker is Qooqaani, that was the town he was born.


LX means a tough, hard working man.

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Abidkeyba meel lagu jabaan jiqila buurnaaye


Dagaalkii jidbaaley ninkii joogey baan ahaye


Ilaahay I jecelaa muxuu jiray arwaaxdayda

Maxaan weligey maqli jiray intan ......

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