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What's your theory?

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We all use the term intelligence and most of us have a good idea of what we mean by this term. Think for a moment about your own definition of intelligence. Did words such as brainy, smart, bright or cluey come into mind? These are the kinds of words which many people associate with intelligence.


David Wechsler's theory of intelligence:

1. Awareness: Intelligent behaviour is conscious and controlled. In other words, you are aware of what you are doing and why you are doing it. Unlike an involuntary response such as a reflex, intelligent behaviour is intentional.

2. Good directed: Intelligent behaviour has a purpose. It is not just any random ('haphazard') behaviour. It is targeted at accomplishing a particular goal.

3. Rational : Intelligent behaviour is consistent and appropriate for accomplishing a particular goal.

4. Worthwhile: Intelligent behaviour is valued by others--it is constructive and useful.


Charles Spearman's theory: Intelligence as a single ability

Spearman developed this theory through a statistical method called factor analysis

He gave a different tests to many children , measuring their ability on various tasks, which he assumed were associated with intelligence; for example, general knowledge, arithmetic and reasoning. Spearman found that individuals who scored high on one kind of task also tended to score high on others. Individuals who scored low on one kind of task also tended to score low on others. He concluded that his relationship was due to a general underlying factor which we all possess in varying amounts. Spearman called this factor g. He described g as a kind of well or stream of mental energy that flows into everything an individual does. On other words, g is the major determinant of intelligent behaviour. The person with a great deal of g is able to demonstrate well-developed intellectual activity in a variety of situations, from excelling in school to navigating at sea. Spearman's data did not a show that a person with a great deal of g.

His data showed that individuals perform better on some kinds of mental ability tasks than on others. He concluded that his was due to specific factors associated with particular abilities.

He called these specific factors s.

For example, tests of arithmetic and general knowlegde would each tap a separate s.

In Spearman's view, an individuals tested intelligence reflects the amount of g plus the amount of various s factors.

Performance on a reasoning task, for example, would involve general intellectual ability (g) and specific reasoning ability (s).


Howard Gardner's theory: different kinds of intelligence

Howard suggested that there are seven different kinds of intelligence, which are:

Linguistic intelligence- use of language and words (written and spoken)

Musical intelligence- musical competence, such as understanding pitch, rhythm and timbre

Logical-mathematic intelligence- ordering and recording things to measure their quantity, using a chain of reasoning in solving a problem

Spatial intelligence- mentally forming and using accurate visual images of real objects and events, mentally rotating objects in 3D space

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence- using one's body in highly specialised and skilled ways, as seen in athletes, dancers and other physical performers

Intrapersonal intelligence- ability to understand one's own feeling and to draw on them to guide one's behaviour in an appropriate way

Interpersonal intelligence- ability to read other people's moods, motivations, intentions and other internal states and effectively act upon his knowlegde.


I personally would have to agree with Gardner's because I may be good at one thing and not at others but that doesn't mean that I am not intelligent.



~Who's theory do you agree with?~

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OG Moti   

Mizz lexus good point .. but intelligent is not a singular but multiple as you already indicated in ur article, actually intelligences are about 9 different skills or intelligences that every person has it in their system, it is just some develop more intelligences than others and everyone has them all, some use one intelligence to enhance another one or develop... some neglect to develop any of their intelligences which makes people call them not intelligent or $tupid or even slow... but as far as the theory concerns no one is unintelligent .. it is up to the person to develop those god given skills in their system... so what is intelligence....?

intelligence is the ability to solve problems that are faced by a group of people in a particular time and the one who finds the best solution and the quickest to solve the problem is considered intelligent person...


the 9 intelligences

1. Verbal intelligence – ability to recognize language patterns and ability to express,

- Example: politics, teachers, novelist, writers, actors


2. Spatial Intelligence – ability to draw pictures in mind and express them accurately

- Examples: Remembering places, Artist, Blind person, paint artist...

3. Musical intelligence – ability to recognize sounds and differentiate different sounds – like a person could know what type of car by only hearing the engine sound without seeing the car

- Example: Singers, pianist,


4. Bodily intelligence – gymnastic, athletic, robe walkers, dancers

5. Logical and mathematical – Math teachers, programmers, Scientist

6. Interpersonal – Marketing manager, sales personal, politicians, teachers – team workers

7. Intrapersonal – Authors, people who prefer to work alone....


The above well explained by Mizz_lexus – Additional 2 intelligences recently discovered..


8. Naturalist intelligence: The naturalist intelligence involves the full range of knowing that occurs in and through our encounters with the natural world including our recognition, appreciation, and understanding of the natural environment. It involves such capacities as species discernment, communion with the natural world and its phenomena, and the ability to recognize and classify various flora and fauna


If the naturalist intelligence is one of your strengths you have a profound love for the outdoors, animals, plants, and almost any natural object. You are probably fascinated by and noticeably affected by such things as the weather, changing leaves in the fall, the sound of the wind, the warm sun or lack thereof, or an insect in the room. At a young age you were likely nature collectors, adding such things as bugs, rocks leaves, seashells, sticks, and so on to your collections. You probably brought home all manner and kinds of stray animals and today you may have several pets and want more. You tend to have an affinity with and respect for all living beings.


9. Emotional intelligence: - ability to express feelings, this common saying that women are emotional and men are rational is just a Somali myth and originated by arabs and adopted by the whole world... emotions and expressing them are just another skills that women developed more than men, however men are catching up and more men are expressing their emotions now a days.. but in case of somalis we need to work on that intelligence cause we are lacking it among somali men.


sorry for being too much to details. i just teach this subject in my unioversity..the Subject is Called multiple intelligences. and my students just love it ... some seem to believe that they developed so many intelligences since they start that class... most in their interpersonal intelligence... peace

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Lucky :rolleyes:



OG_M I know there was more then 7 but I wanted to limit the list...YOu have got to be a id~ot if you didn't realise that :rolleyes: Not saying that you are a id~ot. Anyway I didn't ask you to correct me. I asked which one you believed?

OG_M are you looking for a fight or something? :confused: Because I know that I ain't redface.gif

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OG Moti   
:D :eek: :rolleyes: :(;) HEY MIZZ LEXUS IT SEEMS U WANT A FIGHT, I AM GETTING OLD I CAN NOT FIGHT NO MORE, I WAS JUST EXPLAINING And i believe int he theory and i beleive no one ever developed all of them one time, and the one who have most of them is considered intelligence, i can see u developed few of them, but i sure hope u developed the bodily intelligence since u like to fight.. to me every one is intelligence except some are more intelligent means have more skills like me having more skills over u for example :D just example dont take it personal.. peace waryaa we made peace no coming back from there... peace

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:rolleyes: :rolleyes: OG_M maybe you haaven't realised this but I have always showed it :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

And i believe int he theory and i beleive no one

Another error, Ouch...Re-check your work :rolleyes:


Jeez, I never knew I had such a effect on some people. I never knew you could rise your voice. Hummm I guess you figure out new things about people everyday. :rolleyes:



PS: MiSs_LeXuS use some many rolleyes because she felt threatened

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